ME/CFS for 18 years, recently diagnosed with D-Lactic acidosis as cause of symptoms and illness.


Senior Member
Hi Mel19,
Absolutely. The bad news is that I still get PEM after activity, even when my illness is under control. But I am not as worried about Fatigue when compared to the severity of the worst symptoms.

Fatigue fluctuates and is often better soon after using antibiotics. It is difficult to understand fully what is going on, but I was also diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction and this could be a chicken or egg situation with a number of contributing factors including antibiotics and underlying illness such as diabetes (due to Western starch based diet). But I would ideally like to trial FMT because there is already a lot of evidence that ME and a number of other diseases including D-Lactic acidosis have been fully reversed through FMT.

I have also had ME/D-La for 20 years and there may possibly be post symptoms. I can imagine that long periods of Organic poisoning, Acidosis or Neurotoxins would cause some long term damage; 'acidosis impacts the cardiovascular system in hospital settings, and chronic metabolic acidosis affects muscles, bones, kidney and cardiovascular health. Acid buffering leads to loss of bone density, resulting in an increased risk of bone fractures, renal osteodystrophy, and bone disease; as well, increased protein catabolism leads to muscle wasting'.

Sheedy et al. found that even when their CFS patients with D-Lactic Bacteria were treated, they still suffered Fatigue. They postulate that there may be other forms of Bacterial Overgrowth involved, as well as D-Lactic. But I will say that the worst symptoms have been controlled through the use of antibiotics, diet and probiotics, but it is easy to make mistakes with the diet.

Probably now its all your CCI/AAI

I had recovered from very severe to mild with FMT as well with a proper donor, but now I still have some fatigue and PEM, but nothing compare to before.. Probably solved my gut but not my throat/cci
Hi Jwarrior,
There are tests that can be performed!

I saw your email at around 1.30pm and was so saddened that I wrote back finishing around 3.00 after finishing a message to do with India's low infection and death rate, the Ganges and Phage Virus, that could also be used to target Bacterial Overgrowth and D-Lactic acidosis in ME/CFS. I have gone back twice to edit my initial reply because I was so angry with your 'Doctor'. Bacteriophage report in message below my reply;

I was treated in the same way until I found a Doctor who believed me, but even after Blood Gas investigations were ordered by 3 Doctors, they were never performed in A&E during 18 years of symptoms. I had to wait 18 years and had first become ill with frequent sickness, constipation and abdominal pain and neurological symptoms, but they were also ignored by ignorant Doctor's. But you can have similar illness with diarrhea; because there are a number of different forms of Bacterial Overgrowth that also generate Organic Acids that will make you feel unwell and cause Chronic Fatigue or more serious symptoms of D-La.

Your's is no Doctor if he is ignoring you with Gastrointestinal symptoms! Gastrointesrinal symptoms when seen along with ME or neurological symptoms are being dismissed as Somatization by Psychiatrists because Gastrointestinal and Neurological symptoms have been set as the parameters for Somatization disorder, which Doctors are trained to believe! This started with the misconception's of Psychiatry that started before Freud (new understanding is that 95% of neurotransmitters such Seratonin are produced in the Gut and that Dysbiosis can be the cause of Psychological problems including depression and possibly a number of mental problems as well as many other forms of disease!).

You need to find a new Doctor! If its not your Doctors expertise, then he has to pass you to someone who has Gastrointestinal expertise!

Don't be fobbed off or ignored! If you have Gastrointestinal symptoms you need to start by asking for a Consultant Gastroenterologist who understands Bacterial Overgrowth and get this diagnosed to begin with. You have a right to investigations for Bacterial Overgrowth and then you can ask for further investigations when this has been ascertained. They may give you cyclical antibiotics or may put you on a special diet to stop the symptoms and your ME/CFS symptoms may also be controlled as a side effect; but I have found the diet very hard and have tried a number of Probiotics with temporary reversals which is why I want to try FMT which has already reversed D-Lactic acidosis in an American patient.

Methane producing Bacteria may be the cause of Constipation and poor motility, but you can also have both Hydrogen and Methane production because Methane producing Bacteria can live off the bye-products of Hydrogen producing..... You can also get a cheap Breath test performed at 'The Doctors Laboratory' or Biolab. IBS was believed to be caused by psychological problems not so long ago!

But there is now a whole website devoted to D-Lactic acidosis; a high percentage of ME/CFS have been found to have Gastrointestinal symptoms. Look at the Healthrising webpages. Some have done self FMT and a number of different approaches and protocols.

