We don't know much about eds ...this is my point.Im somewhat more flexible than average, but don't have EDS, nor do many others, so ME/CFS is not a subset of EDS.
However, there does seem to be a subset of those who do have ME/CFS who also have EDS or related conditions.
As for RCCX, not all of us have the CYP21A2 or TNXB mutations, so it's not an explanation for everyone. And many of us don't have psychiatric problems, which seem to be pushed by people who want to cut us off from disability.
Vulnerability to psychological stress is part of EDS and rcccx.
Explain these cluster s to me. How fibro lyne etc look virtually if not the same as eds.The building block of life at a physichal level is collagen in part. You ever heard the expression..he's got thick skin.
That's a metaphor for our propensity towards stress vulnerability. All along this we are impacted by collagen. From psychological integrity, physichal, chemichal and emotional problem.
It's a full body, system disease..I'm not saying it's a psychological illness. I don't believe in seperating mind n body anyway.
Mental illness is not understood at all.
Neither is mast cell disease.
Multiple chemichal sensitivities..etc..but they all cluster