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Lightning Process to be Evaluated in Research Study on Children

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Hi Suzy,

Just out of interest - I haven't been looking in at all to the BS forum in the past couple of weeks for various reasons - have they been supportive of your work on the LP issues at all?

Initially, there wasn't a huge amount of interest in the issue of the pilot but those who did comment were generally negative about LP, in general, and also questioned the ethics of trialling LP in children before RCTs had been carried out in adults.

The thread livened up again following my posting of the ASA adjudication. Again, I don't think anyone felt it was ethical to trial in children first.

On the whole, though, there seems to be less interest, generally, in LP on BS, than in many other issues. Quite why this should be, I don't know.

I'd have thought it a subject ripe for scrutiny by Ben Goldacre.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Co-Cure: NOT, MED, ACT: A question of ethics J Footman

In her Co-Cure posting, Ms Footman has not declared a COI.

She is a professional provider of EFT and other therapies and advertises in patient organisation magazines.

Advert from an ME Association recent mag:

Jacqui Footman BA (Hon), PGCE, Member National Council of Psychotherapists,
Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), NLP, EMDR, WHEE,
EmoTrance and Reiki. Registered (General Regulatory Council for
Complimentary Therapies). Trained by Dr Myhill to support her ME/CFS
treatment programme. Info Officer, South Molton ME Support Group with
extensive experience of ME/CFS at many levels.

Jacqui's EFT practice combines aspects of counselling, life-coaching, NLP
and psychotherapies such as CBT and solution-focussed therapy with the
powerful new energy-psychology technique EFT, which involves tapping
acupuncture points to bring about dramatic personal change and healing.
EFT is available by phone.


Phone tapping?


Tuesday, July 20, 2010 12:21 AM
Subject: [CO-CURE] NOT, MED, ACT: A question of ethics

Speaking of ethics, my question - is it ethical to attempt to deny 90
children/young people the opportunity to have their young lives back? or
to try to persuade others to rescind that opportunity?

My 12-year-old was diagnosed with ME 3 months after glandular fever. The
diagnosis was confirmed by our two UK best-known paediatricians in the
field, Drs Speight and Crawley. She definitely had ME/CFS. She went from
active swimmer and gymnast to wheelchair. She missed a year of school.
Out of desperation with an NHS strict activity management approach which
was driving her to distraction and starting to cause her to feel miserable
she reached out to Lightning Process(LP) ... and was back to enjoying an
active life within weeks.

The LP Practitioner she saw has worked with many teenagers and has 100%
success rate with teenagers so far.

Because of the obvious change when my daughter did LP, notably that she
immediately went from so often looking deathly pale to having a constant
healthy rosy complexion, someone in our local ME support group who had been
bedbound for 10 years since being made dreadfully worse with CBT/GET
decided there must be something to LP and it must have some sort of
capacity to directly affect the physiology. She mustered the courage to
try LP herself and the same practitioner went to her house to do it with
her as she wasn't well enough to get to a LP course. She was walking round
her garden by the third day of the LP course and has gone from strength to
strength since. That was over a year ago. She has just won a design
competition and is to start the high profile design course in Oxford for
which she won the fees in September this year. She has a life again after
17 years of existence in a bed. She had ME/CFS too, no question.

LP is nothing like the NHS CBT/GET/GAT treatments. I've detailed knowledge
of both. LP bears no relationship to the deconditioning theories etc upon
which CBT treatments have been based.

When LP first came out I was sceptical. After this personal experience and
observation I don't hesitate to recommend this LP Practitioner who once had
ME/CFS herself and has a brilliant understanding of what people need to get
well and gives all the support and follow-up needed. Although I don't
recommend LP per se without qualification. I do believe there should be
further research. LP seems to work best with young people.

Jacqui Footman
Mother and
Information Officer, South Molton ME Support Group
(please note, long and negative anti-LP emails will not be answered, so
save your energy)

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Co-Cure's purpose is to provide information from across the spectrum of
opinion concerning medical, research and political aspects of ME/CFS and/or
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political opinion expressed in Co-Cure posts, and we urge readers to
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interpretation is definitive. The Co-Cure website <www.co-cure.org> has a
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Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Co-Cure: ACT: ME - Juvenile Treatment - Testing and LP - CBT/GET ethics, Karl Krysko

Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 8:02 PM
Subject: [CO-CURE] ACT:ME - Juvenile Treatment -Testing and LP-CBT/GET ethics

Karl has a revised version he would like to provide me with shortly.

Revised version of Co-Cure mailing, 19 July:

Recent attention has been drawn to the question of ethics in attempting a Lightning Process (LP) pilot study on children and juveniles suffering from ME. It is right to question such. The very nature and history of this pseudo-treatment approach should dictate against even entertaining the thought, yet alone dabbling in its dangerous claims. It is obvious that some individuals individuals in the LP, if they are lucky, do not actually have ME in the first place, while others who do, in fact, and show some 'improvement' are simply drawing on margins of redundancy for extra energy expenditure that patients automatically and unconsciously build into their cautious use of activity generally. The un-lucky ones, however, encouraged and lured with promises of 'cure' in the LP trespass these self-protection margins, and face precipitating a serious relapse.