The symptoms seem bizarre to Doctors who have no understanding whatsoever of D-Lactic acidosis which they believe is so rare that it could not be a possible cause and have no training whatsoever in dysbiosis or bacterial overgrowth. Research a Gastroenterologist who has such expertise and if necessary pay privately as I did.

You can also try diet and probiotics that have no D-Lactic producing bacteria as in the 'Stand Alone Treatment' that I posted much earlier. But Metronidazole antibiotic may also work and could be given cyclically, but FMT is probably your best bet. Look at Dr. Myhill's free webpages on Bacterial Overgrowth and D-Lactic acidosis, FMT and possibly try a FODMAP diet. We may all have different forms and combinations of Bacterial Overgrowth and you will have to experiment to find what is best for you, but I believe that FMT could reset the condition by breaking the cycle that has led to Bacterial Overgrowth.

I have messaged you and can give you my telephone contact number to give you anything else that you need to know. There are some other possibilities and I will do the best I can to help you.

D-Lactic acidosis is very difficult to control, but there are a number of methods that you can use to control and reduce the symptoms and I am trying different methods to reverse the condition permanently if this is possible, because Bacterial Overgrowth is associated with other underlying illness including Diabetes, Autonomic Dysfunction and Motility problems.

I believe that we have caused this ME Pandemic because we have created different forms of Bacterial Overgrowth, due to high starch diets in Western foods, coupled with the use of chemical such as fluoride and antibiotics (overused in farming) and a number of other possible contributing factors such as reduced immunity during Viral infections etc. My symptoms may have been influenced by Glandular Fever.

The ME association have reported the high level of Gastrointestinal symptoms, but have done nothing to get SIBO tests for its members and when I contacted them I was told firmly that ME/CFS is quite definitely due to Viral causation and they would not investigate Bacterial Overgrowth or D-Lactic acidosis in ME/CFS (Viruses may also cause overgrowth due to their ability to hijack bacteria and multiply, their main goal). I am highly suspicious of the motivations of the ME association when ME/CFS could so easily be caused by dysbiosis in at least a subset, when statistical data shows Gastrointestinal implications!

D-Lactic acidosis is complex and can be worsened by the use of analgesics that reduce motility and I have repeatedly failed my diet, eg. when I was give high dosed of Sucrose while in Hospital after shoulder surgery or was unable to find the right food when on holiday in a remote part of the UK and when the shelves of my local store had been emptied during Coronavirus. I am also trialing different probiotics and have now been told to take Symprove by one of my NHS Gastroenterologists in Birmingham (yes this contains D-Lactic producing Bacteria, but I have to trial what I am told as I am waiting for a trial of FMT). Symprove actually seemed to give me a temporary reversal, but my symptoms reappeared after 2 months using normal Carbohydrates and Sugars. Each trial of different products and treatments can take months and I am just about to try Iodine (see Dr. Myhills webpages).


I have been reading your posts with interest . I am from the Uk and I am desperate situation. One thing I have noted is that I was given Clarythromycin for what they thought was a chest infection by phone consultation . I lasted 2 days on it. My head and back pain went down a little while on it. I had to discontinue it as I developed serious side effects. I can tolerate no medicines. The hospital was condescending and told me my heart was fine. I had chest pain.and difficulty breathing. I had to walk out of the hospital alone and basically collapsed on return home. The hospital told me their tests said I had been hyperventilating and I needed to calm down. After abaindoning the antibiotics my symptoms increasing 10 fold to what they were before. Severe GERD and a host of other symptoms I had not had before .Interesting what you write I will keep reading. Have you ever taken L Glutamate or Zinc Carnosine? Before I explored ME CFS I was looking at Gastro things and these supplements came up. If it’s a bacteria issue i know it won’t help with that but just wondered.
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Senior Member

Great stuff and timely too.

I know I don't have a strep issue (although I spent most of my childhood there) due to a Viome test.

Any thoughts about use of potassium via electrolyte mixes to help with lactate? I'm not up on the science there.



Senior Member
What do yo mean with that?
Sorry, I should have included a reference. I hate managing all the text in the long quotes.

You posted:
Increased energy using 'Capsazepine' found in Red Chilli, by influencing TrpV1 receptors and increasing ATP Hydrolysis; in the report below!


Senior Member
I decided to play Russian roulette and take a probiotic supplement.Usually, potato starch helps me but only while I am taking it.If I stop my gut slowly gets back to IBS-D state.Loose stools and gas/bloating are my symptoms and most times I have one of them, not both.

