Is your worst fatigue in the morning too?

I’ve been dealing with a variety of ME/CFS symptoms for nine months and was recently diagnosed with it after extensive testing.

my fatigue is worst in the morning. I wake up and feel dead and force myself to get up. I’m faded physically and mentally before I even get out of bed so this doesn’t just happen when I stand up.

I tend to get some energy by 12:30pm. By 8pm I crash again. And my fatigue comes and goes in between.

I’d say at my worst I’m like a battery with 5% charged and at my best I reach 50%.

Do any of you have fatigue patterns like this where it’s always the worst at certain points in the day?


Senior Member
Midwest usa
I’ve been dealing with a variety of ME/CFS symptoms for nine months and was recently diagnosed with it after extensive testing.

my fatigue is worst in the morning. I wake up and feel dead and force myself to get up. I’m faded physically and mentally before I even get out of bed so this doesn’t just happen when I stand up.

I tend to get some energy by 12:30pm. By 8pm I crash again. And my fatigue comes and goes in between.

I’d say at my worst I’m like a battery with 5% charged and at my best I reach 50%.

Do any of you have fatigue patterns like this where it’s always the worst at certain points in the day?
Mine seems bad in the morning, and must force myself to get up. I take methylphenidate to help me get up. I never take it after 12 noon because I am afraid it will meds with my sleep!


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
my fatigue is worst in the morning. I wake up and feel dead and force myself to get up. I’m faded physically and mentally before I even get out of bed so this doesn’t just happen when I stand up.

You're definitely not the only one.

Here are some of the other discussions on the same topic:

Anyone else feel the worst first thing in the morning?

Feeling worse after waking up.

Why do we feel better at night?

Hope this helps.
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Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
my fatigue is worst in the morning.

Do any of you have fatigue patterns like this where it’s always the worst at certain points in the day?

My fatigue is usually much worse in the morning, also and improves as the day goes on. I often have a low energy period about 3:00 and another at about 6:00.

I eat my dinner late, at about 8:30 and that gives me a good boost of energy until about 10:00. Then I start sliding downhill fast and am ready to sleep at about 11:30.

So I have clear ups and downs throughout my day. The mornings are usually when my energy is the lowest though.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
My routine- awake often around 4 am through 7 with IBS issues- mine have flared, I've gone off protocols, its getting very disrupts my sleep most of the time.

I then can go back to sleep usually for a couple of hours, and I wake up, lie there and feel generally fine.

Within 10 minutes of standing, I start of feel like I am a comatose zombie. Then my eyes give their daily report. Usually- they start pouring. somedays they are dried out. All days they ache, throb and I feel visually awful.

Then I might have a cup of coffee..if I'm not too run down. I sort of then wake up until- say 2 or 3 pm, when a whole list of fatigue symptoms. From 3 oclock on, I feel lousy in many ways...tinnitus starts up, nausea, the chemical drip drip. 5 pm is the worst time for my fatigue and misc. symptoms.

My cycle is alot like @ljimbo423


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
my fatigue is worst in the morning. I wake up and feel dead and force myself to get up. I’m faded physically and mentally before I even get out of bed so this doesn’t just happen when I stand up.
Have you done a 24 hour saliva cortisol test? It might show you're not making adequate cortisol in the morning. Having your thyroid checked too might offer insight.

My energy is best from 7-10am, worst from 2-5pm.


Senior Member
I was thinking more about my fatigue patterns. I do often feel an energy boost ~7-8 PM, but somewhere past 9 I lack the energy to follow what I'm reading, so that's it for the day. I certainly don't bounce out of bed in the mornings, but I have no trouble reading with breakfast, and I can usually go out and do whatever activities need doing, so I don't think I have an energy deficit then.

Last evening I did hours of thistle-pulling (really muscle-straining) until 8PM. I expected insomnia from that, but I wanted to get as much as I could cleared before the forecast rain. This morning, many muscle groups said "Noooo, I don't want to get up." but after breakfast, I went out and pulled more thistles, and my energy level felt about the same as the previous day.

