I'm diagnosed JHSD - but to split hairs actual believe EDS-classic is more appropriate due to oddly specific signs like subcutaneous sphereoids along my shin and forearm bones, atropic scarring and stretch marks, and quite elastic skin. For me, EDS-C, along with the heavily-related comorbidities like hyper-adrenergic dysautonomia, really does explain everything much better than a CFS/ME diagnosis.
What remains murky, and I have seen this mentioned by EDSers, is how the debilitating symptoms came on fast and hard around my very late 20s to very-early 30s. Essentially, my body fell apart around age 30 with no definitive trigger. There were lots of minor stressors around my age 30, but nothing I had not endured, relatively unscathed, prior to this point.
To me it seems there is valid truth to the idea of collagen-degrading infections, proteinases, and possibly even some genetic "time bomb" that gets activated, perhaps even by an epigenetic mechanism, due to the mysterious effects of non-acute infections, or immune-system activation. So, these things happening around age 30 could just be a coincidence. It just doesn't otherwise make any sense, without a definitive trigger, how I could go from fit as a fiddle to a creaky 85-year old man so quickly.