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Lightning Process to be Evaluated in Research Study on Children

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
FOI response: U of Bristol: 17 June 2010: Chapman


The whole issue of the commissioning and regulation of practitioners who might eventually be administering LP within NHS in the future, certainly needs our consideration, but I can only focus, at the moment, on this pilot, what is going to be done with these children and whether it can be halted.

From 3 March press release:

"The study will involve in depth interviews with the patients and their parents, and the primary outcome measure will be school attendance after six-months. It is hoped that over 90 children aged between eight and 18 and their families will be involved in the study. They will be recruited after assessment by the specialist team at the Min."

From AYME Link:

"Dr Crawley told CHEERS: "There is so much research in lots of different areas. Research on treatment is important. At the moment, we are not comparing treatments but seeing if we can recruit into a trial to see if we could investigate treatments in the future. Lots of people are using LP. It's important to know whether it is helping or not. It is also important to know if there are significant side effects."

So we don't yet know what Dr Crawley and her team and the two LP advisors (I have the name of one of these, and the other may be Phil Parker, himself) intend to do to these children via the pilot.

All that is known at the moment, is what has been said in the press release and in the AYME Link article. One interpretation (by a health services researcher) is that the pilot won't be splitting the group into a "treatment group" and a control group - that is they won't be comparing, for example, a "usual specialist care" group v an LP or hybrid version of LP group.

I have had some contact with a Regional Manager for the National Research Ethics Service. I have been advised that there does not appear to be a formal mechanism for forcing a review of a decision to approve a study. (We do know that the study is still in the process of obtaining approval.)

Universities appear to have some system for lodging complaints about research undertaken under their auspices - but whether this is restricted to those directly involved in a study or includes members of the public/stakeholders not personally involved in the study, remains to be established.

In addition to the two FOIs I submitted, I put in a third enquiry to U of Bristol's research ethics office solely for the names of the ethics committee(s) responsible for granting approval for this pilot. I asked for this enquiry to be dealt with separately from the FOI but they would not comply by identifying the names of the committees outside the FOI procedure. In the FOI, the names of the committees are being withheld on the grounds that:

"The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time."

An additional FOI submitted by Ciaran Farrell did not produce any further information other than copies of two letters relating to the funders. A letter dated, 24 November 2009, sets out that the grant awarded by the Ashden Trust of 44,000 is being awarded in three annual instalments of 14,667 in years 09/10, 10/11, 11/12 subject to satisfactory annual reports on the progress of the grant.

The study also incorporates "the first study on health economic cost of this condition in children". It is not established by which date the LP part of the study is due for completion.

Note that this was a preliminary request for information. Selected questions may be resubmitted at a later date and additional questions may be also be submitted depending on whether ethics approval is granted and what material is published by the study leads. I do not consider that all the requests made below are likely to be covered by the material which is said to be intended for publication at some point in the future.

Submitted 16 May 2010; fulfilled 17 June 2010

Pilot project to investigate how to recruit to a randomised controlled trial looking at the Phil Parker Lightning ProcessTM and specialist medical care in CFS/ME in children. Project to incorporate study on health economic cost of CFS/ME in children.

1] Principal Investigator(s): See press release:

2] Project Collaborator(s): See press release

3] Collaborating Institution(s): See press release

4] Names of individuals acting in advisory capacities in relation to the application of the Phil Parker Lightning ProcessTM

a) to inform the project research group:
b) to inform children and their parents during the pilot study recruitment process or following recruitment:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

5] Names of individuals responsible for administering the Phil Parker Lightning ProcessTM to study participants as instructors/trainers/coaches if administering the Lightning Process forms part of the pilot study:

[Lightning Process instructor/trainer/coach, Alastair Gibson, has already identified himself, on his website, as "one of the two practitioners working with the NHS" on this study.]

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

6] Any Identification or Reference code assigned to the Project:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

7] Project's Public Title:
Project's Scientific Title:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

Ethics Approval

8] Has the pilot project received research ethics approval and on what date was approval granted:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

9] Any reference numbers attached to a) the application for approval and b) approval:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

10] Names of Research Ethics Committee(s) responsible for granting approval:

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

11] If ethics approval has not yet been granted, what is the status of any application for approval and which Research Ethics Committee(s) would be responsible for approval:

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

Please provide copies of applications for research ethics approval for the study, including any accompanying documentation that forms part of the application, for example, questionnaires, interview protocol.

