Folks who bake with chia seeds, tell me your experiences! How much do you put in? What do you do in the way of soaking? What do you find it does to the bread?
You might like this post on the The Fresh Loaf (great baking site): Chia sourdough two ways
It includes info from a skilled baker who comments on percent of chia used in the bread, amount of water used, taste, texture, super-moist crumb... She uses the baker's percentage system for her recipes.
As far using heirloom grains, I use spelt very often because it's easy for me to get the grains locally. I also use red fife when it's available. Kamut/Khorasan has a nice flavor but gives me stomach discomfort after eating it for a couple of days, so I avoid it.
The annoying thing about using oats, rye flour, kamut flour, spelt flour or what have you is that they all reduce how much gluten is in the bread and how well it will rise, so you can only really use one at a time.
You can try adding a liitle (1/16 tsp) of ascorbic acid powder to your bread to strengthen the gluten and increase volume. It works like magic with fresh ground spelt, and helps red fife but not as much. Without the ascorbic acid spelt can be very elastic and doesn't hold onto gas bubbles as well as it does when AA is added.
Some useful baking sites: The Fresh Loaf,
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