ME/CFS patient goes into remission after taking "elixir of youth" GDF11

I didn’t realize that it can possibly take only 2 rounds or so for results and then you can stop. I thought it was more long term so this is encouraging as well.

My stomach got better the first week and by week 2 no more issues. The consensus for LL-37 is 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 6 weeks on based on a few podcasts and users in the peptide community. I believe the podcast is here:

The doctor that said it didn’t mean anything is being incompetent. I went through 30 Doctors none of who could help my health issues until I got hold of Dr, Brownstein in Michigan who works with people with CFS/Fibro and he mentions Mycoplasma is all part of it. Here is the study confirming it hides in your nervous system where it then causes chronic attack by your immune system to get rid of, which it also attacks the myelin creating holes:

Your neuropathy is because of the inflammation being caused by the Mycoplasma. Brownsteins method to get rid of it is low dose antibiotics for a year, as well as a few other supplements along side and afterwards, one of them being Potassium Iodide which has been my TOP OF THE LINE best and #1 supplement (besides the peptides BPC-157, LL-37, and GDF-11) that I continue using. All combined, the 1 year low dose ABX to address the Mycoplasma and Peptides, Potassium Iodide and I am 80% recovered.

So your problem is autoimmune because mycoplasma is causing a chronic on going endless attack against your Myelin Sheath nerve coverings, where the Mycoplasma attaches to

I have not herd of ARA_290, as I have had tons of success fixing my nerves with Metformin, and have been eyeing Sobetirome which has an effect on nerves:

and is available here:

Also I have never bought from peptide sciences, only canlabs and purerawz. Good luck
Hi @cly09 -- Here's a LINK to a post on the healing power of castor oil. It describes how a woman was able to overcome a long-standing serious abdominal situation with one healing session. Perhaps doing something like that could provide at least some temporary relief. -- Best...

Thank you, I will look into it!
My stomach got better the first week and by week 2 no more issues. The consensus for LL-37 is 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 6 weeks on based on a few podcasts and users in the peptide community. I believe the podcast is here:

The doctor that said it didn’t mean anything is being incompetent. I went through 30 Doctors none of who could help my health issues until I got hold of Dr, Brownstein in Michigan who works with people with CFS/Fibro and he mentions Mycoplasma is all part of it. Here is the study confirming it hides in your nervous system where it then causes chronic attack by your immune system to get rid of, which it also attacks the myelin creating holes:

Your neuropathy is because of the inflammation being caused by the Mycoplasma. Brownsteins method to get rid of it is low dose antibiotics for a year, as well as a few other supplements along side and afterwards, one of them being Potassium Iodide which has been my TOP OF THE LINE best and #1 supplement (besides the peptides BPC-157, LL-37, and GDF-11) that I continue using. All combined, the 1 year low dose ABX to address the Mycoplasma and Peptides, Potassium Iodide and I am 80% recovered.
Thanks for this info, I’ll have to look into it and change my protocol accordingly. I also have sky high levels of EBV but not if early antigen so not sure if this means anything. I did see a naturopath who thinks it doesn’t mean anything but I know some CFS doctors may disagree.

I was thinking of getting the oral stable BPC-157 to go along with the other 2 because I don’t think I can take 3 needles a day. I read conflicting things about it but might be worth a try.

So your problem is autoimmune because mycoplasma is causing a chronic on going endless attack against your Myelin Sheath nerve coverings, where the Mycoplasma attaches to
So your problem is autoimmune because mycoplasma is causing a chronic on going endless attack against your Myelin Sheath nerve coverings, where the Mycoplasma attaches to
Very interesting, I always believed autoimmune issues/diseases don’t just happen for no reason. I was told I may have Lyme but testing is negative so far so maybe it’s all the Mycoplasma.
I have not herd of ARA_290, as I have had tons of success fixing my nerves with Metformin, and have been eyeing Sobetirome which has an effect on nerves:

and is available here:

Cool, I’ll take a look at the links. Thanks again for all the info.
Also I have never bought from peptide sciences, only canlabs and purerawz. Good luck


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Thank you, I will look into it!

