It's all in the Gut. Why we get ME/CFS


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
are you saying you got CFS by sticking your saliva up your butt?

lol and don´t forget the vagina part.

OK Elph, an infection can and will cause leaky gut, And it does not need to be an intestinal infection. Yes parasites and candida cause it too. Stress and low adrenal hormones will cause it too. Celiac disease causes it too. Exposure of the gut lining to toxic substances will create a disrupted intestinal lining too. NSAIDs cause it as well. Lots of things cause an inflammed and leaky gut. But our interest lays in how to treat it. Erradicating pathogenic bacteria and getting high number of the beneficial ones is very important in addressing it, but so is rebuilding and soothing the GI tract.


Senior Member
i guess its possible that it is gut flora but that doesn't explain why antiretrovirals have helped people with CFS. repeated fecal transplants have not worked. manipulating gut flora will decrease inflammation so it is not without value. i am too fogged up and not educated enough to argue any further...i hope it is only gut flora but i highly doubt it. they have only scratched the surface in their knowledge about the gut so far so time will tell.

i will never forget how my brain, which had been SEVERELY fogged, swollen, and agonizing enough to make me decide to take my life.....started to clear on AZT. this proved to me...this just has to be retroviral.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
i guess its possible that it is gut flora but that doesn't explain why antiretrovirals have helped people with CFS. repeated fecal transplants have not worked. manipulating gut flora will decrease inflammation so it is not without value. i am too fogged up and not educated enough to argue any further...i hope it is only gut flora but i highly doubt it. they have only scratched the surface in their knowledge about the gut so far so time will tell.

i will never forget how my brain, which had been SEVERELY fogged, swollen, and agonizing enough to make me decide to take my life.....started to clear on AZT. this proved to me...this just has to be retroviral.

Hi Daffodil, just a thought here: --- The retroviral activation may have been secondary to altered gut function, which compromised your immunity and allowed the retrovirus to proliferate. Even though the AZT apparently helped lower your retroviral levels, perhaps it still wasn't addressing a more primary cause. Like I say, just a thought. :)


Senior Member
Hi Daffodil .... As I said, everything went to hell after I did what I did .... and my Stool analysis shows I have a butt full of mouth bugs .....


Senior Member
What will you do Elph will you go onto long term antibiotic's ? I think I read that you said 3-6 months doxy and azithro then FMT worked/got rid of CFS ?


Senior Member
I am waiting for my treatment to start yes .... My next appointment is in November .... The thing is, I found somebody who agreed that my bowel problem can be fixed. If you go in and say i want antibiotics to fix my CFS .... that is too big a stretch and you won't get anywhere .... BUT, if you can get a full stool analysis and then go in and say that these bugs cause disbyosis and leaky gut and need 8+ weeks to remove from gut ..... you have a better shot at it .... and as a result, if your symptoms improve, then you have another doctor with an open mind who may try it on the next one .... Just a thought ....


Senior Member
you are going to that clinic Elph68 would be great to hear a run down of what the clinic has been doing with you tests and treatment etc. good luck with it all!!


Senior Member
Keep us informed how you go Elph68 , would be interesting. I query quite strongly a bacterial cause regarding my M.E as problems of a certain kind started happening to me about 10-15 years before my collapse with M.E. Thanks for all your info, it is helpful. x

Edit. I query a resistant kind of bacteria, but could be wrong.


Senior Member
you are going to that clinic Elph68 would be great to hear a run down of what the clinic has been doing with you tests and treatment etc. good luck with it all!!

Yeah I am aimossy, there is 3 of us .... so we will see what happens ....
I found this thread in a search for a connection between taking D-Ribose and Candida flare-up, which I experienced quite badly in the gut... I just wanted to say there might still be a way to take it without feeding the yeast: get a "Pollen Press" and compress small amounts into tablets for sublingual use. Seems to be working so far!

I prefer to use a 1" stainless steel sleeve with a 1/4" inner diameter and two 1/2" length, 1/4" diameter steel rod sections and a 1-ton press, but you can also use a hammer. There are a lot of aluminum-based Pollen Presses out there (see ebay) but I'm a bit concerned about the tablet absorbing aluminum oxides under the extreme pressures involved; Stainless steel would be preferable I think.

Hope this helps!


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Sprouted sounds and looks good. Too bad I couldn´t manage to do it in my home lol I ended spoiling a lot of legumes. It seems easy in the Internet but then getting them to sprout in a jar isnt that easy. I could only make lentils sprout in a bed of wet cotton, like we did in primary school. It was very small and the water didn´t smell good at the end because you cannot change it. How do you do it?

You can buy bean/seed sprouters quite cheap, e.g. ebay and Amazon. I think I picked mine up in a charity shop! With sprouters you can change the water as often as you want. You could probably improvise one using a sieve or strainer.


Senior Member
I have a seed sprouter and I have a tough time getting certain seeds to grow. Broccoli (which is in the main seed mix I bought)
seems particularly problematic for some reason.