The basic therapeutic 'rationale' for the LP has been around for many years during which time its foundations, essentially Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Affirmation therapy, have had plenty of time (and patient financing) to establish their scientific and medical validity. This they have failed to do long term.

Practitioners such as Leonard Orr, of 're-birthing' fame, and others in the early 1980s motivated their newly diagnosed and pathetically desperate HIV patients, for example, to go jogging along the beaches of California (where else!) while affirming repeatedly to TV cameras, and all, that they were no longer ill, did not have a life threatening medical condition, and were in fact in perfect health. This claim they were directed to assert most emphatically, and especially so - no matter how unwell they felt or became, as if the 'magic' of insisting this to be the case could somehow make it so.

Then as now, patients were charged most handsomely for this treatment approach. Many such individuals back then, before the era of medical understanding and proper treatments for the AIDS virus, went to their early death still chanting and 'affirming' their pathetic mantras, in total denial. The modern versions of this nonsense, and it has various forms even among some charismatic 'healing' religions, just goes to show how difficult it is to kill off a good money making racket.

But the current discussion has missed one similar and important parallel to the question of ethics in treating and testing child victims of ME with the LP. The proposal has recently been made in Wales that the NHS should be petitioned for an essentially CBT and GET-GAT treatment service for ME youngsters, alongside the already existing services for adults here in the Principality.

But notice how the facts and ethics of the LP and CBT/GET link unmistakably:

Just as CBT thinking really began to replace the old 'taking and insight therapy' and catharsis types of approach to behavioural-psychological based problems, at the same time Affirmations and NLP appeared on the scene. As with the LP, and after all this time since, the scientific and medical validity of CBT and de-conditioning therapy for ME is also lacking, despite early robust efforts, here for example, by the Welsh ME/CFS Service (with several others conducted in the UK at the time) over five years between 1999 and 2004 to establish its value, using the best methodological, statistical and University (Bangor) facilities available. After some attempted spin-up, those poor results were later sat on.

Like the LP also, the CBT approach obviates the patients' instincts and intuitions concerning their health situation, as well as the views of their carers, friends and family. The patient in both paradigms has to denounce what they know they know, experience, and have learned about their illness and coping in order to, supposedly, get better. And both regimes thereby effectively downgrade or refute the genuine seriousness, gravity and clinical authenticity of ME.

Like the LP, CBT/GAT also make promises that cannot be substantiated or upheld, clearly so for our badly compromised patients; one nine year GP-diagnosed, for example, severely effected and bedridden ME patient near Flintshire north Wales, was told by her ME Clinic that she would be well and functioning within the year, if she maintained the methods propagated at their eight day training course. Meantime, similar attempts were made to overturn her longstanding ME diagnosis with her GP. Lightning Process patients are made equivalent promises, and are similarly encouraged to anathematise their 'ME title and patient 'role'.

Most seriously and least obviously, both the LP and CBT/GAT approaches irresponsibly reject, ignore, are indifferent to, or deny the existence of (already) serious ongoing molecular and organic damage that will be exacerbated over time by inappropriate, incremented, upward gradations of kinetic load, in the name and claim of 'improvement.' The compounding of this molecular damage could have mortal consequences for many ME patients, at least over the long-term and wherein, temporally, this therapy is exactly designed to operate.

In their most recent and comprehensive Review of the Research to date, for example, Twisk and Maes (2009 - 10) refer in this regard to forms of bio-chemical long-term damage that CBT and methods like Graded Activity/Exercise for ME patients could produce, stating that the therapy 'is not only ineffective and not evidence based, but also potentially harmful for many patients with ME.'

The question of ethics, of placing ME children in the direct oncoming hit-path of a Lightning Process treatment and assessment - in a 'test to destruction' fashion - potentially a consequence in the short or long term - is therefore as unethical as doing so in its other latest crack-pot analogue recently announced here in the Principality as 'a new campaign'; for yet another, this time specifically child and juvenile, CBT/GAT Service for Wales.

Rejecting the Lightning Process and its flawed manifestations down the decades, it is for the same parallel reasons here given between the two treatments, that we also reject and will actively campaign against such an irresponsible, scientifically indefensible and, yes, unethical NHS development for our young ME victims living here in North Wales.

Karl Krysko. BA (hons), BSc.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Three Funding letters

Lightning Process pilot for ME and CFS children: Funding letters

Shortlink to this post on ME agenda site: http://wp.me/p5foE-2XZ

For background to this issue see ME agenda 5 July report:

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) Adjudication: Withinspiration (Lightning Process)

The University of Bristol Information Office is withholding virtually all information known to have been requested to date under Clause 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

Currently, no information on the study design, methods, objectives, recruitment process and research criteria for this proposed pilot study is available for public scrutiny.

The study is due to commence in September.

The University has confirmed that the research study, for which funding was secured last November, is still going through the ethics approval procedure but is withholding the names of the research ethics committee(s) considering the application for ethics approval.

Funding for the pilot has been awarded by the Linbury Trust and the Ashden Trust. Some funding related documents have been made available to members of the public in response to requests for specific information.

To virtually all questions submitted under FOIA, the University Information Offices response has been the same:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August/September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

Some limited documentation has been provided to two members of the public:

Document 1:

4 November 2009 | Linbury Trust to Dr Esther Crawley

PDF opens from ME agenda site: Funding Linbury Trust 04.11.09


Note: The grant is conditional on the project commencing no later than October 2010.

