ME/CFS for 18 years, recently diagnosed with D-Lactic acidosis as cause of symptoms and illness.


Senior Member
Northern southern California
e been trying to find out what is driving the Overgrowth; but there are so many possible factors, even diverticular pockets could allow for some of the Bacteria to be protected or even Biofilms, where bacteria act together to produce a protective layer around colonies of sometimes different Bacteria, which is another method or antibiotic resistance.
I can’t remember, did you have a negative breath test for sibo? Mine was negative, yet even the gastrologist is convinced that I have overgrowth. As you said, there must be other factors that have not yet been discovered.

In another post, there is discussion on temporary relief from colonoscopy prep, which further suggests this.

Have you tried to take herb/ supplement, anti microbial/ biofilm breakers? I am trying several things, but my stomach/ reflux is not cooperating. So far I’ve only been able to take tiny amounts of colostrum. Berberine and allicin are too harsh. Cistus tea is a powerful biofilm breaker, but again, I cannot tolerate tea.

Someone I’ve recently met suggested fructose malabsorption. Not fructose intolerance, which is a hereditary condition. Fructose malabsorption would be a gradual build up of fructose in the gut, due to a lack of enzymes to break them down. I would think, that in turn would create a food supply for opportunistic bacteria. I wouldn’t necessarily consider this a root cause, but possibly a secondary issue from dysbiosis.

My question would be, although I do not eat anything that obviously contains fructose, do wheat, corn, vegetables, things that I am eating, contain enough fructose to be a problem? If so, this could explain how the no-carb diet reduces symptoms. There is an enzyme product, xylose isomerase, that aids with breaking down fructose.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Someone I’ve recently met suggested fructose malabsorption. Not fructose intolerance, which is a hereditary condition. Fructose malabsorption would be a gradual build up of fructose in the gut, due to a lack of enzymes to break them down. I would think, that in turn would create a food supply for opportunistic bacteria. I wouldn’t necessarily consider this a root cause, but possibly a secondary issue from dysbiosis.

Hey Eddie-

I've read that most cases of fructose absorption can be overcome by making sure there is at least 50% glucose taken with the fructose. Clover honey is not suppose to be a problem because it's a 50/50 blend of fructose and glucose. The glucose acts as a"carrier" for the fructose.

I don't know if I have a problem with fructose absorption but I try to make sure when I eat fructose, there is at least the same amount or more of glucose with it, so it's well absorbed. I eat ripe bananas and oranges, etc. for this reason.

I actually buy 2 lb bags of dextrose (glucose) and add it into some of the things I eat with fructose in them, to make sure they are at least 50/50.


Senior Member
Northern southern California
The glucose acts as a"carrier" for the fructose
Hi Jim,
Yes, I read about that also, sprinkle glucose powder over fructose foods to break them down.

But I question if it’s even a factor for someone like myself, eating an extremely limited diet already.

And would the sibo breath test be considered a test for fructose malabsorption as well?


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
But I question if it’s even a factor for someone like myself, eating an extremely limited diet already.

Probably not if you're only eating very small amounts of fructose.

And would the sibo breath test be considered a test for fructose malabsorption as well?

I just googled this. It looks like the fructose malabsorption test is just like the sibo test but they use fructose instead of lactulose or glucose for the test.

We compare the hydrogen and methane levels in the 1-, 2- and 3-hour breath samples to the baseline (0 minute) sample. If any of the post-fructose samples contain 20 parts per million (ppm) hydrogen and methane gas above the baseline sample, you have fructose malabsorption.



Senior Member
Northern southern California
just google this. It looks like the fructose malabsorption test is just like the sibo test but they use fructose instead of lactulose or glucose for the test.
That’s what I needed to know, can you tell me, where you saw it?

This is somewhat confusing to my pea-brain, but what I’m reading says all sugars (sucrose) contain some amount of fructose. If this is not being broken down and is cumulative, could mean something.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Some useful information about supplemental glutamine.

I like what "Karen" wrote in the link you posted. It's certainly true for me.

Healing gut disorders is often one of the most complicated, daunting and challenging aspect of all health issues. There are multiple systems that all have to work in harmony and one tiny defect can affect everything downstream.

I tried a fairly high dose of glutamine for a year or more and didn't see any improvements in my gut. I was taking 10-30 grams a day for months. Then lowered the dose to 5-10 grams for many more months.

I don't think it was able to heal my gut because a leaky gut isn't the root cause of my gut issues.


Senior Member
Northern southern California
didn't see any improvements
I would expect the glutamine to either help or do nothing, as in your case.

As l said, I tried a couple things that actually made me worse. After reading that write up, it may have been things added to the glutamine that caused trouble. All the products had DGL.
I’ve yet to find a source of DGL that isn’t loaded with sugar alcohols.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
I’ve yet to find a source of DGL that isn’t loaded with sugar alcohols.

I have a bottle of DGL hanging around here somewhere. I bought it without sugar alcohols so that wouldn't be a problem. I still couldn't tolerate it for some reason. It made me feel sick and messed up my gut.

