roxie60, have you been tested or treated yet for any form of OI? Some of your symptoms sound typical of that and it is treatable (to some extent) and could significantly improve your quality of life.
As I'm sure you've read here at PR, but I'll mention it again just in case -- very few local docs are any use whatsoever in treating ME/CFS. They simply don't know which tests to run or how to interpret the tests correctly in the context of the illness. You will have much better luck with disability of you can get evaluated by an ME/CFS specialist. That's not easy if you're in Illinois, but worth it nonetheless.
I've just been through a round of specialists at my local mega-clinic in Illinois -- cardiologist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist. They, along with my GP, pretty much just blow me off. Hubby was right pissed at the endo today for treating me like there's nothing wrong and not agreeing to run more than the most basic tests which have already been ordered by my ME/CFS specialist.
I get SO much more from seeing Dr Rey once or twice a year. And it's a hell of a lot cheaper than paying through the nose for all these local docs who do nothing and charge outrageously.