My cd57 was 51, so low enough to be of concern. The lyme test was almost a year ago. Right now my doc has me on abx as an experiment to see if they make me feel better. I have thought about retesting for lyme after have been on abx for a few weeks, but it is so expensive I have mixed feelings.
After negative lyme test, I tested very high for hhv6 and am taking valcyte for that. Thinking I may just needto give that time. I have read people on this forum who took 12-18 mos to see improvement with valcyte and I have been on only 8 mos. It may just be impatience making me look back at lyme.
Things that point to lyme for me: know have been bitten by deer ticks, live in a lyme area, low cd57, pain in opposite joints (left shoulder and right hip amd knee), sudden onset anxiety.
Against: negative igenex test,no bullseye rash (although may have been bit the same time I got poison ivy so didn't see), joint pain is without swelling, would it really take over 10 years for most symptoms to emerge?
Hate, hate, hate this illness.