Mast cell activation syndrome is not what it seems

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
There's an excellent couple of links and really good info on mcas activation posted by @SWAlexander on the UPDATES AND FOLLOW-UPS thread ....

I;;mm fighting thrru multiple levels of hell right now from COVID which after 8 months I think we can call LongCVID, and one of them is MCAS kst cell activation ....

I;m going to come bacck to this thread later, have absolutely zero brain right now, and am fatidued to the marrow .....

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
nability to have a proper metabolic balance for many years since you were born > growing inflammation in your body > growing fatigue > growing stress > more growing inflammation and stress > potential leaky BBB > toxins in the brain > more fatigue and mind fog > development of MCAS > possible autoimmunity response > hypersensitivity to every substance you eat or breath. DESCLAIMER: This is just my educated guess.
@Solitude .... you been poking thru my mail????

EXCELLENT educated guess, and dismally familiar ....


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Learner says she think it's due to a dodgy micfobiome. I'd agree with that. But I haven't got the tests to prove it. All I know is that I became a lot less reactive the first four weeks after COVID.


Senior Member
Interesting to read about all of these MAST illnesses. Well, I'll throw another one into the pot.

My mother-in-law (now deceased) had a mastectomy probably 45 years before she passed away (from other causes, not cancer). However, during those years she developed not just lymphedema but also uriticaria, a very bad case. (Hives; rash like)

After a few years and much time trying to find the cause of the problem, it turned out to be of all things, mayonnaise. Obviously the eggs in the mayonnaise as it's only oil and eggs. The point is that the most simple of things can cause this problem. How she ever stumbled upon mayonnaise, I'll never know...but I'm glad that she did.

Once she stopped using it, her uriticaria (rash) finally went away. She suffered from lymphedema all of her life, but at least one misery was out of the way. I hope you folks have similar luck. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Yes sometimes it can actually be very simple, even at my worst in more recent months I survived by changing keeping my diet as bland as I could handle and isolating various things to see specifically what was doing to my immune system and body overall. I think my issues are overall due to a toxin overload my body couldn't take care of itself because it got too big. I have been making very slow progress with ultra dose activated charcoal every morning. A while back when I first started using it I would have reactions so bad to it with facial and ear redness, feeling like I'm burning up, freezing and weird feeling extremities, constipation from amounts low enough to where it can't possibly be blocking anything (felt more like reactionary intestinal/liver swelling), ridiculous shifts in my mental state throughout the day, and over sensitivity. But I would feel more overall mentally clear, so I kept at it and little by little I was able to tolerate more of it for more days in a row. Still getting some symptoms upon each dose, ear ringing is one of my most persistent with occasional waves that may switch between mild fatigue or over excitation but every week with it I feel just slightly better. I think the cause of mine behind all of my food intolerances (which I'm still very careful with) was some kind of toxic load that activated charcoal is able to bind to and flush out. Whatever it is it chelators like DMSA, DMPS, or ALA are not able to take care of it so it's not heavy metals. As of today the pressure in my ears and "block in my forehead" feeling is now almost gone. Still get weird nerve sensations there that can make me feel mentally off but there is no longer a feeling of blockage there. The feeling of swelling in what appears to be a lymph node in my left side under the left ear that it is worse in is completely gone and hasn't returned.


Senior Member
Just be careful of too much charcoal as it can also absorb anything in its path....meds, vitamins, supplements, etc. I believe that if you wait 45 min. before taking the charcoal and a med, say, that it's enough time to separate the problem. Still, I'd really check it out.

I use it very sparingly but, yes, it does help. Yours, Lenora