My Mum was a nurse, damn good one, she got crippled because she was compassionate
Patient who'd had an amputation fell as they were moving him, nowadays they are trained for good reason to let them drop (may soudn callous but it's necessary or the nurse will get seriously injured)
Mom didn't let go, as she didn't want him hurt, so him grabbing/holdign her as he fell, broke her back.
Mum was from the "old school" back in 50s/60s, when they cleaned the wards themselves, OMG, love her but she's a freakin holy annoying terror when it comes ot house work, everything had to be spic span and perfect 'cause that's how she was as a nurse, arrrrrgh!
you can't divorce or bury yer mother under the patio, lol, so I stuck to doing stuff outside the house and other work cause she'd drive you bloody barmy, tleling you how to do everything, etc
She saw quite a few appalling screw ups and saved several folks lives before that injury forced her to stop working as a nurse:
-a nurse BLOWING up an IV line to "clean it", yeha right, millions of bacteria form her mouth will help, FFS...
-A doc going to inject a patient with 100 times the dose of a vaccine
-And her sister (my aunt obviously) as wee girl got Diabetes Type 1 suddenly, so Mum was visiting and went ballistic on the nurse and doctor who were there, 'cause in her words
Do you bastards like playing Nazis? Seeing how much air it takes to kill a child?"
cause the assholes were sitting there wathcing as bubbles were clearly moving down the IV line into my aunt's arm and these two twats never noticed (though one can think of worse things going on perhaps)
Mum often got in trouble for "daring to speak back to doctors", cause a fair number of them were petty, stupid bastards, especially consultants.
Fortunately the head matron supported her.
As I've often said, the problem is with the PROFFESION, the system stinks, it encourages "omerta" allows murderers free reign, bigots to act with impunity etc.
It's a fault all organizations/groups suffer, another scandal of sex abuse in religion has emerged, this time in Orthodox Jewish community in USA, and what do folk do? attack the ones who exposed the perverts (some were parents OF abused kids who were attacking the whistleblowers, FFS)!!
Because all the morons think about is the "reputaiton of the organization/group"
And these folk on that forum who're the worst, are obviously just p**sheads, not worth bothering about
except their ignorant bigotry can and does affect other people.
If this was in regard to race creed or colour, they'd get read the riot act.
Such abusive and ignorant talk in professional bodies, leads to bad practice, which leads to negligence or worse.
They have every right to behave like assholes, like it or not, and so do we
Except when it comes to actual harm to others.