Document 2: (Obtained by Ciaran Farrell)

24 November 2009 | Ashden Trust to Dr Esther Crawley

PNG file opens from ME agenda site:


Note: At least part of the total grant is being paid out over three years: 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12.

Document 3: (Obtained by Ciaran Farrell)

8 March 2010 | Linbury Trust to Dr Esther Crawley

PNG file opens from ME agenda site:


University of Bristol internal review

A request for an internal review of the responses received on 17 June 2010 from the University of Bristol was submitted yesterday, 22 July. A copy of the complaint will be published in a subsequent post.


Suzy Chapman for ME agenda

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Request to Director of Legal Services for internal review

Request to Director of Legal Services for internal review: FOI responses on Bath/Bristol Lightning Process pilot using ME and CFS children

Shortlink to post on ME agenda: http://wp.me/p5foE-2Yy

For background to this issue see ME agenda 5 July report:

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) Adjudication: Withinspiration (Lightning Process)

This formal request for an internal review of the Freedom of Information responses to my request for information was submitted on 22 July. The complaint has been referred to the University of Bristols Director of Legal Services who will respond within 20 working days (by 19th August 2010).

The University has confirmed that the research study, for which funding was secured last November, is still going through the ethics approval procedure. The study is due to start in September.

To: Director of Legal Services, Secretarys Office, University of Bristol, Senate House, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TH Email: freedom-information@bristol.ac.uk

Re: Request for a review of responses to my request for information under the Freedom of Information Act

Request for information submitted on: 16 May 2010
Fulfilled: 17 June 2010

University of Bristols Response of 17 June 2010 in PDF attachment in response to:

Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases NHS Foundation Trust/University of Bristol:

Pilot project to investigate how to recruit to a randomised controlled trial looking at the Phil Parker Lightning Process and specialist medical care in CFS/ME in children. Project to incorporate study on health economic cost of CFS/ME in children.

22 July 2010

Dear Sir or Madam,

I write to request a review of the decision to withhold almost entirely the information and documents requested on 16 May 2010, under Clause 22(1)(a) and on the stated grounds:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

My complaint is based upon, but not restricted to the following areas of concern:

1] The Lightning Process is controversial, unregulated and untrialled. It is said by its creator to be developed from Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Life Coaching. It is marketed by the Phil Parker organisation not as a therapy or a treatment but as a training program delivered by instructors or practitioners or coaches.

Instructors are trained and licensed by the Phil Parker organisation and are not accountable to any regulatory professional body. If individuals have complaints about a practitioner or about the Lightning Process, itself, which cannot be resolved directly with the practitioner or through the Phil Parker complaints procedure, the clients only recourse is Trading Standards.

To date, no rigorous RCTs into the application of the Lightning Process have been undertaken in adults with CFS and ME.

It is a matter of public interest that an NHS paediatric CFS unit should be planning to undertake a study in relation to the Lightning Process involving children as young as eight when no rigorous controlled trials have first been undertaken using an adult patient cohort into the safety, acceptability, long and short-term effects of the application of a previously untrialled research area.

No rationale has been provided by the research team for piloting first with children and there is very little information currently available about the study design, methods, objectives, recruitment process etc. for public scrutiny.

2] Children are considered a vulnerable research group. The Medical Research Council (MRC) and other institutions, for example, the Royal College of Paediatric Child Health (RCPCH), publish specific ethical guidelines for research using children.

All extracts from document MRC Ethics Guide: MRC Medical Research Involving Children (Nov 2004, revised Aug 2007)


(1.3) Research should only include children where the relevant knowledge cannot be obtained by research in adults.

(4.1) Does the research need to be carried out with children? Research involving children should only be carried out if it cannot feasibly be carried out on adults.

(4.3.2) Have previous laboratory studies, animal research, studies with adults, or other data provided a sufficient basis for proceeding with research involving children?

(4.3.2) Is inclusion of children necessary to answer the scientific question posed by the research?

Since no RCTs have been carried out in adults, there is no reliable data on the safety of the application of the Lightning Process in patients with CFS and ME.

There are concerns that with no access to robust data, the research team and the Research Ethics Committee(s) considering the application will have no basis on which to assess the safety, acceptability, short and long-term effects of the Lightning Process and are not in a position to determine that overall the likely benefits of the research outweigh any risks to child participants and that undergoing the training program would not be detrimental to a childs current health status and psychological well-being, as a patient diagnosed with CFS or ME.

Furthermore, parents, and children considered competent to give consent, are not in a position to give informed consent because there is no data from adult RCTs.

It is a matter of public interest that the RNHRD NHS FT/University of Bristol research team should be seeking ethics research committee approval for a study using children where this is incongruent with the Medical Research Council (MRC) guidelines for research using children.

3] On 16 June, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) published an adjudication against a Bournemouth company following its upholding of a complaint about a Lightning Process advertisement. The ASA recorded their concerns that the company did not hold robust evidence to support their claims that the lightning process was an effective treatment for CFS or ME. We therefore reminded them of their obligations under the CAP Code to hold appropriate evidence to substantiate claims prior to publication. Because we had not seen any evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of the lightning process for treating the advertised conditions, we concluded that the claims had not been proven and were therefore misleading.