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

12] Study

Please provide copies of:

a) Research purpose and rationale
b) Research aims and objectives
c) Study design
d) Protocol document (where applicable)

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

13] Through what means will potential study participants be identified and recruited:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

14] Participants - inclusion criteria (please also state which CFS/ME criteria will be used eg Oxford Criteria, Fukuda/CDC Criteria):

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

15] Participants - exclusion criteria:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

16] Target number of participants and Age range:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

Continued in next post/

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
FOI response 17 June 2010: Part 2

Part 2

17] Anticipated recruitment process start date:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

18] Anticipated study start date: see press release (weblink at question 1)

19] Anticipated study completion date:

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

20] Funding

a) Value of grant awarded by the Linbury Trust: 120,000
b) Value of grant awarded by the Ashdon Trust: 44,000
c) Any other sources of funding for the pilot study: No other funding sources

21] Sponsor details (where applicable):

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

22] Please provide copies of the funding application documents.

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

23] Please provide copies of patient information material to be provided to children and parents, including consent forms.

If not all patient information material has been prepared at this stage, by what date is it anticipated that patient information will be available?

Are slide/PowerPoint presentations to be used as

a) part of the recruitment process

b) during the study, and who will be responsible for their content and production?

Are participants to be provided with work books, diary/activity charts, manuals or other materials for completion/use during either arm of the study, and who will be responsible for their content and production?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

24] What treatments/interventions will be available to children and young people assigned to receive "specialist medical care" if this forms part of the pilot study?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

25] Will the study include interviews with children, young people and their families where the child/young person has already undertaken the Lightning Process?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

26] With reference to content on the Phil Parker Lightning ProcessTM website and on the websites of Phil Parker Lightning ProcessTM licensed practitioners, it is understood that the Lightning Process is delivered commercially to adults, young people and children by "instructors/trainers/coaches" on a one-to-one basis or in a group setting, usually over a period of three consecutive days.

It is understood that prior to acceptance into a "Seminar" or "training program", an application form is completed by or on behalf of the applicant to enable the practitioner to assess whether the applicant is "ready" to undertake the program and that in some cases, a telephone assessment is also carried out by the practitioner to further assess the applicant's "readiness" and suitability to undertake the "training program".

It is understood that the Lightning Process application form anticipates that the applicant will be prepared to sign up in agreement with certain beliefs and commitments in order to demonstrate their degree of "readiness" to undertake the sessions and their commitment to continue to practice the "training" once the sessions have been completed.

It is understood that in order to assess suitability for the program, applicants are requested to indicate medical or mental health conditions, pre-existing conditions and past or present diagnoses as part of the application process.

a) No rigorous controlled trials have been undertaken on the application of the Phil Parker Lightning Process in adults with CFS or ME.

Study participants are considered a vulnerable patient group. What data has been used in order to establish that overall the likely benefits of the research outweigh any risks to the participants?

With reference to the document "MRC Medical Research Involving Children (Nov 2004, revised Aug 2007)" sections 4.1 and 4.3, what is the rationale for undertaking a pilot study in children when rigorous controlled trials have yet to be undertaken and results published on the application of the Lightning Process in adults with CFS or ME?

b) During the recruitment process, what information will be given to children and their parents/guardians about the Lightning Process and what is going be required of the children throughout the study, in order that children considered competent to give consent, or to assent with their parents/guardians' consent, and their parents/guardians, are fully informed of likely benefits and any potential risks?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

c) If the pilot project is designed to involve some or all participants allocated to the Phil Parker Lightning ProcessTM arm of the study to receive Lightning Process training/instruction in some form, is the training program being specifically adapted for this study in children and young people or is it to be delivered in the same format as would be delivered commercially by Phil Parker licensed practitioners to children and young people?

If the training program or instruction is being adapted specifically for the study, in what ways will it differ from that provided commercially by Phil Parker licensed practitioners?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

d) Will children or their parents/guardians be expected to sign up in agreement with certain beliefs and commitments in order to demonstrate the child's "readiness" to undertake the program?

If so, what beliefs and commitments will children and/or their parents/guardians be expected to sign up to and at what point in the recruitment process would agreement with beliefs and commitments be sought?

