It’s obvious you don’t understand L-form infection at all and are extremely jaded with a great amount of misunderstanding. I’ve already posted research showing the biochemical pathways that L forms use to infect neutrophils. You are free to look them up. For more information on L form infections I’ll refer you to CIR’s website which has a good number of well written articles.
>you really think that you can take a pharmaceutical medicine that'll target and kill your "L form" super bacteria and leave the rest of your body alone. it's impossible to know what knock on affects such meds will have. bacteria and the body's cells are not dissimilar. acidity and leaky gut are fad theories??? been around for yonks. how else would whole allergy triggerring food proteins get into the system, if it weren't for leaky gut??? and pain killers are known to become the source of their own pain...and i haven't mentioned any approaches??? and don't care for links to "improvement stories" from folk i've never met and have no idea as to the validity of such...
Don’t twist what I’m saying. I meant that it is a fad to believe that food allergies are the culprit for chronic fatigue syndrome. It simply doesn’t fit the evidence. Food allergies don’t depress body temperature, don’t increase 1,25 vitamin D above normal and don’t give immunopathological symptoms when dosed with bacteriostatic drugs. So far there is only one small, unreplicated study in the medical literature by Maes about leaky gut and chronic fatigue and it was only done for a short term (15 months) and used temporary remission as proof of efficacy.(
Maes, M. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2008 Dec;29(6):902-10.) Moreover, he didn't even rule out elevated vitamin D1,25 with a blood test and show how the treatment had any effect on that. It is foolish to put so much faith in leaky gut as a cure for chronic fatigue, although if someone has it independently I definitely think it should be addressed.
When patients are infected with L forms they show symptoms only when their immune systems are strong. When immunity is weak they are asymptomatic for specific immunopathology symptoms. Because of this a temporary reduction of symptoms often indicates the patient is getting worse not better.
>and all the "theories" of how these "evil", cunning bacteria can trick your body and hide where they're difficult to find have come about cos after a couple of years on the treatments people are still not recovered...maybe it's cos the treatment is flawed??? and not the super clever, great at hide and seek L form, gobble gooky, spookily evasive killer nasties you speak of...
I covered that in my above post see Faherty’s research. Just because the original Marshall Protocol’s treatment isn’t 100% effective doesn’t mean that L form infections don’t exist. These are two different issues and you need to realize your knowledge gap on the issue or you will be led astray by quacks.
>if eradicating l form, cures cfs, then why has no-one recovered and if it was the key, many would have and we'd know about it.
Well you just dismissed CIR’s report of their patient outcomes so until you open your mind, learn more about the science of what is being discussed and either be silent or speak intelligently (if that is possible) I don’t know if you will ever accept any logical arguments about it. Have a good day.
>L form will kill me? you're a fear mongerer, prove this happens!
Jason's article summarizes:
Jason, L.
Causes of Death Among Patients With Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome. Health Care for Women International, 27:615–626, 2006..
"The authors analyzed a memorial list tabulated by the National
CFIDS Foundation of 166 deceased individuals who had had CFS.
There were approximately three times more women than men on
the list. The three most prevalent causes of death were heart failure,
suicide, and cancer, which accounted for 59.6% of all deaths. The
mean age of those who died from cancer and suicide was 47.8 and
39.3 years, respectively, which is considerably younger than those
who died from cancer and suicide in the general population."
"The fact that approximately 20% of the sample died of heart failure is of
importance given the growing evidence of cardiac problems among patients
with CFS. For example, Streeten and Bell (2000) found that the majority of
patients with CFS had striking decreases in circulating blood volume. The
blood vessels in patients with CFS were constricted dramatically, and efforts
to restore normal volume have met with limited success." (ibid)
"The present study found that approximately 20% of the sample had died
from cancer, and this is of theoretical interest given the immune abnormalities
reported in patients. People with CFS appear to have two basic problems
with immune function: immune activitation as demonstrated by elevations
of activated T lymphocytes, including cytotoxic T cells and elevations of
circulating cytokines; and poor cellular function, with low natural killer
cell cytotoxicity and frequent immunoglobulin deficiencies (most often IgG1
and IgG3; Patarca-Montero, Mark, Fletcher, & Klimas, 2000). For example,
Antoni, Fletcher, Weiss, Maher, Siegel, and Klimas, (2003) found that patients
with low natural killer cell activity (NKCA) and a state of overactivation of
lymphocyte subsets (e.g., CD2+CD26+% activation markers) had the greatest
fatigue intensity and greatest fatigue-related impairments in emotional and
mental functioning."
"Another 20% of patients died of suicide, possibly due to the losses
that patients with this illness experience from family, friends, coworkers,
and health care workers (Friedberg & Jason, 1998)."
Who is Dr. Wright? Is he a Marshall Protocol MD in the UK?