So, aside from the usual (?) fatigue as bedtime approaches, I don't notice any pattern of energy loss during the day.


Senior Member
Mornings suck.
A few years back I was helping out my mum when she needed some caregiving and she wanted me to empty the dishwasher out first thing in the morning. NO!

I feel my best in the late evening -- dangit, right when it's time for bed. It's like all of the sudden the air is breathable and not dragging me down. I could run a marathon. Ok, not really but it's a noticeable difference for how I feel the rest of the day.
The worst thing is that when I go to bed -- feeling good -- I know I wake up the next day back to blah.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Have you done a 24 hour saliva cortisol test? It might show you're not making adequate cortisol in the morning.

This is definitely something to consider, thanks!
Normally, a healthy person has high blood levels of the "wakefulness" hormone cortisol in the morning and then the level of cortisol declines during the day and is lowest during sleep.

Many ME patients have a disruption in their daily cortisol profile, with some having lower-than-average levels in the morning or higher-than-average levels in the evening. This is typically attributed to dysfunction of the hypothalamus in the brain.

Hypothalamic dysfunction can also include disruption in other hormones, too. For example, a disruption in the regulation of vasopressin can result in higher-than-average levels of thirst and higher-than average levels of urination.

For the benefit of posterity, we have the following related discussions:

How cortisol levels normally change during the day:
the time of measurement is important, because in the daily cortisol cycle there is a large peak in cortisol in the morning around the time of awakening, as the graph shows:


Note that there are two main types of cortisol test in research studies: the 24 hour cycle, and the cortisol awakening response.

Hair and salivary cortisol in a cohort of women with chronic fatigue syndrome (Roerink et al., 2018)
Salivary cortisol concentrations of 107 CFS patients were compared to 59 healthy controls, with CFS patients showing a decreased cortisol awakening response (4.2 nmol/L ± 5.4 vs 6.1 nmol/L ± 6.3, p = 0.036). Total cortisol output during the day did not differ significantly in saliva

Why do I feel better in the evening? Cortisol, pain and insomnia issues
What I really don't understand is why I'm feeling always less exhausted in the evening than the rest of the day?

My cortisol is normal in the morning 7.32 (ref.range 2-10), low in the afternoon 1.41 (1.55-6) and very low in the evening 0.29 (1.15-4.85).


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Patients here can have very abnormal cortisol curves.

This one can happen when the body is under a lot of stress, either lifestyle related or from infections, toxicity, etc and the adrenals are pumping out too much he cortisol to help the body cope or tremendously overshooting, as in Cushing's disease:

This is when the adrenals are not producing enough cortisol, in adrenal insufficiency or more profoundly, in Addison's disease.

This is when cortisol production is shifted, so the person can't get out of bed in the morning but is awake at night, the classic night owl.

There are strategies for treating each of these situations, best discussed with a doctor.

vision blue

Senior Member
Opposite for me. At best from rarly am until an hour after breakfast, then increasingly downhill with worst 2-5 pm

But my mother had your pattern

How is your sleep quality? Also are you on any meds or supplements or substances that might contribute? Thyroid ok?

Do we have a poll on this forum for what block of time people have max energy? Youve gotten me curious


Senior Member
Hi double bubble great thread ..
Yes ! Is the answer ... And I have breakfast and then lay back down until late morning ....
I rest again after lunch and then by 3 I have some .... Evenings I'm my most alert and alive


Senior Member
New Jersey, US
Mine is worse in the morning, and in the evening. Seems to get better at night - though I am laying down more then. I also have POTS and thats better at night, but my pain symptoms are worse at night. So all in all - morning and evening are bad 😅👎 (1/10, would not recommend lmao)

around mid-day i seem to be a little better, but of course then I *do things* and it all goes back downhill 🤣