I don't know if it's the DGL or some other ingredient in the extract.

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
Hi, your Doctor is an idiot! None of them are trained to recognize D-La, which is why it took 18 years for me with extremes of illness. Even if not D-La there are other forms of Bacterial Overgrowth which can cause Fatigue and other CFS like symptoms. Bacterial Overgrowth is far more serious than it sounds and a poor prognosis of health.

If you have things like fatigue, dizziness, periods of difficulty thinking or breathing difficulty, muscle pain and or weakness or slurred speech (it can cause a host of different neurological problems and may be different from one person to another with fluctuating symptoms which can be acute, lessen or stop altogether at times. I also had periods of hypoglycemia, also fully diagnosed, caused by the Bacterial Overgrowth competing for my food. Hypoglycemia has also been reported by many CFS/ME).

Your Doctor is one of the reasons that these problems have remained undiagnosed for so long, he obviously does not have a clue or sufficient imagination to join the dots. I had to make my own diagnosis after 3 years of making my own investigations. Fortunately I was supported by a good Doctor who let me make my own appointments with consultant Gastroenterologists. You need to find a D-Lactic consultant or Gastroenterologist to investigate either D-La or Bacterial Overgrowth if you have GUT symptoms.

I have sent evidence below (Dr. Luke White; D-La more prevalent than we think) that anyone with Bacterial Overgrowth which causes Gastrointestinal symptoms is at risk of D-La. Many CFS/ME have IBS which may also be caused by Bacterial Overgrowth which is a common cause of Fatigue, Muscle symptoms and Diarrhea or Constipation (you can have more than one form of Bacterial Overgrowth and some Bacterial can live off Hydrogen and produce Methane which can cause Constipation and poor Motility which can result in D-La in a form of self perpetuating negative feedback loop. Although there are many causes of D-La including Diabetes which can also paradoxically be a product of Carbohydrates and Sugars! The whole loop may be caused by Carbs and Sugars and overuse of Antibiotics in Medicine and Agriculture). Poor motility alone can cause D-La!

D-La is supposed to be a rare condition associated with short bowel syndrome. I believe that it is not rare, but rarely tested for because of the belief that it is rare and only Blood Gasses during exaccerbations will show D-Lactic acidosis. Blood Gasses are probably never carried out for ME/CFS because it is misunderstood to be a psychological condition (blame Wessley). This has led to stagnation of investigations or understanding.

Dr. Luke White (below) believes that anyone suffering from Bacterial Overgrowth is at risk of D-La. Many ME/CFS have these symptoms. Join the dots....................