For the purpose of the study, how will "readiness" be defined, by whom, and what tools will be used to assess or determine a child's "readiness" to undertake the program?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

e) If selection for and participation in the study does not involve the signing up in agreement with certain beliefs and commitments, either by the child or by their parent/guardian, on their behalf, through what means are children to be assessed for suitability for and potential to benefit from the application of the Lightning Process?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

f) By what means will it be determined that undergoing the training program would not be detrimental to a child's current health status, as a patient diagnosed with CFS or ME?

What safeguards will be put in place to avoid the potential for exacerbation of existing symptoms or the development of new symptoms whilst undertaking the sessions, in between sessions and in the weeks and months following completion of the program?

What support will be given to children and their families if a child were to experience exacerbation of existing symptoms or develop new symptoms as a result of participating in the program or as a result of practicing the instructions in-between sessions or in the weeks and months following completion of the program?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

g) It is understood that the Lightning Process is being marketed by some Phil Parker licensed practitioners as a process that should be effective for all participants in resolving their symptoms if

a) they are "ready" to undertake the process and
b) they carry out the instructions properly.

This might be considered to place a considerable burden of responsibility on a vulnerable research group and their families in terms of compliance and outcome.

What consideration has been given to the issue of power imbalances where participants (or their families) may feel obliged to please or comply with the researcher's requests or with an "instructor/trainer/coach's" requests while the program is being delivered, and beyond throughout the life of the project?

By what means will it be determined that undergoing the "process" will not be detrimental to the child's psychological well-being or impact negatively on the family dynamic if the child were unable to complete the program and withdrew from the study, or if the child failed to gain benefit from the program, or if the child were to experience set-back or significant relapse or exacerbation of symptoms during or following the program, or if an apparent improvement or resolution of symptoms/disability following the program proved to be short-lived?

What safeguards will be put in place in order to protect the child's psychological wellbeing?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

h) In what setting will the Lightning Process be delivered and will it be delivered in one-to-one sessions or in a group setting?

Would a parent, family member or other individual in loco parentis be permitted to accompany a child while sessions are being delivered?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

i) How will participants who fail to complete the program (for whatever reason) be accounted for in the results and will the results include data on the various reasons for withdrawal from the study?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

j) The press release published on 02 March 2010 states that the primary outcome measure will be "school attendance after six-months".

What other outcome measures will be recorded?

Other than school attendance after six months, are other outcome measures being recorded such as the child or young person's ability to complete comparable amounts of homework assignments as their peer group, ability to participate in normal family/social activities outside school hours, resume hobbies, sporting activities, requirement for rest/sleep outside school hours etc?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

k) Will monitoring of participants' school attendance and level of functioning be undertaken beyond the six month point? Please specify at what intervals.

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.

l) Prior to recruitment to the study or following recruitment, will prospective participants undergo any assessment of fitness/physical functioning or other physiological assessment, or psychological assessment? Please specify which
assessment tools will be used.

Will participants be re-assessed following the study and will these assessments be recorded as outcome measures?

This information is intended for future publication when the study protocol and other related documents are published online. It is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 22(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act.

The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and this information is expected to be published around August / September 2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this information before that time.


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Can my Doctor assess me for readiness?



"Can my Doctor assess me for readiness?

"If your Doctor or health care specialist is trained in Phil Parker The Lightning ProcessTM then they can of course assess you for readiness to take the program.

"If they are not trained in the program they will not have the requisite skills or knowledge base about this very specialised field to assess you.

"A large part of the training for LP practitioners is to train them to appropriately assess potential trainees for their suitability for the process, as it is essential to distinguish, as far as is possible, that only those who are ready to get benefits from the training program are enrolled in the training."


Senior Member
You are doing wonderful work, it all gives me a cold chill. The children and families need defended.

The world of medicine is standing on its head that this can even be considered.


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Advertising Standards Authority - Lightning Process

I have stated, above, that I am not prepared to post additional material relating to Lightning Process or the UK pilot study into the feasibility of recruiting children to a study into LP because of an issue set out in another thread.

However, I am making an exception for this notice:



Lightning Process instructor/trainer/coach, Alastair Gibson, had already identified himself, on his website, as "one of the two practitioners working with the NHS" in connection with the Dr Esther Crawley led pilot study.