The company was advised to ensure they held substantiation before making similar efficacy claims for the lightning process.

The Advertising Standards Authoritys remit does not extend to website content but there is considerable concern that there are websites for practitioners offering the Lightning Process to adults and children where claims are being made, for example, in this case, that clients have recovered from, or experienced significant improvement from diseases and conditions which, in addition to ME and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, are claimed to include urinary infections, coeliac disease, crohns disease, blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, type 2 diabetes, hyper/hypo thyroidism, autistic spectrum disorder, dyspraxia, ADHD, lymes disease, glandular fever, epstein barr virus, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, parkinsonian tremor and motor neurone disease.

The practitioner associated with the company to whom this ASA ruling was handed down had already identified himself, in March, on the company website, as being one of two Lightning Process practitioners working with the RNHRD NHS FT/University of Bristol research team and the young people, in relation to this Bath/Bristol pilot study.

It is a matter of public interest that the research team has sought to obtain the advice, guidance and involvement of a practitioner who has been subject to an Advertising Standards Authority ruling in relation to claims being made about the efficacy of the Lightning Process for CFS and ME.

It has recently been brought to my attention that therapists at an NHS Bristol CFS service are recommending that CFS and ME patients purchase Lightning Process sessions. If adult NHS patients in the Bristol area are already being recommended outwith the NHS to the Lightning Process which is costly, unregulated and untrialled, there is public interest in the rationale behind trialling first in children, rather than adults.

No rationale has been provided by the research team for piloting first with children.

4] The Lightning Process is marketed by the Phil Parker organisation within a culture of lack of transparency around the process, itself, and what is required of the trainees who sign up for the three days of sessions, during the sessions, themselves, and once the sessions have been completed.

First hand accounts of former trainees report that the process is based on affirmations which invalidate the patients experience of illness and symptoms; that they are indoctrinated into the belief that they are doing illness, rather than suffering from illness, with the implication that they can stop doing the illness if they want to; that before undertaking the sessions they are expected to sign up to an agreement which forms part of the application process that they are ready to undertake and to benefit from the process and that also they hold certain beliefs.

It is also reported that trainees who have not benefited at the end of the process and who are not willing to declare that their illness is now resolved or substantially improved, are offered the rationale that either they were not ready to have signed up for the program; or that they did not properly understand what was being expected of them during the sessions and homework tasks; or that they had not carried out the instructions properly or that they had not worked hard enough at putting the process into practice.

So the burden of failure is placed on the patient and not on the ability of the process, itself, to cure, resolve or substantially improve whatever medical condition, psychological condition or life-style issue the process has been purchased for.

There are considerable concerns that children and young people are not sufficiently mature to understand what they are being signed up to by parents signing application forms on behalf of under 18s, when applying for Lightning Process sessions.

A significant number of first hand personal accounts in the public domain by patients with CFS and ME have reported negative experiences of undergoing the Lightning Process and the way in which it was delivered. Data from two large UK patient surveys carried out by the registered charities, Action for M.E./Association of Young People with ME (joint survey published 2008) and the ME Association (published May 2010), show similar levels of worsening of symptoms in CFS and ME patients following the three day training program, or of no improvement, at all [1].

With regard to the illnesses CFS and ME, there is public concern for the potential dangers of instructing a child or young person to ignore and override sensations of illness and post exertional malaise.

With no robust data from the application of Lightning Process in adults, there are concerns that the research team and Research Ethics Committee(s) considering the application are not in a position to determine that overall the likely benefits of the research outweigh any risks to child participants and that undergoing the training program would not be detrimental to a childs current health status and psychological well-being, as a patient diagnosed with CFS or ME.

It is feasible to carry out research into the application of the Lightning Process using adults with CFS and ME but the research team has provided no rationale for seeking ethics approval to undertake research using a vulnerable patient group first.

5] The process through which research ethics committees review applications for ethics approval appears not to open to public scrutiny or accountability.

There is public concern that the ethics committee(s) may not be adequately informed around:

a) The nature of Lightning Process techniques and the methods by which it is delivered;

b) the potential for adverse outcomes in patients with CFS and ME, and additionally, in the case of children, the potential for children to feel pressured to get well and to make too early a return to school in order to conform to the beliefs of Lightning Process practitioners, with a potential for subsequent loss to the family of the provision of care packages, benefits and education via LEA home tuition service.

There is significant concern amongst the public and patient organisations that the application of the process may be physiologically and psychologically damaging to the child and may impact negatively on the family dynamics if a child were unable to complete the program and withdrew early from the study, or if the child failed to gain benefit from the program, or experienced exacerbation of symptoms during or following the program, or were to experience significant set-back or relapse or if an apparent improvement or resolution of symptoms and disability proved to be short-lived.

Dr Crawleys clinic sees children and young people with a wide range of fatigue from fatigue relating to other conditions, for example, following head injury, to chronic fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and severe ME, where children may be bedbound and in some cases require tube feeding.

Because information is being withheld, it has not been possible to establish which research criteria are to be used. There are concerns that if improvement were shown in those only mildly affected with fatigue and other symptoms that the process might be applied inappropriately to children with moderate to severe CFS and ME, in the future.