Potato starch helps with both.Lately I found out that zinc fixes loose stools perfectly but it caused (or left unchanged) bloating.Now I am taking both and today I added a probiotic too.A few hours after I took it I had some minor gut pain and bloating.I will continue.

Does anyone know if there is a problem in concurrent supplementation of potato starch and probiotics?

My probiotic contains:
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus 1.55 billion CFU
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus 400 million CFU
  • Bifidobacterium breve 300 million CFU
  • Streptococcus thermophilus 200 million CFU
  • Lactobacillus casei ssp. casei 200 million CFU
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus 150 million CFU
  • Bifidobacterium longum 100 million CFU
  • Inulin 800mg
Strange that the addup makes more than the 1.5 billion it is advertised on the bottle.


Senior Member
I don't know....I've stayed away from pre & probiotics b/c there is too much information out there; and not all of it is good (some from prestigious insitusions). That's the difference between vitamins/supplements and other items that may/may not be helpful. Years ago it was so much easier to make a decision; today it's quite the opposite.

On the whole, I believe that vitamins/supplements have helped me, but we're talking about what's considered normal without going outside the lines. No one knows the side-effects of many things until someone starts be-coming ill or even dies because of eating or drinking the wrong thing. So tread carefully, all things have side-effects, both good and bad. I do believe our bodies need extra help with recovering from illnesses, but I'm not so sure any longer whether medicines themselves are just as good. Both sides have side-effects, and we have to make informed decisions which are available....and confusing at times.. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
I don't know....I've stayed away from pre & probiotics b/c there is too much information out there; and not all of it is good (some from prestigious insitusions). That's the difference between vitamins/supplements and other items that may/may not be helpful. Years ago it was so much easier to make a decision; today it's quite the opposite.

On the whole, I believe that vitamins/supplements have helped me, but we're talking about what's considered normal without going outside the lines. No one knows the side-effects of many things until someone starts be-coming ill or even dies because of eating or drinking the wrong thing. So tread carefully, all things have side-effects, both good and bad. I do believe our bodies need extra help with recovering from illnesses, but I'm not so sure any longer whether medicines themselves are just as good. Both sides have side-effects, and we have to make informed decisions which are available....and confusing at times.. Yours, Lenora

Very wise.We all make decisions based on information and the way we process and understand them and instincts.And the risk we take depends, among other factors, on how desperate we are.For me, apart from the big effect on quality of life in the present, I can feel that the constant neuroinflammation is slowly damaging the brain.My natural state is illness and if I leave it alone and take nothing it is a light but constant storm.Eventually my house will catch mold.

I am hopeful though.I believe it is something that can be cured and I think studies are on the verge of solving it.Let's hope for the best and keep fighting until then.


Senior Member

Hi Avenger, I couldn't get through this entire thread because the posts are way too long. But I read some, and wanted to ask some things.

1) Have you tested for Streptococcus infection? (even if you haven't had any Strep symptoms in a long time)

2) What did you use to test for Autonomic Dysfunction?

D-Lactic acid can be excessively produced by certain bacteria (e.g. Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcus sanguinis). Excess D-lactic acid can cause mitochondrial dysfunction. It accumulates in the gut and can compromise gut integrity, contributing to dysbiosis. (D-lactic acidosis)


Senior Member

Hi Avenger, I couldn't get through this entire thread because the posts are way too long. But I read some, and wanted to ask some things.

1) Have you tested for Streptococcus infection? (even if you haven't had any Strep symptoms in a long time)

2) What did you use to test for Autonomic Dysfunction?

D-Lactic acid can be excessively produced by certain bacteria (e.g. Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcus sanguinis). Excess D-lactic acid can cause mitochondrial dysfunction. It accumulates in the gut and can compromise gut integrity, contributing to dysbiosis. (D-lactic acidosis)
And how does this fit with the CCI model?

I have both things, CCI and probably d-lactic acid producing bacteria.

My illness started after many strep throats.


Senior Member
And how does this fit with the CCI model?

I have both things, CCI and probably d-lactic acid producing bacteria.

My illness started after many strep throats.
I don't have headaches or anything like that. So I know nothing about CCI.

But after looking up what CCI is, I don't think it has anything at all to do w/ d-lactic acid in the gut or Strep.

Craniocervical Instability. Hmm. That sounds like an awful thing. Is it like from an injury? I saw a picture. And mentions brainstem compression. I can't help but think it actually was causing vagus nerve compression. That would cause vagus nerve dysfunction, which would cause autonomic nervous system dysfunction, which could cause reduced parasympathetic activity, resulting in fatigue.

