Woah woah whoa slow down homie
What is deca durbolin?
Woah woah whoa slow down homie
What is deca durbolin?
Ive had a list in my head for a few years lol.
Deca durabolin is an anabolic steroid they were using in hiv patients to reverse the muscle wasting effects of the illness. What they found was that it actually increased their immune function, something they werent expecting as they were only aiming to reduce the catabolic effects of hiv. Several studies on it. I cant recall his name but there was a dr who wrote a book on how to use these substances in hiv, very different to how athletes use them.
So with cfs the improvements in immune function are the main effects we are looking for but tgere are other helpful aspects. Because it can help reverse catabolic effects of diseases and i believe even in somewhat active cfsers there is a loss of muscle mass even if pre cfs weight is the same and many bedridden cfsers theres definite muscle wasting. With catabolic effects coexists increased oxidation and inflammation that occurs that deca coukd help with. It also has very good pain relieving and healing qualities in muscle and joint/cartilage injuries as well as increasing mineral bone density. Another effects is its ability to increase red blood cells numbers which help increase endurance and its commonly used in certain anemias, this could also benefit those with pots/oi symptoms.
Theres other benefits but thats off the top of my head. Its one of the safest steroids available but probably very hard to get prescribed. Its quite safe for women but doses need to be reduced.
If you google it with hiv im sure you will find more information and many studies.
Id prioritize other treatments first though that have a more direct effect on infections and immune system. But it could be a higher priority drug for anemias and pots/oi and severe muscle wasting.