Please do. If you decide to follow up on it, I can describe how I do a VERY simplified version of the castor oil pack protocols that you often see in books and on YouTube. There's no need for it to be so complicated! It only takes me a couple minutes to get ready to do one, and I don't have to worry about "spills" or anything like that.


Thanks @Hip for starting this very informative thread and @beatsmyth @CaptainA for sharing your experience. I decided to purchase the GDF11 and give it a try. I am finding I "build up a tolerance" to the things that help me pretty quickly, so I have taken to rotating them through, the more space I can leave between doses of something that helps, the more likely I am to get the continued benefit. Anyhow, I will let everyone know how I do with the GDF-11.


Senior Member
Shanti1 please let me know how GDF-11 works for you. If possible PM me.

Last year around this time until Sep. I could not eat anything with a fruity taste and gagged when I smelled any cooked food, especially beef and green beans.
I ordered a very extensive stool test. The results revealed that my colons are in terrible shape. Since Jan 2022 I´m taking 1 Resveratol extra (from PURE) per day, plus Dekristol 20 000 Vit 3, 2 x a week, plus 1/2 antihistamine at bedtime, and have one (green) banana per day. After one month I began slowly enjoying food again. Now I´m eating again everything I like.
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Please do. If you decide to follow up on it, I can describe how I do a VERY simplified version of the castor oil pack protocols that you often see in books and on YouTube. There's no need for it to be so complicated! It only takes me a couple minutes to get ready to do one, and I don't have to worry about "spills" or anything like that.

Yes, please let me know your protocol, I am going to order some from Amazon. Thanks!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
If you decide to follow up on it, I can describe how I do a VERY simplified version of the castor oil pack protocols that you often see in books and on YouTube.

can you share that with me @Wayne ?

I'm needing to do a castor oil pack....and messiness is off-putting.

I am a firm believer in castor oil cures.

I"ve been just starting to play with black seed oil and its: doing something topical

wonder about combining the with some castor oil.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Yes, please let me know your protocol, I am going to order some from Amazon. Thanks!
can you share that with me @Wayne ?

I hope I can make this sound as simple as it is. -- Normally in the instructions, they have you heat up castor oil, put lots of it on your abdomen and torso, put large cloths over it all, heat up water on the stove for the hot water bottles to make it nice and hot, put a large piece of plastic sheath over the cloth to keep it from dripping, etc., etc.

My philosophy, which stems from quite a lot of personal experience, is that this is way too complcated, and surprisingly, somewhat counterproductive. I've found that the excessive heat that is normally called for is hard on my system. The time involved in preparation can also discourage me from doing it at all. Also, no matter how hard I try to not have it be messy, it almost always is. So here's what works really well for me.

I fill up two hot water bottles with hot water from the faucet. I put the bottles on my bed with a wrapped up old blanket over it. I lay down on the top of the bed and put a separate blanket over myself from the waist down, in a way so that I can easily pull it up after I apply the oil on my torso. I then place a section from an old towel (about 1' x 2') and place it on top of the blanket.​
I then apply a relatively small amount of castor oil (about an ounce or so) over my solar plexus area, and then rub it with just one finger over the rest of my mid-section. I only cover an area the size of a small plate or so. -- I then immediately put the 1' x 2' towel on top of the castor oil. -- I then put the hot water bottles on top of the towel and the wrapped up old blanket on top of the bottles. -- I then pull the other blanket up over it all. I'll spend as little as 20 minutes per session, or an hour or more, especially if I go to sleep (happens fairly often).​

I can do this all without it being messy because I only have one fingertip that has gotten oil on it. And I feel I'm pretty strategic about that as well. :whistle: I rub the castor oil residue from my fingertip onto my eye area (including eyebrows), and also including over the eyelids, as the oil is good for both. I also rub a bit around my whole face, as I've read that putting castor oil on your face can make a person look ten years younger in very short order.