Also, the vagus nerve originates from the brain stem. So, if the brainstem were compressed, it could power down the vagus nerve, or render it dysfunctional, which could cause the same stuff I mentioned above.

You should get an ECG/EKG and monitor your heart rate variability (HRV) to see if you have low levels, which would indicate you have fatigue from autonomic nervous system dysfunction, aka low vagal tone.

The D-Lactic Acidosis thing is 100% separate. If I'm wrong, then I'll try to come back and edit this post.


Actually, it CAN be related, very much so actually. The CCI and the D-lactic acid in gut.

in the stomach, the vagus nerve increases the rate of gastric emptying, and stimulates acid production
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Senior Member
just wondering: Would a regular lacate BLOOD test also diagnose a D lactic acidosis? Or is the lactate only elevated in the CSF?
Didnt find a direct answer to this when googling the forms of diagnosis for D/L-lactic Acidosis

(Pretty sure I dont have it as 4 months of KETO didnt change my progress of illness and resting lactate was normal - only cycling lactate was extremly pathogenic)


Senior Member
Phage Therapy and Identification of Pathogens Causing Bacterial Overgrowth and D-Lactic acidosis/Dysbiosis in ME/CFS.


Hi, sorry, I have not been online for some time, my symptoms have become worse after being recommended Symprove Probiotics through the NHS and FODMAP diet (which includes some Carbohydrates that do not ferment in the small intestine).

I had to give it a go, but my symptoms have worsened and this has made me question a number of things.
I have waited nearly two years for Fecal Transplant and do not feel that I am getting anywhere with the NHS.

Phage Therapy; There are far more simple ways of verifying D-Lactic producing Bacterial Overgrowth. I have had requests made for Blood Gasses by 5 Doctors never performed in A&E when I am unwell for 20 years, so I do not believe that a D-Lactic Assay will be given to any of us or that the NHS or other authorities will want this performed!; A Fecal Assay has been used to identify D-Lactic acidosis Pathogens/Bacterial Overgrowth in patients at Birmingham Children's Hospital, and despite my asking repeatedly for a Fecal Assay to be performed to identify the pathogens responsible, it has never been set up to be performed;

so this needs to done privately and can be done via a Biolab Medical Unit; Comprehensive Stool Analysis and Parasitology, or via the Phage Therapy Center in Georgia.

Samples can be sent to both very cheaply and the Phage Therapy Center may be able to offer a Phage capable of destroying the specific Overgrowth making you unwell.

It seems a cheap option to get the the Bacteria or Pathogen identified in Georgia and they do have real success. SamB's father (Phoenix Rising member) went there with untreatable MRSA and was given successful Phage therapy.


4 D.Arakishvili I lane
0179, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
Tel: (+995 32) 291-67-57

Dear Paul,

Thank you for contacting with us.

First of all please register in our web site.

After, if you have a bowel syndrome, please send us stool sample with sterile container.

From this sample our lab will isolate the bacteria that cause your infection and test sensitivity to commercially available phage preparations.

It is advised that you be off antibiotics for at least 5 days prior to taking your sample.

The price for the investigation of the first sample is 200 USD and 100 USD for consecutive ones.Our web site contains instructions for shipping the sample and for payment for the lab investigation.

The lab needs 4-5 days for the investigation and after we receive the results and inform you about the next step.
If you can’t send the sample, you can come in the clinic and bring it. Our clinic is open from Monday to Friday, from 11:00AM till 15:00 PM.

If you have any question please, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Natalie Guliashvili
Office Manager

Bacteriophage Therapy for Patients Across the Globe

Phage therapy is used broadly in Georgia, which has been the global center of phage expertise for over 80 years. We are the longest operating and most experienced clinic of its kind in Georgia, now entering our sixteenth year of operation with a success rate exceeding 80%.

Phage Therapy Center and our affiliates have developed novel technologies, methodologies and protocols for treatment of patients with very long term chronic infections. We specialize in treatment of chronic UTI, chronic prostatitis, chronic sinusitis and non-healing wounds. We apply a holistic, integrative approach to treatment of chronic patients. Not only is the infection cleared but also the general health is significantly improved.

We welcome all new patients with acne, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, lung infections, colitis, clostridium difficile, lyme, skin infections, intestinal infections, dysbiosis -- most types of bacterial infections. Please feel free to send us your questions -- our staff are always ready to respond. We look forward to receiving you as our patient!