Other than the press release issued by RNHRD NHS FT/University of Bristol on 2 March, there is no information publicly available about the study design, methods, objectives, recruitment process, research criteria, risk management and safeguarding of children recruited to this pilot.

Important questions relating to the safeguarding of children and young people remain unaddressed, for example:

b) During the recruitment process, what information will be given to children and their parents/guardians about the Lightning Process and what is going be required of the children throughout the study, in order that children considered competent to give consent, or to assent with their parents/guardians consent, and their parents/guardians, are fully informed of likely benefits and any potential risks?


f) By what means will it be determined that undergoing the training program would not be detrimental to a childs current health status, as a patient diagnosed with CFS or ME?

What safeguards will be put in place to avoid the potential for exacerbation of existing symptoms or the development of new symptoms whilst undertaking the sessions, in-between sessions and in the weeks and months following completion of the program?

What support will be given to children and their families if a child were to experience exacerbation of existing symptoms or develop new symptoms as a result of participating in the program or as a result of practicing the instructions in-between sessions or in the weeks and months following completion of the program?


What safeguards will be put in place in order to protect the childs psychological well-being?

It is considered a matter of public interest that more information about the research teams intentions is released at this stage.

6] The response to my request for certain documents to be provided under FOIA has been:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

I question whether copies of specific documents requested, for example,

copies of applications for research ethics approval for the study, including any accompanying documentation that forms part of the application for example, questionnaires, interview protocol

Funding application documents

will be included when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. My experience of published study protocols is that copies of documents such as those requested are not, as a rule, published within, or annexed to a study protocol document.

I therefore query whether copies of the specific documents I have requested would in actuality be made publicly available at some unspecified point in the future, when the protocol is published.

I request that the decision to withhold virtually all information requested under Clause 22(1)(a) is reviewed.



Full address supplied

[1] Patient Survey 2008, Action for M.E. and AYME:
http://www.afme.org.uk/res/img/resources/Survey Summary Report 2008.pdf

Patient Survey May 2010, ME Association:

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Update on Poll

249 people have now voted.

Poll: Is it ethical to undertake a pilot study looking at the feasibility of recruiting children aged 8 to 18 with CFS and ME into a randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing the Lightning Process and specialist medical care when no rigorous RCTs into the application of the Lightning Process in adults with CFS and ME have been undertaken?

The Poll now stands at:

Yes, I consider this ethical 5% (12 votes)

No, I do not consider this ethical 95% (236 votes)

No opinion either way No votes

Don't ask me, I'm an ME charity <1% (1 vote)

If you haven't registered your opinion in this anonymous poll, please do so now at:



Senior Member
England (south coast)
Here's some interesting discussion on the Invest in ME website, which outlines Invest in ME's opinion about: the Lightning Process; the proposed Lightning Process study on children; and Esther Crawley...
It's well written, and it's interesting to read their opinion on the subjects:

Invest in ME Decline BACME Invitation
http://www.investinme.org/IiME BACME Statement.htm

Lightning Process - The Falsehood of Magical Medicine
http://www.investinme.org/IIME News...g_Process_-_The_Falsehood_of_Magical_Medicine

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
The position statement of Invest in ME is welcomed.

It is now over 4 months since the Bath/Bristol LP pilot study news release was issued (2 March).

Despite a number of emails, I have been unable to obtain any clarification from the 25% ME Group as to whether they intend to issue a position statement or confirmation that material and concerns sent to them has been passed on to their two medical advisors (Dr Byron Hyde and Dr Nigel Speight, former NHS paediatrician with a special interest in ME in children), as requested.

Neil Riley, Chair, ME Association Board of Trustees tells me that a joint statement with another patient organisation is scheduled to be issued within the next few days.

An FOI to South West Strategic Health Authority requesting, inter alia, information on the timeline for the application for ethics approval by a research ethics committee (REC) is due for fulfilment by 12 August (if they are holding the information, which they may not be).

The formal request to the University of Bristol's Director of Legal Services for an internal review of their decision to withhold nearly all information around the study under FOIA Clause 22(1)(a) is due for a response by 19 August.

I approached Earl Freddie Howe as a Patron of TYMES Trust. The email was passed on to

Matthew Harpur, Department of Health

thence to

Bill Davidson, Research Governance Manager, Department of Health from whom I have received a response.

The Countess of Mar has said that her health will not permit her to become involved in this issue.

On 31 July, I received a copy of a paper letter from the Parliamentary Office of Annette Brooke, MP, House of Commons. (Annette Brooke is my MP and the MP who gave the adjournment debate speech on ME before Parliament dissolved prior to the election.)

Annette has evidently raised my concerns about LP and the LP study with Rt Hon Andrew Lansley MP, Secretary of State for Health, Department of Health, in a paper letter which included copies of material and concerns sent to her two weeks previously, via email, and has asked that the Secretary of State for Health look into this matter.

Suzy Chapman

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
I have just received the response that:

"The South West Strategic Health Authority does not hold information on individual research projects or details of individual ethics approvals.