BTW, I use a castor oil bottle that has a squirt top, so I don't have to put a cap back on. After I apply the oil, I put the bottle on top of a used yogurt container lid on the dresser next to my bed. There's always going to be a bit that drips from the bottle after applying it. -- Let me know if you have any questions!

Also BTW, I talked with a chiropractor once who had a clinic with a sauna in it. He originally thought that to get the full benefit of a sauna, you had to have it quite hot, and had to do it for a good amount of time, like 45 minutes or so. He told me he soon learned that that didn't work well for him.

He then discovered that more frequent and lower temperature saunas for about 10 minutes at a time worked so much better. He thought doing these more frequent shorter ones was much easier on the body, and was actually more effective. I think the principles of this are pretty similar to how I view more frequent, lower temperature castor oil packs (I do them almost daily). I've found them to be more relaxing and therapeutic than the hotter ones.

Also.... Edgar Cayce said castor oil packs have a unique ability to harmonize the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in remarkable ways. I've noticed is that it feels so unusually calming and relaxing, that it provides a great time to do things like visualization techniques, meditations or contemplations, etc. If you'd be interested in some of the energetic techniques I do while doing a castor oil pack, I could say a bit more about that as well.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
My philosophy, which stems from quite a lot of personal experience, is that this is way too complcated, and surprisingly, somewhat counterproductive.

OH goody Thank You!

Castor oil is so goopy thick....

I"m really into Edgar Caycey.

I'm going to combine the castor oil with Copaiba resin in a personal experiment.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
If you'd be interested in some of the energetic techniques I do while doing a castor oil pack, I could say a bit more about that as well.

I see how this will require getting centered and relaxed in order to chill out with one's castor oil.

Something I happen to enjoy doing, is I can do the entire 1700 Tai Chi maneuvers in my head while lying there, without moving. And internally, the body. shifts as if it HAD in fact performed these 1700 steps.

So I'm sort of into trying to combine THAT. Also some heart math type breathing would probably be beneficial.

(I'm needing to apply this pack to my right ribcage/liver area where I have a lymphatic issue. that needs to clear out).
I hope I can make this sound as simple as it is. -- Normally in the instructions, they have you heat up castor oil, put lots of it on your abdomen and torso, put large cloths over it all, heat up water on the stove for the hot water bottles to make it nice and hot, put a large piece of plastic sheath over the cloth to keep it from dripping, etc., etc.

My philosophy, which stems from quite a lot of personal experience, is that this is way too complcated, and surprisingly, somewhat counterproductive. I've found that the excessive heat that is normally called for is hard on my system. The time involved in preparation can also discourage me from doing it at all. Also, no matter how hard I try to not have it be messy, it almost always is. So here's what works really well for me.

I fill up two hot water bottles with hot water from the faucet. I put the bottles on my bed with a wrapped up old blanket over it. I lay down on the top of the bed and put a separate blanket over myself from the waist down, in a way so that I can easily pull it up after I apply the oil on my torso. I then place a section from an old towel (about 1' x 2') and place it on top of the blanket.​
I then apply a relatively small amount of castor oil (about an ounce or so) over my solar plexus area, and then rub it with just one finger over the rest of my mid-section. I only cover an area the size of a small plate or so. -- I then immediately put the 1' x 2' towel on top of the castor oil. -- I then put the hot water bottles on top of the towel and the wrapped up old blanket on top of the bottles. -- I then pull the other blanket up over it all. I'll spend as little as 20 minutes per session, or an hour or more, especially if I go to sleep (happens fairly often).​

I can do this all without it being messy because I only have one fingertip that has gotten oil on it. And I feel I'm pretty strategic about that as well. :whistle: I rub the castor oil residue from my fingertip onto my eye area (including eyebrows), and also including over the eyelids, as the oil is good for both. I also rub a bit around my whole face, as I've read that putting castor oil on your face can make a person look ten years younger in very short order.

BTW, I use a castor oil bottle that has a squirt top, so I don't have to put a cap back on. After I apply the oil, I put the bottle on top of a used yogurt container lid on the dresser next to my bed. There's always going to be a bit that drips from the bottle after applying it. -- Let me know if you have any questions!