Please note the following:

Until further notice we are not accepting patients at the clinic in Tbilisi. We will continue to accept specimens from patients for lab analysis and can ship phages to patients in countries where import is legal.

Georgia will open to air traffice from most countries on August 1, 2020. Check with your airline / government agencies to determine if travel into Georgia will be possible.




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Senior Member
They treat MRSA and Dysbiosis.

Bacteriophage Therapy for Patients Across the Globe

Probably now its all your CCI/AAI

I had recovered from very severe to mild with FMT as well with a proper donor, but now I still have some fatigue and PEM, but nothing compare to before.. Probably solved my gut but not my throat/cci

Could anyone tell me what CCI/AAI means?


Senior Member
And how does this fit with the CCI model?

I have both things, CCI and probably d-lactic acid producing bacteria.

My illness started after many strep throats.

Hi, I have a diagnosis, but no one has done any tests to find the pathogen causing my illness. I have asked repeatedly for them to do a Fecal Assay to identify the Bacteria in Overgrowth (while I am unwell) and to gauge the sensitivity to antibiotics so that it will be easier to treat . But no one will even give me a request form for this simple Assay, so I may have to do this privately. Even dogs can get a Fecal Assay for Bacterial Overgrowth! I do get a sore throat along with my other symptoms.

It is crazy, but I get the feeling that the NHS do not want this fully investigated because of the probable avalanche of legal claims from so many ME/CFS patients, with what could turn out to be dangerous Gastrointestinal disorders that have come from the use of Antibiotics, Probiotics such as VSL-3 and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory analgesics which stop the healing process throughout the body including the Gut by suppressing and weakening the immune system, COX enzymes, Proteoglycon Synthesis etc.

The widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) function mainly through inhibition of cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 (Cox-1 and Cox-2). Unlike Cox-1, Cox-2 is considered an inducible and pro-inflammatory enzyme. We previously reported that Cox-2 is upregulated in activated human B lymphocytes and using Cox-2 selective inhibitors that Cox-2 is required for optimal antibody synthesis. It is not known whether commonly used non-prescription and non-Cox-2 selective drugs also influence antibody synthesis. Herein, we tested a variety of Cox-1/Cox-

''By decreasing antibody synthesis, NSAIDs also have the ability to weaken the immune system which can have serious consequences for children, the elderly and the immune-compromised patients.”1 Apr 2020 e

It may be that there is a complex causation process that is aided by a number of other such as Glandular Fever.

I was given high dose NSAID's for several years before becoming ill in 1999, when I developed Glandular Fever and Gastrointestinal issues when I fell ill with D-Lactic acidosis which remained undiagnosed because the symptoms were believed to be ME. I was left with severe illness that would fluctuate from mild to having breathing difficulty like suffocation which was put down to Hyperventilation and was left to suffocate repeatedly, with muscle pain and weakness and fatigue that was like having climbed a mountain without oxygen.



Senior Member
After reading the articles below, I am going to try to hit my gut and lung with both antivirals and antibiotics as well as using things like Quinine Sulphate that can be used for both Bacterial and Viral Infections, High Vit C, Zinc, Brewers Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is a fungus containing Virus,that is highly beneficial to the Gut and has the potential to destroy Clostridium Difficile and other dangerous Bacteria such as Streprococcus and seems to have Phage properties as Antiviral and Antibacterial)

Uh, saccharomyces cerevisiae is not a 'fungus containing virus', and it's ineffective against c. difficile. You might be confusing it with s. boulardii, which is indeed quite effective for that specific infection.

I couldn't help but notice you've reposted this erroneous information in many different threads. For yours and other's sake, you should really edit the posts to correct this misinformation, however well intended. I know you wouldn't want anyone to become sicker should they try s. cerevisiae for c. difficile.


Senior Member
Hi dannybex,
I would take this up with WEBMD and a host of other publications concerning Brewers Yeast and possible properties. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is listed below as used for C.Diff by WEBMD. Brewers Yeast may also help with regulating Blood Sugar in Diabetes, which is another source of Bacterial Overgrowth that has caused ME/CFS symptoms in my own case......

From Wikipedia, Saccharomyces cerevisiae does indeed contain Virus ( including M Virus) which produces a killer toxin that has antimicrobial antiviral properties (articles below).

S. Boulardii also looks promising and I am guessing that a number of us may have developed similar Gastrointestinal illness related to ME/CFS, but due to different causation's. Bacterial Overgrowth can have a multiplicity of causation's and without any full understanding of different forms of Bacterial Overgrowth or ways to treat other than Antibiotics or FMT, it all comes down to trial and error and finding what is right for us individually. I do not see a one size fits all and what may work for one person may indeed work negatively for another. My comments above stressed that this was what I was trialing.

