it could still be post nasal fluid
possible. Since its all 'possible'. I choke on vitamins sitting up, if that matters. I have neck alignment that affects the swallowing (also). There is an old New Yorker article, from the WayBack: Gerontology. The first page describes- why we choke. The article suggested- we will really be needing gerontologists.
reminds me of my visit to a doctor in 1995. I'm sure "I must have mononucelosus, again". Chronic that, was my lifetime diagnosis. If I knew chronic fatigue existed back then, well that wasn't what I was sick with. Cause I'm REAL sick (sometimes, then). I remember that Newsweek- Yuppie Flu. I did not consider myself a Yuppie.
So this doctor told me in 1995-Your Stressed. Take a yoga class (points to take a yoga class handout, on wall).
Tells me I have post nasal drip. Hands me some nose inhaler. Sprays that up my nose. My nose hurts thereafter.
I went home, and threw it away.
It was probably ten years, before I went to yet another one of these Doctors, and said-I must have mono again.
and nothing happened, nothing ever did.
So I seriously- go to the chinese medicine.