Marshall Protocol

Im new here in this forum about ME/CFs! :Retro smile:

I try to learn how to del with this forum as good as I can.
Im a Swedish citisen an have a long time been bedridden in CFS.
My background is that i ended upp with The Kissingdisease when I was twenty and since then I have had chronicly periods of pain and bad symtoms typical for CFS. When 55 I got Borreliosis and then bedridden for 8 years. :tear:
I started at Marshall Protocol in december 2008, then I listened to Amy Proal, when Dr. Marshall visited The Karolinska Institute in Sweden, called: "The molecular days april 2008).

Slowly I got progress, so I now a time i can live a much better life than before and isnt bedridden anymore.
One and a half year, I has now been treated and followed up freqently of my physian in Sweden and of my MP doc in Norway. :Retro smile:
Well here I want You to know more about Amy, Trevor and The Marshall Protocol, s sometimes I will
put in links and my progression here.
First link in this time:
About the Marshall Protocol.

The Marshall Protocol is a medical treatment being used by physicians worldwide to treat a variety of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases including (but not limited to) sarcoidosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, Crohns Disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. While other treatments for chronic disease use palliative medications in an effort to cover up symptoms, the Marshall Protocol is a curative treatment, which strives to address the root cause of the disease process.


Senior Member
I think that a lot of people here will already know about the Marshall protocol and some will already have tried it. It's not particuarly new and it is controversial
Yes of course I Know that many have heard about that the big medical MP go trough the world, but have peopel understand the messages really?
It take much studies and time to dig deep and find the key to open it to understand that to heal so complicated sicknes as ME is not is a quick fix, with some "treatments" which not take THE ROOT OF the disease but just deaf the symtoms as the best otions we can have.
Kenny de Meirleir have the same attention to go to the root of the problems.


Senior Member
Hi Affa -- Welcome to the forums. I'm sincerely glad you're feeling better, and hope it continues for you.

I personally disagree with much of the Marshall Protocol, and it's theories*, etc., but if it seems to be working for you, that is great. I just know too many people who got a lot worse while on it, some almost had kidney failure, which was dismissed by the MP folks, but that shouldn't negate your experience. I would just urge you to proceed with caution.

Best regards,


*One thing that Amy says over and over is that vitamin d suppresses the immune system. This is simply not true. It regulates the immune system.


Senior Member
Hi Affa,

The Marshall protocol has had years of adding to and fine-tuning. It's been added to and is different to the one he originally announced on the CFS websites years ago. Nothing wrong with that. It's been well discussed over that time and yes, it is understood by many. As CFS programs go it's not very hard to understand.

If you have approched it as a new person, yes, it will take some reading. However, many people with CFS have had years to see it grow, to see it incorporate parts of other older, established, understood and discussed programs and to follow the progress of people doing the program.
will the Marshall protocol cure XMRV infection ? I think not

No not directly if You are infected with the XMRV, but often there is co-infektions as EBV,CMV, Borreliosis and manny more infektions discovered in ME.
Daniel Peterson mention that it can be ove 30 infektions in one person.
How are we able to deal with them at first? They are resistent and invisible in laboratorie probes in blodstream, so Treating XMRV, do not be the whole soloution eigther I think!!!

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I have read that when micoplasma (which is my understanding of what the Marshall Protocol treats) spreads in persons with a comprimised immune system such as those with HIV (and maybe those with XMRV??), it can get up in the brain and cause twitching and all kinds of other neurological symptoms. I don't think it would hurt to try the Marshall Protocol to see if some of your symptoms improve. I wanted to try it, but my insurance will not pay for it. I would have to go to a naturopath witch I cannot afford right now. Please, affa, let me know how it works.
Hi Judderwocky!
My answer is to You.

These other "docktors" have failed for fourty Years until now- so!

The Microbiological touch is better handled of a person with doctors of Microbiologi in combination with the now tecniks of data as Dr. Marshall even is educated in.
Professions now a days have to go over some other professionals eareas to get the whole picture and only With this eyes se what is going on in these complicated sicknesses.

If we dont kill the microbiota theyll kill us !

Dr. Daniel Peterson the rese4arsher, for abot thirty years now, remind us in his speaches, that a person with ME can have about 30 microbes infektion chronic in their body from viruses to bacterials, mycoplasmas and Borrelioses and why not even XRMV!
Hi Mya Symons!

I do it best to link You to The MP Databas, ther you easy can find these question answered.

Yes, a comprimiced immun system what it is about, and that pathogenes can hide intracellulrt and stay there and spread to other cells, so the body get down in wekeness, tiredness and fatigue asolutely!
All individuals cant handle the IP symtoms because a very late stage or a vere severe situations of course!

My approach after 45 year of EBV, which endet upp in ME och Borrelia and titers of Cytomegalovirus an Mycoplasmas, that I go on MP in a very slow way.
Beginning only with The Olmesartan Medoximil and then slowly increasing the antibiotics- Minocycline, Azitromaz and Dalacin.
Dark Glasses of the right qalities is neded at the beginning!

Go slowly is the best for the organs to handle these toxins which had to work hard under the microbes dyingprosess.
Here is Information for patients and Physians:

Hallo everyones in this Tread, here you can find a lot of answeres!
Good Luck


Senior Member
Dr. Daniel Peterson the rese4arsher, for abot thirty years now, remind us in his speaches, that a person with ME can have about 30 microbes infektion chronic in their body from viruses to bacterials, mycoplasmas and Borrelioses and why not even XRMV!

Yes, one question to be answered is whether this is opportunistic or the cause. However, the percentage of ME patients that this has been found in, and the fact that it is a retrovirus, strongly support the idea that this is not opportunistic.
Hi Dannybex!

Yeas You are right D- vitamin regulates the immunsystem!

BUT IF THE D-VITAMINRECEPTOR IS BLOCKED, gets the level of 1,25D up in the labbtest very high and funktions then as a steroid- like cortisol which supresse the immunsystem and therefor this cortisol is usefull with treating inflammations in the body!

But this cortison treatment is not cureing the sicknesses or inflamations, it just hide the symtoms and the patients feel better, but are not cured at all!

BEYONDS THE INFLAMMATIONS IS CURABLE CHRONIC INFEKTIONS, but the officiell treatments is until now is treated with symtommedications instead of cure the cause of the sickness!

To cure You must kill the microbes who ever they are!
Then your imunsystem, are able to take care of the viruses!
V99 Hi!

You Wrote:
" is a retrovirus, strongly support the idea that this is not opportunistic."

You are wright ! Retroviruses is very oportunistic!

But people with The Kissing desase and not have been cured is comming in to an immunsupressing stage and over the years comes down with so manny infektions that they together is going to bee very oportunisk, like HIV and XRMV is my peronally thinking.


Senior Member
I think you have misunderstood my post. XMRV is likely to be the reason that ME patients get opportunistic infections like EBV. XMRV is likely to cause the immune suppression.