Lithium Orotate & Overmethylation?


Senior Member
I want to update info.

Vitamin K2 and E don't deplete boron. I had detox on iodine and needed boron everyday because boron seems to increase vitamin C levels (for a day or so). When I took more vitamin C I didn't need any boron anymore on iodine detox. Vitamin C seems to be essential during iodine detox. Vitamin E depletes vitamin C levels so that's why I mistakenly decided that Vit E depletes boron.


one night out of the blue, I had a massive panic attacks and tachycardia, arrhythmia and dizziness etc. I thought initially, and seemed to confirm with supplementation that the lithium was simply dropping my magnesium as they are antagonistic.

I've had lithium do this to my magnesium as well. It seems to activate vitamin d as well as b12.


@Kadar I think you may have solved my problem. From what I can tell I'm experiencing hypoparathyroidism brought on by Boron deficiency. I'm going to really ramp up my Boron and keep you posted. I know that the protocol can cause boron deficiency so hopefully that's the problem. B6 may lower Boron as well so somehow I've tanked my Boron I think. I'm off to take some more so I'll keep you posted on what happens.

I think I'll try this. I'm still sensitive to lithium in small amounts (even food amounts) then when I intake vitamin d I need magnesium in inconvenient doses. I've never tried boron or any other trace minerals since lithium put me off.


Senior Member
I've had lithium do this to my magnesium as well. It seems to activate vitamin d as well as b12.
Hi @L'engle in the end I believe all of these symptoms were B6 toxicity and the Facebook forum and this website have hundreds if not thousands of people with the same symptoms. The panic and heart symptoms in the end is caused by low sodium and low blood volume along with general electrolyte imbalance which are symptoms of B6 toxicity which causes small fiber neuropathy which leads to severe autonomic disfunction. Not long after this I started having intense paresthesia and Lhermitte's sign which was the final clue as this is the most known symptom of B6 toxicity. The lithium simply aggravated and accelerated the effect (sodium antagonist) but was not the direct cause.


Senior Member
@Wayne taking iodine will start halogen (bromine, chlorine & fluoride) detox in the body. You need some nutrients to succesfully deal with them. You can search standart protocol for iodine detox. But I didn't use high doses of iodine, around 1mg maximum for some time and it induced detox for months which I didn't feel because loaded with vitamin C and after that it wasn't noticable for me at all.

Sorry I probably made you confused saying iodine detox, I meant detox ON iodine, not like iodine is something bad lol. I'm not English speaker and sometimes forgetful in language
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Senior Member
@L'engle please be careful with boron. It absorbs copper and if you have incorrect copper metabolism (as I do) it can create problems.

I couldn't tolerate lithium and had some sensations in my thyroid on it until I upped my iodine level. If you decide to start iodine don't forget to load with vitamin C a bit first, it's very important. And vitamin C is something to be careful about if you have problems with copper too.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
@Wayne taking iodine will start halogen (bromine, chlorine & fluoride) detox in the body. You need some nutrients to succesfully deal with them.
Hi @Kadar -- Thanks for your replay. There's a good thread here on Phoenix Rising on one man's successful use of iodine. You might find that thread interesting, which includes a POST I made on iodine supporting Lyme dieoff detoxification.

I hear what you're saying about the need to be ready to assist the body in detoxification if a person starts taking iodine, and it ends up initiating a release of halogens. You mention Vit. C as assisting in detox, and I totally agree with you.

I take it a step further, and do coffee enemas, which are greatly supportive of detoxification. And I add several grams of Vit. C in the form of sodium ascorbate to the coffee solution to enhance its effectiveness. Works amazingly well to quickly shift from a toxic state to a "cleared out" state in a matter of 15-30 minutes.

Also, I did sort of a "deep dive" into iodine a few years ago, and did a summary writeup here on PR. Below is a link in case you have an interest in checking it out.

Iodine and Apoptosis - Implications For Immunity, Autoimmunity, Leaky Gut, Methylation, Cancer, etc.

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@L'engle please be careful with boron. It absorbs copper and if you have incorrect copper metabolism (as I do) it can create problems.

Thanks. I have problems with too much copper and having to take zinc to balance that. Copper's one of the worst things for me.


I started taking boron 3mg a few days ago. I had been needing to soak my feet with epsom salts every night and during the night in order to sleep. The boron instantly stopped this. I still need a bit of magnesium early in the morning but much less. I've had this problem for years, especially if I have any kind of vitamin D or lithium rich food source. So this is a huge win for me.

I feel slightly better as well and not in a way that causes crashing so I think boron is a good addition for me, at least to take for a while.