Aidan Walsh
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I also have 3 Tumors in my brain one is an adenoma of the pituitary gland but ok the other 2 are in my Pineal Gland one sits on top of the other it cannot be measured but the top one is a 2.5 which is 5x normal is size, I will go to see a neurosurgeon at Addenbrooke Hospital Dr. Thomas Santarius to remove them.Hi Aidan, it sounds pretty similar to the effects of D-lactic acid, but as I was saying, there are other Neurotoxic Organic Acids from other forms of Bacterial Overgrowth that are capable of giving the same effects as D-lactic acidosis according to the American Journal of Nutrition including Histamine. So I guess that you may have had Acidosis and getting a Blood Gas may be a good first step and could possibly be done privately; if set up to do so, for when you develop systemic symptoms or breathing difficulty.
I also have periods of very low pulse as well as very fast. When my pulse rate went below 50 bpm many years ago during investigations the Consultant would not believe it and blamed it on the finger attachment; but my low pulse rate was setting off the alarm every time that I started to fall asleep and may have been related to Apnoea that I was having with long periods where I stopped breathing. I also go out like a light when I consume carbohydrates when unwell (this is not happening at the moment while in remission, nor reflux or difficulty emptying my stomach). So I have a few similarities to your symptoms.
Vomiting, Abdominal Pain and Sickness during bad episodes are some of the key symptoms; but it affects every organ systemically, from fast tachyarrhythmias to kidney failure that promotes further increase in D-lactic acid (but only during major exacerbations; symptoms can be from mild to extreme). I was diagnosed with both Tachycardia and Bradycardia during investigations for Apnoea which was also diagnosed.
Muscle weakness often causing me slurred speech is also another symptom as well as Fatigue and Memory difficulty; I have also had intermittent low temperatures as well as frequent high BP during episodes;
For 20 years, I was left with hundreds of periods of breathing difficulty without ever being given tests for acidosis; so I guess that probably no one else will have Blood Gasses taken when they develop breathing difficulty, which will most likely be put down to Anxiety and Overbreathing!!!! Because Doctors have misunderstood what is happening, so will react with some form of Somatic please!
Overbreathing happens because your body is trying to excrete and eliminate high C02 Acidosis by breathing faster, panting, increasing Blood Pressure and Heartrate, while the Heart muscle itself and (mitochondria dysfunction) must be affected by the Neurotoxin causing things like Ectopic heartbeats and tachyarrhythmia.
Sickness is one of the key signs during exacerbations along with encephalopathy that can be from dizziness to real cognitive difficulty and more severe encephalopathy.
We need a Chemist to be able to measure the most simple form of excreted D-lactate in Urine; If this was done with something like a test strip, then we could learn more by plotting a graph of the rise and fall with corresponding symptoms.
It would be interesting to see what levels come up on the Quantiquick Test Strip; whether it will be sensitive enough? but I am not sure if anyone has tried this yet?
I have had a very bad year being ill for much of it due to increasing antibiotic resistance and have just got my symptoms in remission; I do not want to allow myself to become ill again to try the strips. But I expect that D-la will be back again as it is virtually impossible to stop permanently. So I should really purchase some test strips to try out at some point in the future for reference.
I wonder if it would be worth talking to the manufacturers and see if they could produce test strips for urine at the required sensitivity? Or sensitive to a range of Organic acids?
I hope to see him first visit privately I will try for August. Have you looked at your MRI's with contrast to see if you have any at all they do not report these the total Asses?
You can get all of them online at NHS to send them free on NHS discs it takes a few weeks or more. I am not sure if they would do anything with urine strips for test D-Lact. If you ever change your mind & can copy your discs you can email me them I know how to look for them & enlarged them as well. The NHS Discs comes with a program you can measure the Tumors yourself even enlarge them. I am in Southampton.
There are a few Groups on Facebook you will see the MRI's in the Media link on there there is also a UK Group as well. Check search on FB Pineal Gland Cyst Tumors
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