Carol Rees Parrish, M.S., R.D., Series Editor 26 PRACTICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY • SEPTEMBER 2015 NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 Luke White, D.O. Department of Critical Care Medicine, Memorial Hospital, South Bend, IN D-Lactic Acidosis: More Prevalent Than We Think? Luke White D-lactate acidosis, in which the D-isomer of lactate accumulates, may be more prevalent than once thought. This uncommon disorder has been reported in the setting of short bowel syndrome, and in particular, with high carbohydrate diets in children. Mental status changes and gait instability, the classic symptoms of D-lactate buildup, may not immediately lead the clinician to consider this uncommon disorder. The purpose of this article is to present information about D-lactate that will increase the readers’ level of vigilance for this disorder, which affects a broader group of patients than initially thought. REPRESENTATIVE CASE A 60 year old male presented to the emergency department after being referred by his primary care physician for evaluation of ataxia and slurred speech.1 These symptoms had waxed and waned over the course of five months. He had undergone an MRI previously that showed only chronic small vessel disease; a CT of the head performed on the day of admission revealed similar findings. Eight months prior to admission, the patient had suffered a small bowel volvulus necessitating resection of 420cm of necrotic jejunum and ileum. He also suffered from end-stage renal disease due to longstanding diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension, necessitating hemodialysis 3 times /week. Within hours after admission the patient became unresponsive and was intubated. He was found to have a severe metabolic acidosis with a pH of 7.02 and an anion gap of 26. Lactate and blood urea nitrogen levels were normal. No osmolar gap was present and a toxicology screen was negative. Hemodialysis was performed and the patient regained normal neurologic status. He was quickly extubated. D-Lactate, the dextrorotary isomer of lactate, was found to be markedly elevated on a blood specimen sent prior to dialysis. He recovered and was discharged with antibiotic therapy and counseling on dietary modifications. He was noncompliant with his recommended diet and was subsequently admitted multiple times with similar symptoms necessitating multiple intubations. These admissions usually (continued on page 28) 28 PRACTICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY • SEPTEMBER 2015 NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 D-Lactic Acidosis: More Prevalent Than We Think? occurred after meals heavy in carbohydrates (CHO) and immediately prior to scheduled sessions of dialysis. Normal Human Metabolism Lactic acid, like many organic molecules, consists of two mirror-image isomers. L-lactate is produced by the human body and is the isomer tested for in common “lactate” assays. D-lactate, the mirror image of L-lactate, is produced in minute concentrations in human metabolism via the methylglyoxal pathway that converts acetone derivatives to glutathione.2 These concentrations are clinically insignificant in normal human metabolism. Clinical Presentation and Mechanism of Encephalopathy D-lactate toxicity generally occurs with serum D-lactate levels over 3 mmol/L3 and is associated with acidosis and a variably presenting encephalopathy. The clinical presentation of the patient with D-lactate toxicity is characterized by acidosis and encephalopathy in the context of the above risk factors. The encephalopathy of D-lactic acidosis is highly variable. Symptoms may include memory loss, fatigue, and personality changes or cerebellar symptoms such as ataxia or dysarthria. Severe cases may involve syncope, coma and respiratory failure, as occurred in the case described.1,4,5,6 Symptoms are similar in both humans and in ruminants, which suffer an analogous disease due to malabsorption and dehydration.2 The cerebellum appears to be most sensitive to elevated D-lactate levels; investigation of potential toxicity should include a careful exam of cerebellar function with speech, gait and balance testing. The mechanism for D-lactate encephalopathy remains unclear. D-lactate freely passes into the cerebral spinal fluid.7 Serum and urine levels do not always correlate to symptoms4 and healthy volunteers infused with D-lactate showed no signs of encephalopathy even when concentrations reached up to 6.7 mmol/L.8 It has been proposed that given these findings, D-lactate may be a proxy for other neurotoxic organic acids that have not yet been identified.3,5 Some cases of D-lactate encephalopathy appear related to thiamine deficiency.9,5,3,10 Several findings suggest that D-lactate may be a direct player in precipitating neurologic symptoms. L-lactate buildup and acidemia do not by themselves (continued from page 26) cause encephalopathy. D-lactate directly infused into the brain in animal models, however, impairs memory and reduces brain cell survival.6 Symptoms of congenital pyruvate deficiency are similar to those seen in D-lactate toxicity.11 D-lactate (and acidosis itself) impairs the action of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), interfering with pyruvate metabolism and inhibiting utilization of L-lactate as a fuel in the brain. As cerebellar PDH is already reduced relative to the serum, a relatively low concentration of D-lactate may lead to clinical symptoms, even as serum levels of PDH remain adequate.6,3 At-Risk Populations D-lactate toxicity has been historically associated with patients suffering from short bowel syndrome (SBS). Ingestion, parenteral infusion via D-lactate containing fluids (such as Ringer’s lactate), peritoneal lavage, and impaired metabolism and excretion have all contributed to D-lactate toxicity in patients without