Good to meet you, too.
It wasn't clear to me whether or not our angry man also has ME but I know that he is a disabled activist and he obviously has a reasonable knowledge of events. I really don't want to say more because I don't want to identify him. It wouldn't be fair.
Forum members put a lot of work into that event behind the scenes and there were many people looking forward to seeing the talk online. By10:30 this morning, there had been 1500 views of the
slides which just shows the level of interest. If we could have put a full talk online, it would have been worth putting the effort into publicising it and it would have been yet another way of putting the pressure on PACE. As it is, I'm sure that it will be still be of interest to people but it has lost its power as an advocacy tool. If people in the room were shifting in their seats and rolling their eyes - and in some cases leaving - they are going to be even less inclined to watch it online.
Getting shouty is a great way of venting frustrations but it really isn't a great way to influence people.
@Valentijn may be able to persuade someone to record the talk in the Netherlands in January, if it happens.