Lithium Orotate & Overmethylation?


Senior Member
@drmullin30 I remember Freddd mentioned boron along with copper in his messages about lithium. Did you see it?
As I understand boron depletes iodine only if you have fluoride toxicity. Yes, in my experience vitamin A definitely increases boron absorption. I don't remember where I found that info but it works. I usually take boron occasionally or 6mg per day. I took 40mg +- recently only once because thought my levels have dropped by E, K, etc. As I say, I raised vitamin C levels on iodine protocol so vitamin C flushes fluoride instead of boron and I don't need boron on iodine anymore. So I take maybe 300mcg of iodine 3 times in a month only because vitamin C seem to recycle iodine. And I take around 5g of vitamin C 3 times in a month to make sure my C levels dont drop due to halogen detox (so I don't need boron). Vitamin C also seems to detox mercury/copper so I don't get molybdenum deficiency on iodine if I have good C levels. Also, molybdenum probably helps absorb boron. I guess it's somehow connected to vitamin A metabolism. Molybdenum (with some other nutrients) convert retinol to active form, I experienced that myself, getting vitamin A effect when A barely work (when low in molybdenum). And I didn't notice manganese dropping boron in comparison to fat soluble vitamins. + boron seems to deplete iron and zinc. Keep posting, very interesting experience
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Senior Member
@Kadar thanks for all of that information and for all of your help! So after taking 20 mg of boron yesterday and today, I am feeling 100% better! I was able to take a healthy dose of b12 and folate today with no issues.

My calcium and magnesium needs are WAY down and I'm not having the issues with cold, neuropathy or anxiety. So we can update the boron deficiency symptoms list with a few more including hypoparathyroidism.

Tomorrow I'll reduce the boron dose down to 10 mg and will reintroduce b6 and iodine.

I think in the end it was a combination of things that tanked my boron. Certainly vitamin k and e supplementation probably contributed as well so I will be more careful with those and make sure I'm getting adequate D and A.

I'm currently taking 500 -1000 mg per day of C and I'm hesitant to increase that too much as it can exasperate oxalates. I did a high dose iodine protocol a few years back so I don't think I'm detoxing halogens anymore but who knows maybe that was part of what tanked my boron as well.

I will also make sure I'm getting enough zinc and iron while using the higher dose boron.


Senior Member
Upd for clearance: I'm not sure about vitamin E depleting b5. I couldn't figure my deficiency but I don't have any problems anymore


Senior Member
@Kadar, OK, so we have the same issue, calcium deficiency which includes potassium and magnesium deficiency as well but in my case, that may be caused by the high dose calcium I'm having to take. Right now I'm needing 500 mg every four hours or so except through the night. What do we do about this?

Are you still taking any b-vitamins? The last two days I have tried taking one milligram of methylfolate and one milligram of hydroxocobalamin because my energy and mood have been low but I'm having trouble tolerating even that it seems. I also still need copper at around 12 mg per day. I also have been taking r-alpha lipoic acid 150-300 mg per day and 500 mg of ALCAR and I also have still been taking 500 mg of the inositol nicotinate. I was also taking 400 iu of vitamin E daily so I'll cut that out and see if that helps.

Today, I'm still having bad pretty bad calcium deficiency anxiety spasms as well and neuropathy so I think I'll have to cut out everything now for a while except the electrolytes. Keep me posted on how you're doing and I'll do the same. The panic and anxiety are very disconcerting.
What side effects did you get from hydroxycobalamin? I'm testing it now but at a much lower dose and also a little adenocobalamin.


Senior Member
Hey @Kadar, what are the synergistic calcium nutrients that play with your adrenals - I have some related issue at the moment. Anxiety breathlessness weakness seemingly helped by calcium and made worse by boron 🤒


Senior Member
Had also just upped my b vitamins. Could it just be a frank calcium deficiency? I’ve been neglecting to take it for maybe a year.


Senior Member
Yes I have symptoms of calcium deficiency after taking b vitamins. I see in this thread you recommend boron and say something like ‘my adrenals go funny after taking calcium or calcium related nutrients’

i wondered what these other nutrients are that deal with calcium / for example vitamin k2 (mk7?) / boron / vitamin D


Senior Member
It was recommendation for another situation (about boron) . You may be deficient in k2. When I was deficient in k2 I took b-vitamins and experienced what I think calcium deficiency (I didn't know then and tried another electrolytes - they didn't help).

Another possibility is potassium deficiency - it's common for all people - high doses of b vitamins deplete potassium causing breathing problems, tiredness. Calcium could help in this situation because it's synergetic with potassium, but it's not calcium deficiency.

Difference in potassium and calcium deficiencies is that in calcium deficiency you get chest tightness. I would check potassium deficiency first


Senior Member
I am getting heart palpitations and shortness of breath - potassium seems to make it worse and calcium makes it better so I will continue down that root for now. Thanks on the k2 - do you mean mk7 or mk4?


Senior Member
Actually both work, but k2 itself depletes calcium levels. Mk4 is more safe about side effects but you may need to take more to see an effect

Mk-7 may deplete calcium levels noticeably for 3 days if you have low vitamin D levels. So I recommend k2 mk4 for start


Senior Member
I also recommend to make sure you have enough selenium before taking k2 or you may loose b2


Senior Member
Mk4 made me worse but mk7 seems to have been the ticket. My methylation is working again now and symptoms much less severe. Thanks so much how great is this forum. Lifesaving.


Senior Member
@Sophiedw in my experience all fat soluble vitamins (A, E, D, K2) deplete selenium levels. I was taking k2 and started experience b2 deficiency symptoms. I rised selenium levels and didn't have b2 drop on k2 anymore


Senior Member
Vitamin k2 will also deplete D, A (don't take synthetic ,only 100% from fish liver - "bluebonnet nutrition",for example) , taurine, calcium. And be careful with k2 if you have gut issues, k2 is a "source" for helicobacter pylori. I didn't notice it on low doses (up to ~300 mk7 each 3 days) , only with super high. But be careful if you are prone to gut issues