SBS, though these causes are rare. It is likely that pathologic D-lactate buildup is under diagnosed; surveillance of 470 randomly selected hospital patients revealed detectable D-lactate levels in nearly 3 percent; less than two-thirds of these patients had a history of gastrointestinal surgery.4 Patients with SBS, particularly those with colon in continuity, but also those with small bowel bacterial overgrowth (SBBO), are at high risk for derangement of the balance of gut flora, as described below. These patients are most at risk when they suffer from the delivery of excess CHO to colonic bacteria and are unable to effectively metabolize and excrete the D-lactate produced.2,3,4,5 See Table 1 for at risk populations. Laboratory Testing The clinician should suspect D-lactate toxicity in the patient presenting with neurologic symptoms, a gap or non-gap acidosis, and risk factors for D-lactate overproduction or retention. Obtaining a D-lactate level may confirm an often difficult clinical diagnosis. D-lactate is not detected in standard clinical lactic acid assays and requires a specific request from the lab. Despite this, an elevated concentration of D-lactate in the plasma always causes acidosis and usually leads to an increased anion gap. However, the anion gap may be lower than one would expect with similar concentrations (continued on page 30) 30 PRACTICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY • SEPTEMBER 2015 NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 D-Lactic Acidosis: More Prevalent Than We Think? more than the “usual” amount of CHO to the colon such as SBS or roux en y gastric bypass, can lead to an increase in lactate production via fermentation. This may occur either due to increased transit of CHO to the colon, to SBBO, or both.12 The luminal pH in the normal proximal small bowel is between 5.5 to 7.0. It becomes progressively more alkalotic through the jejunum and ileum. The cecal luminal pH is somewhat more acidotic (6.2) than the terminal ileum (7.6), but again becomes more alkalotic through the colon.17 As more CHO is fermented into lactate, luminal acidity increases and pH decreases. This decreasing pH selects for an increase in acid-tolerant fermenting bacteria, leading to a vicious cycle of fermenter overgrowth and increasing lactate production. Lactobacilli quickly become the predominant organism in patients suffering from SBS with malabsorption.14 Some of this lactate is translocated into the systemic circulation. While L-lactate is metabolized fairly readily, the human’s limited capacity for D-lactate metabolism and excretion,17 reduction of D-lactate metabolism due to acidosis,2 or interconversion between lactate isomers by certain lactobacilli,15,16,2 can all contribute to increasing concentrations of D-lactate. Defects in CHO absorption via an anatomic or functional short gut are responsible for most cases of pathologic bacterial overproliferation. D-lactate toxicity has also been reported in patients with SBS after the administration of probiotics consisting of D-lactate producing species, overconsumption of D-lactate producing yoghurt, and with the use of antibiotics that allow Lactobacillus overproliferation.4,10,3,5,18 Other Sources of D-Lactate While bacterial production accounts for the vast majority of cases of D-lactate toxicity, other causes have been reported. D-lactate appears to be elevated in at least some cases of diabetic ketoacidosis.19,20 One metabolic fate of D-lactate is conversion to fatty acids, but this can happen only in the context of high insulin levels,12 which most patients with DM lack. D-lactate toxicity has also been reported with propylene glycol ingestion.21 Propylene glycol is a diluent used in the preparation of many liquid medications, such as lorazepam. While lactic acidosis is a well-known complication of propylene glycol toxicity, controlled infusion of propylene glycol causes dosedependent increases in D-lactate, even as L-lactate of L-lactate or may even be normal.12 A fraction of D-lactate is excreted with sodium or potassium in the urine, which may lead to a relative non-gap (or low strong ion difference) acidosis. A normal anion gap does not therefore definitively exclude D-lactic acidosis. Testing for D-lactate requires a targeted assay and usually will require the services of a reference laboratory. This author utilizes Mayo Laboratories (Mayo Medical Laboratories, Rochester MN. http:// D-lactate can be measured easily in urine and plasma specimens. Given high levels of urinary D-lactate excretion, a urine specimen will be more sensitive for clinically significant D-lactate toxicity. The turnaround time between specimen receipt and result may be up to 8 days. Because of this, laboratory testing should be considered supportive of a clinical diagnosis; treatment should not be delayed if the suspicion for toxicity is high. Causes Bacterial Production and the Short Bowel Syndrome Bacteria are almost always the predominant generator of D-lactate in mammals. Normal human gut flora is governed by a complex and still incompletely understood balance of factors. Normal human flora consists predominantly of Bacteroides and Firmicutes species; other species make up approximately 10% of the remainder. Concentrations of bacteria progressively increase by orders of magnitude from the stomach and duodenum to the colon.13 Both isomers of lactate are produced by usual human colonic flora as they metabolize small amounts of CHO, protein, non-absorbable starches, and fiber. The principal source of D-lactate production in the human gut is due to Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteri species.2 E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Candida freundii also produce significant quantities of D-lactate while producing minimal amounts of L-lactate.14 Some lactobacillus species are able