Also BTW, I talked with a chiropractor once who had a clinic with a sauna in it. He originally thought that to get the full benefit of a sauna, you had to have it quite hot, and had to do it for a good amount of time, like 45 minutes or so. He told me he soon learned that that didn't work well for him.

He then discovered that more frequent and lower temperature saunas for about 10 minutes at a time worked so much better. He thought doing these more frequent shorter ones was much easier on the body, and was actually more effective. I think the principles of this are pretty similar to how I view more frequent, lower temperature castor oil packs (I do them almost daily). I've found them to be more relaxing and therapeutic than the hotter ones.

Also.... Edgar Cayce said castor oil packs have a unique ability to harmonize the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in remarkable ways. I've noticed is that it feels so unusually calming and relaxing, that it provides a great time to do things like visualization techniques, meditations or contemplations, etc. If you'd be interested in some of the energetic techniques I do while doing a castor oil pack, I could say a bit more about that as well.

Thanks, this is very helpful.


I've had the GDF-11 from buckylabs in the coldest part of my fridge for a few weeks now and I finally mixed it up today according to @Hip 's directions. I injected subQ about three hours ago and so far I feel more alert, better cognition, and more energy. I'll report back on how it goes over the next few days.


Yesterday I injected 100pg in the evening and felt noticeably better the rest of the day. I had really vivid dreams all night. Today I feel a little hungover, but not terrible. I'm going to wait a few days and try it again but in the morning instead of evening and with a lower dose.

As a side note, the product from Buckylabs now comes pre-mixed in .5ml of water, so the vial you receive has a small amount of liquid in it instead of a speck the size of a sugar grain. To compensate for this and retain the same dosing in Hips mixing instructions, I disposed of 0.5ml from the Master bacteriostatic water vial before mixing.

Also, Steve Perry has changed his maintenance dose recommendation from 10-20pg once per week to 5-10pg once/week.
My current recommendations are a starting dose of 100 to 500 pg/day. Then watch trending and take a holiday/cut dose if trending is going the wrong direction. Within 3 to 6 weeks, you should down-regulate and need only 5 to 10 pg once/week.
For those who haven't read his paper, by trending he is referring to various daily biomarkers such as BP, pulse, and HRV.


It turns out the 100pg dose was too much for me. After a week I tried the GDF11 again, but at a dose of 5-10pg. I took it for about a week and felt great with it the first couple of days, then I started to get a low-grade fever in the afternoons and to feel a little off mentally, so I discontinued it.

I just injected 10pg after about a month of not touching GDF11 and feel significantly better. It seems to immediately help with energy, mental clarity, and my orthostatic intolerance.

The research on GDF11 is so controversial that I hesitate to use it frequently. I foresee myself using this on rare occasion when needed for some "event". Apart from that, I'm not sure my body would accept it on a daily basis.
It turns out the 100pg dose was too much for me. After a week I tried the GDF11 again, but at a dose of 5-10pg. I took it for about a week and felt great with it the first couple of days, then I started to get a low-grade fever in the afternoons and to feel a little off mentally, so I discontinued it.

I just injected 10pg after about a month of not touching GDF11 and feel significantly better. It seems to immediately help with energy, mental clarity, and my orthostatic intolerance.

The research on GDF11 is so controversial that I hesitate to use it frequently. I foresee myself using this on rare occasion when needed for some "event". Apart from that, I'm not sure my body would accept it on a daily basis.
I've been injecting low dose GDF11 twice a week as a maintenance dose along with B Vitamins and BPC-157 and this combo has been a life saver


@beatsmyth Thanks for your reply. I had read your previous posts and was wondering how you were. I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well!

It looks like you have been taking the GDF-11 for two years now. Any negatives to report or have you only noticed benefits?

I was especially concerned about more recent research showing a cachexia/sarcopenic effect of GDF-11 on skeletal and heart muscle. I realize this may have to do with the dosing and that Steve Perry's "study group" has generally reported improved health markers, but it has given me pause.