ME/CFS Research: Herpes Autoimmune Spectrum Disorder

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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Hi @Iknovate ....

Having read your posts, I think that you might find this thread really interesting, and possibly really helpful .... @joshua.leisk 's first post on this thread goes into really solid background and supportive data on how he developed his thinking re his research and is worth reading, even before you dive into the research paper itself ....

Here's a link to both the research paper Joshua and Aline Nocon have written, surprizingly, in eloquent, lucid English as opposed to most other research I've read, and following that, the Bitly redirect to the various updated versions of their protocol ....

CFS/ME: A New Hope

CFS/ME: A New Hope


Joshua Leisk (Researcher)
Sydney, Australia
@joshua.leisk one more question,

so before I read about this protocol I was planning on taking Lions mane and reishi, would this be dangerous if i’ve not got the other supports in or just a waste of time and money?
I would say the “bare minimum” is EGCG/reishi/lions mane/R-ALA (not just ALA) and making the dietary changes - adding oat bran as a further immunostimulant - in this combination it can be extremely potent, if not overwhelming. I could share some user experiences. Start slow. :)

This reduced method is a slower and more bumpy journey, which is why I later added the extra ROS support and other things in. There are too many variables in people’s diets and microbiome to create a predictable experience.

Ideally, you’d do the fast and then follow on with 3.1, however I believe you’d also eventually still get results with the reduced protocol components.. you just may not enjoy it as much and abandon the attempt. The immune response is already going to test people.


Joshua Leisk (Researcher)
Sydney, Australia
@joshua.leisk can I ask why r-ala and not ala? Just curious as to the difference
Very good question..

On paper, you'd expect ALA to contain both isomers and work just fine, even if it was at 50% less potency than the label indicates.

However, from early participant feedback in v2.x, it was reported "ALA did nothing" vs "wow, R-ALA is really lovely".

I haven't pursued an explanation for this yet, as we simply moved forward with R-ALA and I became busy writing the third paper. When I have a decent answer for this discrepency, I'll let you know. :D
joshua.leisk, can you please share links of Reishi and Lion's Mane and liposomal glutathione that your clients use. Can I use Alpha-GPC instead of choline bitartrate?

Is sodium benzoate safe in large amounts? Combining it with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) make the carcinogen benzene. Sry but I'm little bit afraid to take sodium benzoate and combine it with vit C.

How long should i follow this protocol?



Senior Member
The EBV VCA IgG marker appears to be the marker that infers latent cell burden.

I disagree. VCA can by nature only respond to viral capsids, which come from active replication during the transition from the lytic to the active phase. But latent and early lytic signaling (or transcytosis in general) can still cause problems even if it is suppressed too early to reactivate. In this case, the early antigens are the only sensitive indicator because their antibodies appear in response to lytic signaling.

Spironolactone + sodium benzoate (HDAC inhibitor) performed reasonably well in this regard (commenced January 2021)

The ketogenic diet also inhibits HDAC (BHB in particular). Do you intend to develop a plan for a ketogenic diet as well?


Senior Member
Congratulations to you and Aline on finishing that pre-print. Left you a a couple of messages about a biochemist you may enjoy communicating with on the other side of the Tasman. I think you will enjoy presenting your work here - it is generally a welcoming place. I was particularly struck by the possibility of taming those B cells without chemotherapy. At one point, many people here were hoping for a trial of rituximab. I would love to participate, but at the moment, I don't have a caregiver to help me through the rough parts, since vaunted ADL's or Activities of Daily Living are all up to me.
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...


Senior Member
seems this is getting more interesting and I need to read it all again, have anyone started trying the proposed treatment plan ? also how does it differ from things people have tried before, is is more of a specific combination of things informed by precise knowledge of the effects ? Your work does seem to draw parallels with things that Dr Prusty has been talking about ( that guy seems to know more than he is letting on ).

simple question I suppose is, if we presume there to be some merit to all this, what did you do differently to the big labs / funded studies ? the likelihood of a 2 man casual research team making some sort of breakthrough rather than Stanford or similar seems unlikely does it not ?

Edit - Looked into this a bit, trying to see if anything lines up ...
" In human cerebral cortex, hGDH1 and hGDH2 are expressed in astrocytes, the cells responsible for removing and metabolizing transmitter glutamate, and for supplying neurons with glutamine and lactate. "
GDH thingy
In one of his cryptic tweets Dr Prusty seemed to be researching these Astrocyte things ( I never heard of it before ) Picture of the day: Astrocytes stained from a CFS brain.
A little look and you can find that someone was able to figure out that the picture shows A1 activated mode of this type of cell.
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Senior Member
In one of his cryptic tweets Dr Prusty seemed to be researching these Astrocyte things ( I never heard of it before ) [URL='' said:
Picture of the day: Astrocytes stained from a CFS brain.[/URL]
A little look and you can find that someone was able to figure out that the picture shows A1 activated mode of this type of cell.
@Reading_Steiner. Yes, Bupesh seems to like the cryptic tweets.:) I guess he's hoping to attract funding and who can blame him?
I tried to comprehend what you wrote and shared with us @joshua.leisk
My question is, does anyone else has this symptom: since I started with the 4 cups green tea 3 days ago, I have this feeling as if I don't get enough air in my system, does anyone know this effect or can it to me? Does this has to do with the grean tea? It is quite unsettling, so I am not sure what to do now.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Did you have air hunger much before the green tea? Mine comes and goes but is always worse when overtaxed. I wonder if the green tea is getting something moving in your body and making you feel worse hence air hunger. Be interesting to see how much Joshua has seen this with his patients.
Did you have air hunger much before the green tea? Mine comes and goes but is always worse when overtaxed. I wonder if the green tea is getting something moving in your body and making you feel worse hence air hunger. Be interesting to see how much Joshua has seen this with his patients.
Yes I wonder that too... I think it has to be the tea, it began two days ago, so one day after I started drinking the cups as described in his paper and simce then it's constant.
I will stick to it for another few days. I have experienced air hunger before but not this long. Last time when I tried wim hoffs breathing exercise,...after all the heavy breathing I needed even more air. So I ditched that try.
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