Published: Co-Cure, 05 July 2010


ASA Adjudication on Withinspiration



Date: 16 June 2010
Media: Internet (sponsored search)
Sector: Health and beauty
Number of complaints:1
Complaint Ref:123134

An internet sponsored link stated "Chronic Fatigue Recovery. End the cycle of ME/CFS: Get Well! with The Lightning Process".

The complainant challenged whether the claim "Chronic Fatigue Recovery. End the cycle of ME/CFS" could be substantiated.

CAP Code

Withinspiration said they had personal experiences of improvement in medical conditions, such as myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E), as a result of using the lightning process. They argued that the lightning process, created by Phil Parker, had received a number of celebrity endorsements and positive press articles, which they believed were a testament to the effectiveness of the treatment. Although Withinspiration said they held no scientific evidence to support the claims, they said that trials were due to commence in 2010.


The ASA understood that the lightning process was a three-day course that sought to teach individuals a range of techniques, such as life coaching and neuro-linguistic programming skills, to improve physical and mental well being, particularly amongst those with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or ME.

We were concerned that Withinspiration did not hold robust evidence to support their claims that the lightning process was an effective treatment for CFS or ME. We therefore reminded them of their obligations under the CAP Code to hold appropriate evidence to substantiate claims prior to publication. Because we had not seen any evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of the lightning process for treating the advertised conditions, we concluded that the claims had not been proven and were therefore misleading.

The ad breached CAP Code clauses 3.1 (Substantiation), and 50.1 (Health and beauty products and therapies).

The ad must not appear again in its current form. We told Withinspiration to ensure they held substantiation before making similar efficacy claims for the lightning process

Adjudication of the ASA Council (Non-broadcast)

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Co-Cure Archives: http://listserv.nodak.edu/archives/co-cure.html
Co-Cure's purpose is to provide information from across the spectrum of
opinion concerning medical, research and political aspects of ME/CFS and/or
FMS. We take no position on the validity of any specific scientific or
political opinion expressed in Co-Cure posts, and we urge readers to
research the various opinions available before assuming any one
interpretation is definitive. The Co-Cure website <www.co-cure.org> has a
link to our complete archive of posts as well as articles of central
importance to the issues of our community.


Senior Member
Thanks for this information. It's a start. It's actually the first time I can think of that any authority has found for our side.


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
As submitted to Co-Cure:

From Suzy Chapman

05 July 2010

In connection with:

Advertising Standards Authority (UK) adjudication on Withinspiration
(Lightning Process):


It should be noted that:

Lightning Process instructor/trainer/coach, Alastair Gibson, had already
identified himself, on his "Withinspiration" website, as "one of the two
practitioners working with the NHS" in connection with the Dr Esther
Crawley led pilot study.

At 29 March, his website had carried this information:


"Breaking News - NHS and Lightning Process research collaboration.

"A new pilot study involving the Lightning Process and the NHS has
been awarded 164,000 for research into the treatment of CFS/ME in children
and adolescents. Alastair Gibson is one of the two practitioners working
with the NHS and the young people in this exciting research study. Find out


On 16 May, I submitted a comprehensive FOI request for information to the
University of Bristol in connection with the LP pilot, and I received a
response on 17 June. I will update on responses, shortly.

This pilot does not yet have research ethics approval.

From FOI, 17 June 2010:

"The study is currently going through the ethics approval procedure and
this information is expected to be published around August / September
2010. We cannot see that there is any public interest in disclosing this
information before that time."

Research study to investigate a chronic childhood condition
Press release issued 3 March 2010:


Suzy Chapman

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Just to clarify, the complaint made to the Advertising Standards Authority was brought to my attention today, via the Co-Cure mailing list, and had not been made by me.



Senior Member
Thanks for this information. It's a start. It's actually the first time I can think of that any authority has found for our side.


LOL... about a month ago i got a youtube invite from them... i accepted and then sent a very long message telling him exactly what i thought....

the term "predatory charlatan" seems to ring a bell. unfortunately i've seen a lot of people going for it on other forum boards.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch

Follow up posting from Co-Cure, 6 July 2010

For anyone interesting in complaining about ads that makes a health claim:
The rules for non-broadcast ads in the UK are at:


The ad about Lightning Process broke 3.1 and 50.1.

Send posts to CO-CURE@listserv.nodak.edu
Unsubscribe at http://www.co-cure.org/unsub.htm
Co-Cure Archives: http://listserv.nodak.edu/archives/co-cure.html
Co-Cure's purpose is to provide information from across the spectrum of
opinion concerning medical, research and political aspects of ME/CFS and/or
FMS. We take no position on the validity of any specific scientific or
political opinion expressed in Co-Cure posts, and we urge readers to
research the various opinions available before assuming any one
interpretation is definitive. The Co-Cure website <www.co-cure.org> has a
link to our complete archive of posts as well as articles of central
importance to the issues of our community.
Phil Parkers Lighting Process site was unavailable last night and links from the 'Phil Parker Group' site to the sections 'Lighting Process' and 'Practitioner Insititute' didn't work either (those long Server error notices came up).

But the Lighting Process and Practitioner Institute pages have reappeared today - reborn and reworded:

"Due to the nature of the training we can't guarantee results as every individual is different, however we have had considerable success in helping people with chronic health issues." and

"Can I really get better in 3 days? The turning point for recovery.
As everyone is an individual, and the Lightning Process is used for wide variety of issues, it is impossible to answer this question with a quick yes or no."
"we have found that the vast majority of people report that after the 3 day training program they feel they have ..... a) already made a fundamental shift in their issues and that they have the tools to recover fully over time...or b) they feel they have made a complete recovery."

Parker changes the wording on his sites quicker than a catwalk model changes her outfits.


'What can The Phil Parker Lightning Process do for me?
Over the years we've discovered that it's such a powerful process that it seems to be very effective in areas where people feel stuck. Due to the nature of the training we can't guarantee results as every individual is different, however we have had considerable success in helping people with chronic health issues.

This includes, but is not limited to

Anxiety & Panic attacks
Chronic back and neck pain and headaches
Eating issues
Fear of failure
IBS and Digestive problems
Low self esteem, self-doubt, guilt and even self-hatred
M.E. (Myalgic Encephalopathy)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
M.S (Multiple Sclerosis)
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Stage fright and presentation fears
Stress & Struggle

And it's also effective for enhancing

Discovering what you really want
Interview performance

For details on how the Phil Parker Lightning Process works please read on...

Can I really get better in 3 days? The turning point for recovery.
As everyone is an individual, and the Lightning Process is used for wide variety of issues, it is impossible to answer this question with a quick yes or no.

However, we have found that the vast majority of people report that after the 3 day training program they feel they have either: -
a) already made a fundamental shift in their issues and that they have the tools to recover fully over time
b) they feel they have made a complete recovery.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that all their symptoms will be gone, although that can happen. Nor does it mean that they will instantly regain full exercise fitness as it takes some time for the body to go through the complete rehabilitation process. However, they do have a clear sense that they have reached a turning point. They feel everything is now on track and that their future and health is going to be different from this point on.

After the 3 days.
As with any training program great, long term results will only be achieved by making sure you keep using the tools you have learnt. As professional trainers we understand how difficult this can sometimes be and so we provide a full follow up and support service for all those who take the seminars.

We are very aware that the structure of some other approaches makes it all too easy to for clients to become locked into taking endless follow up sessions or nutrition supplements. However, our trainers are ethically committed to both providing the support you require, and to make themselves redundant as soon as you are ready.'


Is this new? I don’t remember any such declaration regarding Criminal Records Bureau checks on the the old Phil Parker sites (though he used to have a 'Complaints' section which said that most complaints about Lightning and its Practitioners were due to 'misunderstandings'). Unless you take a complete copy of the content of Parkers site material every couple of months its impossible to keep up with his changes to them, which are frequent, but these changes are hot on the heels of the Advertising Standards Authority finding against one of his Practitioners:


The Phil Parker Lightning Process

Practitioners maintain quality of what they do through Continued Professional Development and abide by the Phil Parker Lightning Process code of ethics and Professional Conduct as outlined in all Registered Practitioners’ licences. All practitioners have either been Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checked or are undergoing the checks. This is in order to maintain high standards and to ensure our graduates have a suitable background to work in clinical practice.

The Phil Parker Training Institute

All students graduating from the Phil Parker Training Institute will have CRB clearance. This is in order to maintain high standards and to ensure our graduates have a suitable background to work in clinical practice.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Phil Parkers Lighting Process site was unavailable last night and links from the 'Phil Parker Group' site to the sections 'Lighting Process' and 'Practitioner Insititute' didn't work either (those long Server error notices came up).

But the Lighting Process and Practitioner Institute pages have reappeared today - reborn and reworded...


Is this new? I don’t remember any such declaration regarding Criminal Records Bureau checks on the the old Phil Parker sites (though he used to have a 'Complaints' section which said that most complaints about Lightning and its Practitioners were due to 'misunderstandings'). Unless you take a complete copy of the content of Parkers site material every couple of months its impossible to keep up with his changes to them, which are frequent, but these changes are hot on the heels of the Advertising Standards Authority finding against one of his Practitioners:


The Phil Parker Lightning Process

Practitioners maintain quality of what they do through Continued Professional Development and abide by the Phil Parker Lightning Process code of ethics and Professional Conduct as outlined in all Registered Practitioners’ licences. All practitioners have either been Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checked or are undergoing the checks. This is in order to maintain high standards and to ensure our graduates have a suitable background to work in clinical practice.

The Phil Parker Training Institute

All students graduating from the Phil Parker Training Institute will have CRB clearance. This is in order to maintain high standards and to ensure our graduates have a suitable background to work in clinical practice.

Hi Wildcat,

Yes, I noted that the LP site and some of the pages on the Company site were down this morning.

If you have the time and energy, there might still be some Google cached pages available.

Given that some practitioners work with children and young people, I would hope that practitioners have already been subject to CRB checks, whether or not Parker had previously stated this on his webpages.


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Advertising Standards Authority


Areas of complaint outside our remit

Sometimes we can't help because the Codes we apply do not cover the type of advertisement or problem complained about. This page provides information on other organisations who can deal with those issues or who can offer advice about them.

Information about what we do regulate can be found here.


If you cant find the correct organisation in the list below please contact Consumer Direct on 08454 040 506. Consumer Direct is the government-funded telephone and online service offering information and advice on consumer issues.

Claims on websites

Although we do deal with some advertisements that appear online, the ASA does not currently have any remit over marketing messages on companies own websites. We can consider complaints about sales promotions that appear on companies websites.


In general, misleading claims on companies' websites can be reported to your local trading standards department.

The advertising industry, led by the Advertising Association,

(http://www.adassoc.org.uk/ )

is currently holding discussions to extend advertising self-regulation to other forms of digital marketing communications. An announcement will be made in due course.
South West UK
"All practitioners have either been Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checked or are undergoing the checks."
Undergoing checks? This would imply that there are some LP practitioners that don't have CRB approval. As far as I am aware, it is illegal to work with children in a training context until the CRB check has been completed. The same rules apply, of course, to vulnerable adults. Given the very poor health and cognitive difficulties of some sufferers could they be classified as vulnerable?

I will speculate that someone has, inevitably, raised the CRB issue as a result of the Crawley research. LP practitioners will be covering their backs, as will many others. The CRB office should anticipate a flood of applications from the 'training' sector!

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch

This is in order to maintain high standards and to ensure our graduates have a suitable background to work in clinical practice.

Clinical practice?

LP is marketed as a "training programme" - not a treatment, not a therapy.

Its practitioners are "coaches" or "instructors" delivering "training".

Not clinicians or therapists.

Some of those who train as "instructors" may also be therapists or working in areas where they are accountable to professional bodies.

But there is no professional body regulating LP and many "instructors" will be former "trainees" with no previous background in therapies, life-coaching, whatever.

Creative use of language, there.
South West UK
CRB definition of vulnerable -

"Vulnerable adult means a person aged 18 or over who has one or more of the following conditions:
* A substantial learning or physical difficulty A physical or mental illness/mental disorder, including alcohol or drug addiction
* Significant reduction in mental capacity.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Is this another breach of advertising standards?

The ASA does not cover website content - it applies to advertisments. The "Withinspiration" adjudication resulted out of a complaint against an advert - not website content.

"Claims on websites

Although we do deal with some advertisements that appear online, the ASA does not currently have any remit over marketing messages on companies own websites. We can consider complaints about sales promotions that appear on companies websites."

Since Lightning Process is unregulated, it would be a Trading Standards issue.