to catalyze one lactate isomer to the other.15,16,2 Much of this lactate is converted to short chain fatty acids, which play an important role in the nutrition and maintenance of the mucosal integrity of the colonic epithelium.15 The delicate interplay of the healthy gut microbiome ensures that metabolites are appropriately utilized or excreted. Exposure of the colonic flora to excess (CHO), particularly in those with malabsorption, that presents (continued from page 28) NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 PRACTICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY • SEPTEMBER 2015 31 D-Lactic Acidosis: More Prevalent Than We Think? (the only isomer measured in common lactate assays), decreases.22 D-lactate is sometimes directly administered via some formulations of Ringer’s lactate containing both isomers of lactate. One review associated administration of fluids containing D-lactate with worsened clinical outcomes.23 Peritoneal dialysate may also be a source of D-lactate.3,5 Sepsis, gut ischemia, and intestinal perforation have been associated with elevated levels of D-lactate. This is likely due both to increased production and translocation across the damaged intestinal mucosa.24,25,26 D-lactate has in fact been suggested as a sensitive and specific marker of mesenteric ischemia,26 though the lack of ready availability of a D-lactate assay in most institutions limits its utility in this respect. Metabolism and Excretion Not all patients with SBS suffer from D-lactate toxicity, even when their CHO ingestion is unrestricted. Impaired D-lactate metabolism superimposed on excess production likely plays a significant role in most cases of toxicity.5,27 Accumulation of D-lactate in the circulation is abnormal. While early studies suggested that humans could not metabolize D-lactate, a certain quantity of D-lactate can in fact be metabolized into pyruvate via D-2 hydroxy acid dehydrogenase (D-2 HDH).5 Unlike L-lactate, which is efficiently metabolized, the metabolism of D-lactate is relatively slow and limited to a relatively small amount.17 D-2 HDH is found principally in the kidney and liver; impairment of these organs may lead to reduced D-lactate metabolism. Acidemia itself also impairs D-lactate metabolism due to a decrease in PDH activity, potentially leading to a loss of homeostasis should lactate levels accumulate enough to cause significant acidosis.3 Low levels of insulin may promote the buildup of D-lactate. Insulin inhibits the conversion of triglycerides to fatty acids, increasing the amount of organic acids, including D-lactate, that are metabolized. Thus, physiologic insulin release concurrent with CHO ingestion may have a protective effect in minimizing D-lactate toxicity.12 Even otherwise healthy patients with DM demonstrate elevated levels of serum and plasma D-lactate.28 Pyruvate acts as an intermediate product in D-lactate metabolism. Thiamine, a cofactor in pyruvate metabolism, may be deficient in patients suffering from malnutrition. Thiamine deficiency has been associated with lactic acidosis.9 Patients suffering from SBS, abnormal gut flora and/or malabsorption syndromes are at increased risk for thiamine deficiency. This deficiency, when paired with the elevated lactate production from abnormal gut flora, may lead to large amounts of excess lactate that cannot be effectively metabolized. The kidneys excrete a significant amount of D-lactate; the proportion excreted increases with increasing plasma concentrations.19 Limited metabolic potential makes renal excretion an important vehicle for elimination in cases of pathologic D-lactate production. While moderately decreased renal function does not seem to significantly reduce excretion,19 severe renal impairment, as in the case of patients dependent on hemodialysis, may lead to catastrophic levels of D-lactate.1 Treatment and Prevention D-lactate is the product of a substrate (usually CHO), produced largely by fermentative bacteria, which is then ultimately metabolized or excreted. D-lactate toxicity generally arises from excess substrate along with some catalyst for production, from impaired metabolism, excretion, or both.1,12 Effective prevention and treatment entails targeting each of these pathways. The mainstays of treatment are CHO restriction, hydration, cautious use of probiotics, and avoidance of SBBO (see Table 2). Table 1.Conditions Increasing the Risk of D-Lactate Toxicity High Risk Short Bowel Syndrome Roux-en-y gastric bypass Antibiotic or probiotic overuse Comorbid Conditions that may Increase Risk Thiamine deficiency Renal failure Diabetes Mellitus Propylene glycol ingestion 32 PRACTICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY • SEPTEMBER 2015 NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 D-Lactic Acidosis: More Prevalent Than We Think? NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 does not increase D-lactate levels, though it may reduce excretion as other organic acids compete with D-lactate for tubular excretion.7 Antimicrobial Strategies SBBO is responsible for most cases of D-lactate toxicity; prevention of this overgrowth is important.31 Antibiotic therapy (see Table 3) may increase or reduce D-lactate production, depending on the gut flora selected for. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMPSMX), doxycycline, and neomycin, for example, have each been associated with episodes of D-lactate encephalopathy.7,18,32 Each of these antibiotics has also been used in the *treatment* of SBBO.1,14,31 Likewise, metronidazole has been used successfully.30,16 but some lactobacilli in cases of D-lactate toxicity have exhibited metronidazole resistance.32 Rifaximin is increasingly used in the treatment of SBS with SBBO.31,33 Though lactobacilli can grow even at high intraluminal concentrations of rifaximin,34 to date no cases of D-lactate encephalopathy definitively associated with rifaximin use have been reported. A four-year study of fecal bacteria, lactate production, and resistance patterns in patients suffering SBS demonstrated poor results when attempting to treat D-lactate toxicity with antibiotic therapy; neomycin and oral vancomycin were successful in reducing certain lactobacillus isolates, but did not affect symptomatic resolution.14 A patient suffering from multiple episodes of D-lactic acidosis after TMP-SMX and doxycycline use suffered no episodes when taking ciprofloxacin, and cultured lactobacilli demonstrated ciprofloxacin sensitivity.32 Amoxicillin has been used due to its effective coverage of lactobacilli and high intraluminal gut concentration, but did not prevent recurrence when taken chronically.1 Antimicrobial therapy should be selected with caution in patients at risk for SBBO as certain antibiotics may select for lactate-producing gut flora. While it is reasonable to treat acute episodes of D-lactate toxicity with antibiotic therapy targeting Lactobacillus species, chronic preventive antibiotic therapy has not demonstrated consistent effect. In the patient suffering from recurrent episodes of D-lactate encephalopathy, fecal culture and sensitivities should be considered to ensure appropriately targeted therapy. Given the complexity of the healthy gut milieu, no single antibiotic regimen is likely to yield satisfactory results on its own. Diet Patients with SBS who are at risk for SBBO should be encouraged to limit simple CHO intake (cakes, cookies, pie, candies, etc.) as well as sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, etc.), fructose and other highly osmolar, fermentable compounds and excess fiber.29,30 CHO should be complex and modest in quantity (16), with small and frequent meals to avoid exposure of the gut flora to large, poorly absorbed boluses of CHO. It has also been suggested that fermented foods, such as yoghurt, sauerkraut and pickles be avoided given high preexisting concentrations of D-lactate.3 In the patient with D-lactic encephalopathy, temporary cessation of all enteric feeding is reasonable. Elimination of substrate to the gut should prevent bacterial production. Fasting has been associated with rapid improvement in D-lactate associated encephalopathy.7,5 Concomitant parenteral nutrition (continued on page 43) Table 2. Treatment Options Substrate Reduction • Low simple CHO diet • Fructose and sugar alcohol avoidance • Temporarily remove all enteral substrates (oral/enteral feedings) o Parenteral nutrition if needed in severe cases • Adequate hydration (avoid Ringer’s Lactate) • Caution when using probiotics consisting of D-lactate producing species Reduced Production/Increased Excretion: • Antibiotic therapy for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (see Table 3) • Thiamine repletion • Parenteral bicarbonate • Hemodialysis in severe cases NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 D-Lactic Acidosis: More Prevalent Than We Think? PRACTICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY • SEPTEMBER 2015 43 NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 Enhancement of Metabolism and Excretion Only a minority of patients who neglect dietary interventions will develop D-lactate toxicity, even if they are actively suffering from SBBO. One study of eleven patients with SBS and no neurologic symptoms demonstrated D-lactate overproduction in most fecal samples, but none in the urine.27 Symptoms should trigger a search for causes of impaired metabolism and excretion. Thiamine deficiency may both result from malnutrition and poor absorption, and contribute to reduced clearance of D-lactate due to impaired pyruvate metabolism.9 The cerebellum is particularly sensitive to thiamine deficiency.11 In some instances of encephalopathy associated with excess D-lactate, thiamine supplementation alone has led to symptomatic resolution.11,35 It is reasonable to supplement the patient suffering from neurologic symptoms with thiamine,9,5,3,10 particularly as this same set of patients is also at high risk for Wernicke’s Encephalopathy, which may present with similar neurologic findings. We recommend aggressive treatment, supplementing all patients with neurologic symptoms at risk for thiamine deficiency with 500mg parenterally three times daily for 1-2 days and then 100mg orally or parentally indefinitely thereafter. A significant proportion of D-lactate that accumulates in the serum is excreted in the urine.19 Impaired excretion can lead to D-lactate buildup. Maintenance of euvolemia is important in the prevention of D-lactate toxicity; aggressive hydration is crucial in its treatment. SBS is associated with dehydration, particularly in the case of malabsorption due to poor dietary adherence;29 consequently, patients suffering from SBBO may also suffer from renal hypoperfusion and reduced excretion of D-lactate. Of note, fluids such as Ringer’s lactate with racemic mixtures of lactate should be avoided.23 Hemodialysis effectively clears both isomers of lactate and has been successful in treating episodes of severe D-lactate toxicity.1,21,36 Anuric or oliguric patients already undergoing dialysis who suffer (continued from page 32) Table 3. Antibiotic Therapy No duration of therapy has been established but treatment should be short (e.g. 7-14 days) and limited to symptomatic resolution. Medication Rifaximin Amoxicillin Vancomycin (oral) Metronidazol Ciprofloxacin Neomycin* Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole* Adult Dose 550mg 500mg 125-500mg 500mg 500mg 500mg 1 double strength tablet Daily Frequency 2-3 x 2 x 1-4 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 x *Note that these antibiotics have also been reported to provoke D-lactic acidosis 44 PRACTICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY • SEPTEMBER 