"Under Section 16 of the Act, the South West Strategic Health Authority has a duty to provide advice and assistance to you. The information you require may be held by the National Research Ethics Service. The website is available at the following address: http://www.nres.npsa.nhs.uk "

I have therefore submitted a request for the same information from the National Research Ethics Service (NRES)


National Research Ethics Service (NRES) foi@npsa.nhs.uk

03 August 2010

Information requested by: [Full name and street address redacted]

I should be pleased if an acknowledgement of receipt of this request for information could be issued, together with any reference number assigned to this request.

If the information being requested is not held I should be grateful if this could be confirmed at your earliest convenience.

I request the following information under the Act in relation to the following research study:

Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Bristol

Funders: 164,000 awarded by Linbury Trust and the Ashden Trust

Lead researcher: Dr Esther Crawley, Consultant Paediatrician, Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath, Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol.


Pilot project to investigate how to recruit to a randomised controlled trial looking at the Phil Parker Lightning Process and specialist medical care in CFS/ME in children. Project to incorporate study on health economic cost of CFS/ME in children.

Ethics Approval:

1] Any reference numbers attached to the application for ethics approval:

2] Names of Research Ethics Committee(s) responsible for reviewing application:

Status of application for ethics approval:

3] Date application received:

Has a Research Ethics Committee already met to consider this application?

On what date did this meeting take place?

Was an unfavourable ethical opinion or a favourable ethical opinion given?

If an unfavourable opinion, has the applicant re-submitted, submitted modifications or appealed, and on what date were these received?

Were any clarifications requested?

Was a modified application submitted to a different REC and if so, which REC?

If an appeal was submitted was the application reviewed by a different REC and if so, which REC?

What was the outcome of any re-submission, modification or appeal and on what date was the Principal Investigator/lead researcher/applicant notified of the outcome?

If a favourable opinion, on what date was the Principal Investigator/lead researcher/applicant notified ?

If the application has yet to be considered, which Research Ethics Committee is responsible for considering this application and on what date is the committee expected to meet to consider the application?

By what date is the Principal Investigator/lead researcher/applicant expected to be notified of the opinion?

Please provide copies of applications for research ethics approval for the study, including any accompanying documentation that forms part of the application, for example, questionnaires, interview protocol.

Please provide copies of any ethical opinions already handed down, with any requests for resubmissions, modifications, requests for clarifications.


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Changes to Rowan Centre website

In July, I wrote a Rapid Response to the BMJ, in which I mentioned that a Dr Munglani, Consultant in Pain Medicine, West Suffolk Hospital, had several testimonials on the Rowan Centre Lightning Process website. The BMJ withheld my letter from publication.

I note, today, that not only has the wording been changed on the website from:

"People using the Lightning Process™ have recovered from, or experienced significant improvement with the following issues and conditions"


"We have helped people with the following illnesses and conditions..."

but that the several testimonials on the site from Dr Munglani appear to have also disappeared. In July (and I have copies of the webpage) Dr Munglani's testimonials had read:

"I have been very impressed with the results of the LP. I have seen the lives of some of my patients transformed by this self empowering technique. Everyone who has battled with chronic illness and wants to win should have an opportunity to do the Lightning Process.
Professor Rajesh Munglani. MB BS DCH DA FRCA FFPMRCA. Consultant in pain medicine.
West Suffolk Hospital and Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital

In July, the Rowan Centre site had read:


"What does the Lightning Process work for?

"People using the Lightning Process™ have recovered from, or experienced significant improvement with the following issues and conditions

"ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, PVFS, adrenal fatigue
acute and chronic pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, injury
PMT, perimenopausal symptoms and menopause
clinical depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and panic attacks, OCD and PTSD
low self-esteem, confidence issues
hay fever, asthma and allergies
candida, interstitial cystitis, urinary infections, bladder and bowel problems
IBS, coeliac disease, crohns disease, food intolerances and allergies
blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, type 2 diabetes, restless leg syndrome, hyper / hypo thyroidism
insomnia and sleep disorders
autistic spectrum disorder, dyspraxia, ADHD
lymes disease, glandular fever, epstein barr virus
weight and food issues, anorexia and eating disorders
multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, parkinsonian tremor, motor neurone disease"

Currently reads: (note that some diseases and conditions are listed twice and that some are now omitted (in red above).

"We have helped people with the following illnesses and conditions

[Ed: which is ambiguous.]

"Multiple sclerosis
M.E, chronic fatigue syndrome, PVFS, adrenal fatigue
acute and chronic pain, fibromyalgia, back pain, arthritis, migraine, injury
PMT, perimenopausal symptoms and menopause
clinical depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and panic attacks, OCD and PTSD
hay fever, asthma and allergies
candida, interstitial cystitis, urinary infections, bladder and bowel problems
IBS, coeliac disease, food intolerances
blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, type 2 diabetes, restless leg syndrome hyper and hypo thyroidism
insomnia and sleep disorders,
autistic spectrum disorder, dyspraxia, ADHD
lyme’s disease, glandular fever, epstein barr
weight and food issues, anorexia
ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, PVFS, adrenal fatigue
acute and chronic pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraine, injury
PMT, perimenopausal symptoms and menopause
clinical depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and panic attacks, OCD and PTSD
low self-esteem, confidence issues
hay fever, asthma and allergies
candida, interstitial cystitis, urinary infections, bladder and bowel problems
IBS, coeliac disease, food [sic]

