Hi Bob, thanks for the kind words! Your right this is a very complex situation, the first published literature on ME is about the ME epidemic in LA in 1934 and that is 90 pages long, so if anyone wants to start from the beginning they have to start by reading a book, there are literally thousands of pages of medical literature pre 1988, and then on top of that youve got all the lies and misinformation put out by the likes of the CDC and Wessely school as well. I think because this tread was far from planned and just started out with Tuliip asking questions about a letter being written to a newspaper, which lead to more questions and answers and I think a large amount of confusion was generated in the processes. But hopefully the discussion can now continue in a slightly more relaxed fashion, because it is raising issues and information that everyone involved no matter what is wrong with them needs to know about.
The old literature is a Gold mine of amazingly useful information that the scientific community needs to know, and it has unfortunately been suppressed by the actions of the CDC and Wessely etc, Things like the 4-7 day incubation period that was found in all the epidemics, which was often very easy for them to work out because they happened in situations like hospitals. This is invaluable because when looking for the cause, you can immediately see that any viruses that have a longer incubation period cant possibly be the cause, so there no need to waste time and money investigating them.
Twice in the past that I know of, they used infectious material from ME patients to infect Monkeys which then became very sick and damage to the monkeys was then seen at autopsy. This proves its infectious, so you can immediately say hey Wessely and Reeves stick your psychiatric theories in your, you know where and put an end to all this GET CBT nonsense before it kills anyone else.
If these experiments could be redone using modern viral detection techniques, they could test the monkeys for any viruses they might have first, then infect them and re test them and you would very quickly be able to find what new virus had appeared and was the cause, and then work on developing treatments. There are already available broad spectrum anti Enteroviral drugs whose success can be measured by SPECT scan, and the information form autopsying the monkeys would be invaluable!
I think the fact that in the past they found being exposed to ME made people immune to Polio is very telling because Polio is a member of the Enteroviruses family which on top of the repeated findings of Enteroviral infection in ME patients further points the finger in that direction.
As I pointed out in my last post the CDC are well aware of this information and have been from the start at Lake Tahoe, They included nine references to Major ME publications going all the way back to the first one in 1934 in their 1987 report into Lake Tahoe, guess they didnt anticipate the internet and thought that nobody would ever be able to read it, it would appear there was a large amount of confusion in their own camp about what the plan was at the time. Apparently Dr Holmes who was a very junior doctor at the CDC and was put in charge of inventing CFS in the Holmes definition, asked his superiors if he should use the names ME or Epidemic Neuromyasthenia for it and got a bit of a roasting and told to use CFS.
I think something this site could do that would help a lot of people would be to set up a online library, and collect as much of the old ME publications as possible and put them in it, because at the moment their scattered all over the place. This could then be a resource not just for patients but for doctors, scientists, researchers and Journalists as well. Obviously the CDC wont be joining up to have a look, theyve already got all the information in their medical library which is one of the best in the world, But for independent researchers this could be very helpful. Because Dr Hyde has been researching this for years and has been in personal contact with all the greats of ME research like Ramsey, Parish, Shelokov etc I would imagine he has a vast collection of this material and if contacted at the Nightingale foundation http://www.nightingale.ca/ he may be willing to make some of it available for this purpose.
Personally I must admit to being more than a bit annoyed, that as someone who is very sick, I can find all this information out, just by looking around on the internet, and yet all the researchers, doctors and organisations that are supposed to be helping seem to be completely oblivious to it.
Maybe we should set up a campaign to teach them how to use Google!! Because this kind of information has been easily findable on the internet for years!
Anyway look forward to more interesting conversations with you in the future.
All the best
The old literature is a Gold mine of amazingly useful information that the scientific community needs to know, and it has unfortunately been suppressed by the actions of the CDC and Wessely etc, Things like the 4-7 day incubation period that was found in all the epidemics, which was often very easy for them to work out because they happened in situations like hospitals. This is invaluable because when looking for the cause, you can immediately see that any viruses that have a longer incubation period cant possibly be the cause, so there no need to waste time and money investigating them.
Twice in the past that I know of, they used infectious material from ME patients to infect Monkeys which then became very sick and damage to the monkeys was then seen at autopsy. This proves its infectious, so you can immediately say hey Wessely and Reeves stick your psychiatric theories in your, you know where and put an end to all this GET CBT nonsense before it kills anyone else.
If these experiments could be redone using modern viral detection techniques, they could test the monkeys for any viruses they might have first, then infect them and re test them and you would very quickly be able to find what new virus had appeared and was the cause, and then work on developing treatments. There are already available broad spectrum anti Enteroviral drugs whose success can be measured by SPECT scan, and the information form autopsying the monkeys would be invaluable!
I think the fact that in the past they found being exposed to ME made people immune to Polio is very telling because Polio is a member of the Enteroviruses family which on top of the repeated findings of Enteroviral infection in ME patients further points the finger in that direction.
As I pointed out in my last post the CDC are well aware of this information and have been from the start at Lake Tahoe, They included nine references to Major ME publications going all the way back to the first one in 1934 in their 1987 report into Lake Tahoe, guess they didnt anticipate the internet and thought that nobody would ever be able to read it, it would appear there was a large amount of confusion in their own camp about what the plan was at the time. Apparently Dr Holmes who was a very junior doctor at the CDC and was put in charge of inventing CFS in the Holmes definition, asked his superiors if he should use the names ME or Epidemic Neuromyasthenia for it and got a bit of a roasting and told to use CFS.
I think something this site could do that would help a lot of people would be to set up a online library, and collect as much of the old ME publications as possible and put them in it, because at the moment their scattered all over the place. This could then be a resource not just for patients but for doctors, scientists, researchers and Journalists as well. Obviously the CDC wont be joining up to have a look, theyve already got all the information in their medical library which is one of the best in the world, But for independent researchers this could be very helpful. Because Dr Hyde has been researching this for years and has been in personal contact with all the greats of ME research like Ramsey, Parish, Shelokov etc I would imagine he has a vast collection of this material and if contacted at the Nightingale foundation http://www.nightingale.ca/ he may be willing to make some of it available for this purpose.
Personally I must admit to being more than a bit annoyed, that as someone who is very sick, I can find all this information out, just by looking around on the internet, and yet all the researchers, doctors and organisations that are supposed to be helping seem to be completely oblivious to it.
Maybe we should set up a campaign to teach them how to use Google!! Because this kind of information has been easily findable on the internet for years!
Anyway look forward to more interesting conversations with you in the future.
All the best