2015 NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 D-Lactic Acidosis: More Prevalent Than We Think? recurrent episodes of D-lactate toxicity may benefit from longer or more frequent hemodialysis sessions to promote clearance, as they have no other means of excretion. Patients with D-lactate toxicity already undergoing peritoneal dialysis should be considered for hemodialysis given the presence of D-lactate in peritoneal dialysate.3,5 Other Proposed Treatments Bicarbonate has been given parenterally in the treatment of D-lactic acidosis.2,1,5 This may enhance D-lactate metabolism, as the responsible enzyme is impaired by acidosis. Notably, this is in contrast to recommendations that undifferentiated lactic acidosis (which is usually principally L-lactate) not be treated with bicarbonate.37 One case report reported symptomatic resolution with oral and intravenous bicarbonate administration.5 Bicarbonate has also been successful in the treatment of drunken lamb syndrome, an analogous process in ruminants, when given in conjunction with parenteral amoxicillin.38 Growth of lactate-producing fermentative bacteria both promotes, and is enhanced by, intraluminal acidosis. Antacids have thus been proposed3 as a potential treatment, but given the association of acid suppressive therapy with SBBO and increased intestinal transit time,33 they should be used with caution, if at all. D-lactate levels in otherwise healthy patients with DM can be elevated,28 possibly due to insulin deficiency or resistance. Insulin has been suggested as a potential therapy for severe D-lactic acidosis on the principle that it may inhibit lipolysis and thus promote increased metabolism of D-lactate.12 This has yet to be widely evaluated; at present it seems prudent to simply pursue usual treatment for hyperglycemia. SUMMARY D-lactate toxicity remains an uncommon, but likely under recognized syndrome. It occurs principally in patients with SBS who suffer acute processes that impair the limited human capacity to metabolize and excrete D-lactate, but may be missed in other disease processes due to the wide variability in symptoms and delay in obtaining confirmatory testing. Wider recognition of the syndrome and careful monitoring of those at risk for it, paired with a multidisciplinary approach to encourage compliance with dietary recommendations, will help to prevent and reduce its incidence even further. References 1. Htyte N, White L, Sandhu G, et al. An extreme and lifethreatening case of recurrent D-lactate encephalopathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011;26(4):1432-5. 2. Ewaschuk JB, Naylor JM, Zello GA. D-lactate in human and ruminant metabolism. J Nutr. 2005;135(7):1619-25. 3. Petersen C. D-lactic acidosis. Nutr Clin Pract. 2005;20(6):634- 45. 4. Rehman A, Badger C, Patel, N, et al. Brain fogginess, gas, bloating and distension: a link between SIBO, probiotics and metabolic acidosis. Poster. Presented (DDW 2014, Chicago, IL). Gastroenterology 2014;146(5):S850-1. 5. Uribarri J, Oh MS, Carroll HJ. D-lactic acidosis A review of clinical presentation, biochemical features, and pathophysiologic mechanisms. Medicine (Baltimore). 1998;77(2):73-82. 6. Gibbs ME, Hertz L. Inhibition of astrocytic energy metabolism by D-lactate exposure impairs memory. Neurochem Int. 2008;52(6):1012-8. 7. Karton M, Rettmer RL, Lipkin EW. Effect of parenteral nutrition and enteral feeding on D-lactic acidosis in a patient with short bowel. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 1987;11(6):586-9. 8. Oh MS, Uribarri J, Alveranga D, et al. Metabolic utilization and renal handling of D-lactate in men. Metabolism. 1985;34(7):621-5. 9. Adeva-Andany M, López-Ojén M, Funcasta-Calderón R, et al. Comprehensive review on lactate metabolism in human health. Mitochondrion. 2014;17:76-100. 10. Ku WH, Lau DC, Huen KF. Probiotics provoked D-lactic acidosis in short bowel syndrome: Case report and literature review. Hong Kong J. Paediatr. 2006;11:246-254 11. Vella A, Farrugia G. D-lactic acidosis: pathologic consequence of saprophytism. Mayo Clin Proc. 1998;73(5):451-6. 12. Halperin ML, Kamel KS. D-lactic acidosis: turning sugar into acids in the gastrointestinal tract. Kidney Int. 1996;49(1):1-8 13. Schippa S, Conte MP. Dysbiotic events in gut microbiota: impact on human health. Nutrients. 2014;6(12):5786-805. 14. Bongaerts GP, Tolboom JJ, Naber AH, et al. Role of bacteria in the pathogenesis of short bowel syndrome-associated D-lactic acidemia. Microb Pathog. 1997;22(5):285-93. 15. Wong JM, de Souza R, Kendall CW, et al. Colonic health: fermentation and short chain fatty acids. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006;40(3):235-43 16. Hove H, Mortensen PB. Colonic lactate metabolism and D-lactic acidosis. Dig Dis Sci. 1995;40(2):320-30. 17. Nugent SG, Kumar D, Rampton DS, et al. Intestinal luminal pH in inflammatory bowel disease: possible determinants and implications for therapy with aminosalicylates and other drugs. Gut. 2001;48(4):571-7. 18. Flourie B, Messing B, Bismuth E, et al. [D-lactic acidosis and encephalopathy in short-bowel syndrome occurring during antibiotic treatment]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 1990;14(6-7):596-8. 19. Bo J, Li W, Chen Z, et al. D-lactate: a novel contributor to metabolic acidosis and high anion gap in diabetic ketoacidosis. Clin Chem. 2013;59(9):1406-7. 20. Lu J, Zello GA, Randell E, et al. Closing the anion gap: contribution of D-lactate to diabetic ketoacidosis. Clin Chim Acta. 2011;412(3-4):286-91. 21. Jorens PG, Demey HE, Schepens PJ, et al. Unusual D-lactic acid acidosis from propylene glycol metabolism in overdose. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 2004;42(2):163-9. NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #145 PRACTICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY • SEPTEMBER 2015 45 D-Lactic