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Eddie Massingham (Nottingham Lightning Process practitioner)

The site of Eddie Massingham (a Nottingham practitioner) is using similar wording to that which the Rowan Centre has recently changed:


Call Eddie Today!
Please contact us anytime on 07725 335 436. You can also send us a message via the enquiry form on the contact page. You can also email at info@x-eed.com


What does it work for?
People using the Lightning Process have also recovered from, or experienced significant improvement with the following conditions: -

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Post Viral Fatigue
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bipolar Disorder
Anxiety And Panic Attacks
Cerebral Palsy
Low Self Esteem
Parkinsons Tremors
Motor Neurone Disease

Hyper And Hypo Thyroidism
Chronic Aches And Pains
Lyme Disease
Anger Issues
Food Intolerances
Coeliac Disease
Type 2 Diabetes
Interstitial Cystitis
Noise And Light Sensitivity
And Many More
Using the Lightning Process has proven effective for clearing ALL the debilitating physical and mind based symptoms of ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, and post viral syndrome.

Some of the symptoms that people have cleared are listed here...

Addictions, adrenal problems, allergies and intolerances, anxiety, balance problems, bloating, blurry vision, brain fog, candida, chemical sensitivity, compulsive behaviours, concentration problems, confusion, constipation, depression, diarrhoea, dizziness, electrical pulsing sensations, excessive sleeping, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, feeling detached or disconnected, fever and chills, flu-like symptoms, frequent coughs and colds, fybromyalgia, hallucinations, head pain or pressure, heartburn, indigestion, insomnia and other sleep disturbances, irritability, irritable bowel syndrome, itching and rashes, itchy eyes, joint pain, light sensitivity, loss of vision, malaise, memory loss, migraines, muscle pain, nausea, noise sensitivity, oedema, panic attacks, painful and/or swollen glands, pins and needles, restless leg syndrome, runny nose, sensitivity to electrical fields/computers/mobiles etc, shaking, shooting pains, skin sensitivity, stomach pain, sun burn sensation, swelling, temperature control problems, thrush, thyroid problems, unrefreshing sleep, vertigo and similar sensations, vomiting, water retention, watering eyes, weakness.....and probably many more

We advise you to consult your GP, have the necessary tests and obtain a diagnosis before applying for the Lightning Process training programme

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
According to information received, today, the MEA and Tymes Trust will issue a joint statement later today opposing "unethical" proposed study of Lightning Process effect on children with ME.

BRAME has provided me with the following statement in response to the Bath/Bristol pilot study on Lightning Process for children aged 8 to 18 which does not yet have ethics approval.

Text below or open Word document on ME agenda: BRAME Lightning Process Statement August 2010

For background to this issue: http://wp.me/p5foE-2Vt

BRAME Statement about the Lightning Process

We (BRAME) have grave concerns about lightening therapy and have voiced these concerns at many meetings, including with the Forward ME group when it was discussed there, and we will continue to do so.

BRAME has always worked/campaigned for ME to be recognised as a neurological illness, as classified by WHO, and have constantly worked to create a greater awareness and understanding of ME, for the complex and debilitating illness we all know it to be, and the impact it has on all those living with ME.

We (BRAME) have also been working hard, for the past 4 years, to try and get a national policy for ME adopted within the NHS, along with the use of the Canadian Clinical Guidelines on ME/CFS, and Canadian Clinical Diagnostic Criteria, to urgently address the paucity of biomedical services for people with ME within the NHS, and to address the national inequality of care. We have consistently raised this with PCTs, SHAs, the All Party Parliamentary Group on ME, various Ministers of Health, and even to Prime Ministers, at Number 10 itself, and within our responses to consultation documents.

Tanya was also patient representative on the CMO Working Group on ME/CFS and the NICE Guideline Development Group on ME/CFS, her response to these can be found on the BRAME website.

When we write to people who want information on BRAME and ME, we always state that:

"If any future health care professional is sceptical about ME, you could politely remind them that:

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are classified as neurological illnesses by WHO (ICD10:G93.3).

This WHO classification of ME and CFS is recognised by the Department of Health.

ME/CFS is included in the National Service Framework for Long Term Neurological Conditions.

ME/CFS is recognised as a neurological illness by the Royal College of General Practitioners with a Read Code of F286 (F denotes diseases of the nervous system).

The Canadian Clinical Guidelines on ME/CFS (2003) give consensus diagnostic and management advice which are accepted around the world.

The first 4 main points were reconfirmed by the Health Minister Ann Keen, at the APPG on ME meeting on 22 January 2008, and by Lord Darzi, in his response to a formal question posed to him by our patron the Countess of Mar, in the House of Lords on 2 June 2008."

We have also worked with the DWP for many years, raising the problems many people with ME have with the benefit system, and have campaigned for improved benefits, and on behalf of carers, and have been quoted in the government's recently published white paper on Welfare Reform. We are extremely concerned over the proposals of the new coalition government on changes to benefits and the Work Capability Assessment and migration of people from IB, SDA and IS to the new ESA. We are also concerned over the proposed new medical assessment for those on DLA.