As with any supplements, probiotic's etc. anyone on this site must always ask the advice of a Doctor to make sure that there will be no interaction with medications or possible side effects and do as much reading as possible.


Baker's Yeast, Dried Yeast Fermentate, Faex, Faex Medicinalis, Levadura de Cerveza...
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Read Reviews (20)
Overview Information
Brewer's yeast is a kind of yeast that is a by-product of brewing beer. Dietary supplements containing brewer's yeast often contain non-living, dried yeast. People use brewer's yeast to make medicine.

Brewer's yeast is taken by mouth for respiratory problems, including the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, seasonal allergies, and swine flu. Brewer's yeast is also taken by mouth for diarrhea, swelling of the colon (colitis) due to the bacteria Clostridium difficile, high cholesterol, loss of appetite, acne, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), recurring boils on the skin (furunculosis), type 2 diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It has also been used as a source of B vitamins, chromium, and protein.

How does it work?
Due to the chromium content of brewer's yeast, there is interest in using it for lowering blood glucose in people with diabetes. Chromium may help the body use insulin more effectively. This can lower blood sugar levels.

Additionally, brewer's yeast seems to increase enzymes in the intestine that could help relieve diarrhea.

Brewer's yeast might help fight bacteria that cause infections in the intestine and improve the body's defenses against viral lung infections such as flu and the common cold.

Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins and protein.

From Wikipedia, concerning Saccharomyces cerevisiae/M Virus:

Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A Virus classification (unranked):VirusRealm:RiboviriaKingdom:OrthornaviraePhylum:DuplornaviricotaClass:ChrymotiviricetesOrder:GhabriviralesFamily:TotiviridaeGenus:TotivirusSpecies:
Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus LA[1]
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus ScV1[2]

Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A, also called L-A helper virus, is a member of the Totiviridae family of viruses found primarily in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.[3] Its discovery in the 1970s was the main starting point of research on yeast virology.[4] It is a double-stranded RNA virus with no extracellular phase and so is inherited through vertical cytoplasmic transmission.[4] Additionally, in many strains of the yeast, it is found along with another virus called the M virus, known to encode the killer toxin in many S. cerevisiae strains which confers the ability to kill neighboring sensitive cells that do not harbor the virus. It is indeed for this reason the virus is referred to as a helper virus, due to the M genome's dependence on it for its own survival and replication.


Brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is made from a one-celled fungus called Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is used to make beer. It has been grown and used as a nutritional supplement for years. Brewer's yeast is a rich source of minerals -- particularly selenium; protein; B-complex vitamins, and chromium, an essential trace mineral that helps the body maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Brewer's yeast tastes bitter and should not be confused with baker's yeast, nutritional yeast, or torula yeast. All those types of yeast are low in chromium.

The B-complex vitamins in brewer's yeast include B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), and H or B7 (biotin). These vitamins help break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which provide the body with energy. They also support the nervous system, help maintain the muscles used for digestion, and keep skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver healthy.

Brewer's yeast does not contain vitamin B12, an essential vitamin found in meat and dairy products.

Some studies suggest that chromium supplements may help people with diabetes control blood sugar levels. People with diabetes either do not produce enough insulin -- a hormone needed to change sugar, starches and other food into energy -- or cannot use the insulin that their bodies make. Chromium may lower blood sugar levels as well, improving glucose tolerance and reducing the amount of insulin needed. Because brewer's yeast is a rich source of chromium, scientists think it may help treat high blood sugar.

High Cholesterol
A few studies suggest that brewer's yeast may help lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels in the blood and raise HDL ("good") cholesterol levels. Researchers aren't sure whether that is due to the chromium in brewer's yeast or another substance. Not all studies have found positive results.


Senior Member
@Avenger The WebMD site is mislabeling s. cerevisiae -- or not specifiying that it's only the specific boulardii strain of cerevisiae that treats c. difficile, not the standard brewers yeast that their article is about. S. Boulardii is not Brewer's Yeast, and there are many studies to back up it's use for c. difficile, while there are none for brewer's yeast/s. cerevisiae.

The virus is also not found in the brewers yeast strain, it's found so-called 'killer strains' as noted in the study at the link on the Wikipedia page. It's worth noting that there's NO mention of this virus on Wikipedia's regular S. cerevisiae page.