How are you feeling now are you Fully recovered now? What lab in the UK privately not a Hospital runs the D-Lactate Acidosis blood test? You mentioned the symptom of Hypoglycemia, have you been tested for an

insulinoma tumor of the pancreas? Last, are you Negative to (HFI) hereditary fructose intolerance testing? Are potatoes safe to consume with this diet? thanks, I wish you total wellness I want to be tested ASAP any response with be appreciated...
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Senior Member
How are you feeling now are you Fully recovered now? What lab in the UK privately not a Hospital runs the D-Lactate Acidosis blood test? You mentioned the symptom of Hypoglycemia, have you been tested for an

insulinoma tumor of the pancreas? Last, are you Negative to HIF hereditary fructose intolerance testing? Are potatoes safe to consume with this diet? thanks, I wish you total wellness I want to be tested ASAP any response with be appreciated...

Hi Aidan,
I am not fully recovered, but trying for a Fecal Transplant. My Hypoglycemia stopped soon after stopping all sugars. I was very unwell with regular Hypoglycemia until I was given a diet without complex sugars for D-Lactic acidosis. I did have an abnormal fructose intolerance test..

There are three main ways to stop D-Lactic symptoms; Diet, antibiotics and Probiotics which I have had differing success with. I have managed to stop the symptoms with Probiotics (see report below) and Fecal Transplant should offer the best Probiotic with the best chances of remaining in the Gut long term, depending on the underlying causation of Bacterial Overgrowth. You could also try Sodium Bicarbonate when you are very unwell (but discuss all of this with your Doctor first).

The FODMAP diet that I was given reduces but does not stop my symptoms which must cause some fermentation; and some symptoms including abnormal fatigue. However it may suit some forms of Bacterial Overgrowth, but it all comes down to trial and error. I would keep a diary of what you have eaten and symptoms produced. Potatoes and Rice are allowed on the FODMAP diet.

The Paleo diet suits me best, mainly meat, hard cheese, fish, vegetables, some nuts and fats (you change Carbohydrates for Fats as energy source), but I find it hard to keep to the diet especially when this is not available. I went on holiday, found it difficult to find the correct food and seemed OK for 3 days before my symptoms started and I began to believe that I must be getting better; just before crashing soon after I arrive back home. I also have family and friends who insist that just one Carbohydrate meal could not possible hurt me!

The best way to try the diet, would be to do a Paleo diet and stick to mainly meats etc., No Carbohydrates at all! with low sugar blueberries for a few weeks and see if your symptoms stop (it takes 3 days to clear the symptoms of D-Lactate after Carbohydrates).

There is no Private Lab in the UK that I can find at the moment; Biolab in London used to perform the test, but stopped two years ago when their Biochemist retired.

There is a problem to having a D-Lactic assay performed. Symptoms are transient and fluctuate and you need to be at your worst to obtain a measurement and many with ME/CFS caused by D-Lactate could possibly be sub-clinical. The level set for D-Lactic assay is not an absolute because so little is known about this illness which has all of the characteristics of ME including neurological symptoms, encephalopathy, abnormal fatigue, muscle pain and weakness, headaches..............

I can stop the symptoms temporarily with antibiotics (as with like C. diff antibiotics may also cause Bacterial Overgrowth) but I am becoming increasingly resistant. I have also had some success with Probiotics although good quality Probiotics are expensive and I have found that high quantities seem to work better, but only while they are taken and benefits often stop just days after stopping consumption.

I have just found an interesting report below which states that there were ''poorly mixed anaerobic flora with predominance of Gram-positive and too few Gram-negative bacteria'' in a young D-Lactic patient. I have seen this article before and have been trying in vain to find the Probiotic mix for 'Julia Flora' that they refer to.

See the Report below;

Metabolic acidosis in a 3-year-old child with short bowel syndrome led to the discovery of massive D-lactic aciduria. After normalisation of the intestinal bacterial flora, D-lactate disappeared together with the acidosis. Dysbacteriosis with excessive production of D-lactate by intestinal bacteria (unidentified) and subsequent absorption explains this unusual cause of metabolic acidosis.

Bacteriological analysis of the faecal flora showed a poorly mixed anaerobic flora with predominance of Gram-positive and too few Gram-negative bacteria. In the meantime acidosis had been corrected by sodium bicarbonate given orally. Although this prevented further attacks, D-lactate-aciduria continued. For 5 consecutive days we gave a standard bacterial flora called 'Julia flora'.t This flora has been used for recolonisation after intestinal decontamination-for example, in patients treated with bone marrow transplantation.1 In our case no decontamination of the gut was performed before the Julia flora was given. After this recolonisation the faecal flora consisted of predominantly Gram-negative bacteria. Dlactate excretion fell rapidly after this change of intestinal bacterial composition (Table) and had virtually disappeared 11 days later. Bicarbonate administration could be stopped, acidosis did not......

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
Such a complex illness, I wonder how this fits if it does to the Ukraine findings on CBIS? Getting a Doctor to Act Is like asking for porphyria testing in the UK & why I asked for where to test Privately. I was told £4G's online for fecal transplants in the UK. I have heard that sucrose contains fructose 50% ratio
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Senior Member
Northern southern California
Cannot find anything on this “Julia flora” either. I have been researching d lactic reducing probiotic and found this product I’m going to try,


Senior Member
Northern southern California
I have heard that sucrose contains fructose 50% ratio
Do anyone have trouble with sugars? I have severe symptoms from it. I was considering trying an enzyme for fructose called Xylose isomerase. It breaks down fructose in the intestines. I don’t eat anything with fructose,
it’s confusing whether it’s a factor. Apparently with dysbiosis, there can be a lack of the bacteria necessary to break down histamine and/or fructose. Both can accumulate if the proper bacteria are absent.

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
Do anyone have trouble with sugars? I have severe symptoms from it. I was considering trying an enzyme for fructose called Xylose isomerase. It breaks down fructose in the intestines. I don’t eat anything with fructose,
it’s confusing whether it’s a factor. Apparently with dysbiosis, there can be a lack of the bacteria necessary to break down histamine and/or fructose. Both can accumulate if the proper bacteria are absent.

Could it be the HFI hereditary fructose intolerance gene?