We have written to all the new Ministers but the responses we have received have not been encouraging. We will have to see if the new APPG on ME can be effective in supporting us by raising our grave concerns with the relevant Ministers. Sadly we lost in the election our own, very supportive, MP, Tony Wright, who was responsible for forming the APPG on ME in 1998, and was an officer of the group from 1998 to 2010.

We will continue to raise our concerns about the lightning process, and the need for a national policy on ME calling for biomedical services led by a specialist in ME of consultant level, to be set up nationwide based on the Canadian Guidelines/Diagnosis as set out in the BRAME Guide to Diagnosing, Managing and Caring for people who are Severely/Very Severely Affected by ME.

Tanya Harrison
Chairperson - BRAME
August 2010



Senior Member
I wish BRAME would tell us what some of the concerns are about the lightening process. Also, looking forward to the MEA and Tymes Trust statement, hope it has a bit more to it than BRAME's statement. Thanks Suzy.

Angela Kennedy

Senior Member
Essex, UK
I wish BRAME would tell us what some of the concerns are about the lightening process. Also, looking forward to the MEA and Tymes Trust statement, hope it has a bit more to it than BRAME's statement. Thanks Suzy.

Me too V. Very little substance there.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
ME Association and The Young ME Sufferers Trust joint Press Release

ME Association and The Young ME Sufferers Trust joint Press Release

Press Release

Scientific trial involving children and the Lightning Process is unethical, says joint statement issued by two national ME charities

Wednesday, 04 August 2010 17:15

A plan to recruit children with ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to a scientific trial comparing the efficacy of an unproven psychologically-based training programme with specialist medical care is unethical, say two of Britains leading ME/CFS charities The ME Association and the Young ME Sufferers Trust.

In a joint statement issued today (4 August 2010), the two charities say:

We are issuing this joint statement due to widespread public concern, together with our own serious reservations, about a forthcoming study of the psychologically-based Lightning Process on children.

The pilot study, scheduled to start in September, will look at the feasibility of recruiting children aged eight to 18 with ME/CFS into a randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing the Lightning Process with specialist medical care. It is planned that over 90 children aged between eight and eighteen and their families will be involved in the study.

The Medical Research Council (MRC) produces specific guidelines for research involving vulnerable patient groups. The document MRC Medical Research Involving Children is quite clear on this issue. It poses the question: Does the research need to be carried out with children? In answer, the MRC states: Research involving children should only be carried out if it cannot feasibly be carried out on adults.

The ME Association and The Young ME Sufferers Trust do not believe that it is ethically right to use children in trialling an unproven and controversial process such as the Lightning Process.

A survey of 4,217 people carried out by the ME Association on the management of ME/CFS found that over a fifth of those who had tried the Lightning Process were made worse (7.9% slightly worse,12.9% much worse). If any trial is to be held, it should first be on adults, who can give informed consent. No rigorous RCTs into the application of the Lightning Process have ever been undertaken.

Despite many years of scientific research there is still no single diagnostic test for ME/CFS, nor is there a curative treatment. The theory upon which the Lightning Process is based, together with its claim that the prolonged nature of the illness is caused by the adrenaline, nor-adrenaline and cortisol loop is not scientifically proven. Moreover, the Advertising Standards Authority recently ruled that an advertisement in an internet sponsored link containing claims of its effectiveness by a Lightning Process practitioner should be removed. We understand that the practitioner will be involved in this study and we find this concerning.

The Trading Standards departments of two local authorities have also taken action over therapeutic claims by Lightning Process practitioners following referrals by Dr. Charles Shepherd of the ME Association. The Lightning Process calls itself a training programme, not a medical treatment, combining concepts from Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Life Coaching and Osteopathy. It claims to be effective for ME/CFS and psychological problems such as anxiety, stress, depression, guilt, low self esteem. Any evidence for this effectiveness on ME/CFS is purely anecdotal. ME has long been classified by the World Health Organisation as a neurological illness, not a psychological condition.

We cannot approve of a study involving children as young as eight when no rigorous trials have first been undertaken into the safety, acceptability, long and short-term effects of the application of this controversial and unregulated process with adults.

Furthermore, we have serious concerns about the primary outcome measure, which is school attendance after six months. Children have a legal right to suitable education for their particular needs, which may or may not include school attendance.

The statutory guidance Access to Education for Children and Young People with Medical Needs explains that whilst it is desirable for children to be educated in school, other forms of education must be provided for those who need it. The Chief Medical Officers Working Group Report on CFS/ME (DOH 2002) stated that most children with ME will need education in their homes at some time, potentially for a considerable period. In 2009 the Education White Paper Back on Track : A strategy for modernising alternative provision for young people included virtual education. Chapter 7, Learning from the best and supporting innovation, spoke of e-learning and virtual provision, particularly for pupils who cannot attend school due to health needs. Accessible education is also provided for in disability discrimination law.

If school attendance is the primary outcome measure of this study, families involved may then feel pressurised into avoiding alternative forms of education which would benefit their children and to which they are legally entitled.

For all these reasons, it is our considered opinion that this study of the Lightning Process in children is unethical and should be abandoned.



'164,000 awarded for new research into the treatment of a chronic childhood condition'.

Press release issued by The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, which can be found at their press release page:


Advertising Standards Authority ruling:
