I am not sure. It's experimental fringe medicine, so most doctors will not know about it. And there isn't any direct evidence for mold infections in the nose. In fact, Dr Ritchie Shoemaker is very critical of the nasal mold infection idea. If you can find a doctor following Dr Brewer's protocol for nasal mold, I am sure they would be happy to prescribe. For the MARCoNs nasal spray, it is Shoemaker trained doctors who will prescribe it, if you test positive for MARCoNs.
Thanks, makes sense . Surprised Shoemaker doesn't think mold can infect the sinuses , of maybe he meant nose only ? It's in the sinuses . Old can't go from no mucus aside from
the common cold , to hsving it pour out of you after being immersed in black mold . It's one of the admitted problems , sinus infection .
From what I ready , it requires surgery and is rather serious , pretty much eats away the tissues .
Once damaged by mold , re-exposure sends people into true hell
So I also suspect many had mold exposure that damaged them some time in the past and didn't know it, the re-exposure sent them over the edge
Maybe ask Erik Johnson about those medicstions and why you reacted the way you did. I've read some of his stuff and he really gets mold. I don't know what he did exactly to cute himself but he really knows what he is talking about and seems to be very sincere and wants to educate and spread the word . I'll try to see if I can reach him. I don't have social
media so maybe via his blog, not sure . But someone here mentioned he is on Facebook ,
The oral anti-fungals are hard on the liver as everyone knows , not sure what that would go. Another member wrote she went on a special diet , took charcoal
And clay, got rid of most her possessions and moved to Arizona . She is 90% better , her/his post was very recent . Maybe she has more insight on your nasal spray and reaction