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Interesting reactions to supplements

Hi all,

So I take klonopin and it helps a ton with calming my wired feeling and helping me get good sleep. I have been on it 10 years. Anyway, I haven't messed with any supplements in a decade and I thought I would give a few a shot. I started with magnesium glycinate 300 mg, and I got brain fog and anxiety for the rest of the day, which seemed like a very weird reaction to me.

Then I read up on methylation and started on 500 mcg methyl b12. This was mid December. Instantly all the Christmas lights on the houses looked so vibrant and pretty. The way music sounded was totally more pleasurable than I remembered in a long time. But then I just couldn't sleep. I would stay awake until 7 am and then get up at 9 am. Then I would take a small nap in the middle of the day and feel really depressed all day. The pleasurable glow that lights had at night still remained, which was interesting to me.

I lowered my dosage from 500 mcg of b12 down to 250mcg after a few days, and then after a few days down to 125mcg. I felt exhausted and brain fogged, wired but tired. However, I felt this drive in me to do stuff I have never done. I downloaded some dating apps and went on my first date in 8 years. I attribute that to b12 increasing dopamine in my brain, leading to increased drive and motivation. However, I continued to get worse and eventually ended up with extreme chest tightness and anxiety and then panic. Its like my brain can't handle anything but being depressed.

I got scared because I only took methly b12 for 2 weeks, and for 4 weeks after stop I continued to get symptoms of overstimulation that didn't go away. I took niacin right away from the beginning, and it didn't work at all. Finally I found Hip's post about niacinamide. I took 1000mg at night and slept all night and all the next day. The overmethylation symptoms went away and never came back! That was about 2 weeks ago.

Now, I have my brother's 23 and me results and I assume I have the same genes as his. He is homozygous for both COMT genes, and I read that is the worrier gene and we cannot use methyl supplements. We are better off with hydroxo b12 and folinic acid. So I ordered both of those.

I thoroughly enjoyed having more motivation in life, and also my reflexes got way better for playing stuff like video games, which was a nice treat while on the methyl b12. Other than that, it was the worst experience of my last 10 years. I have had CFS for 12 years.

I don't know if I should even try hydroxocobalamin or folinic acid, or just leave this methylation stuff alone? Thoughts?


Senior Member
Vic, AU
You should probably get your genetic results as well so you can have a more specific idea of what may be going on, you are not necessarily going to have the same genes as your brother. If you have also read Hip's post about Dr. Greg Russell-Jones approach there are other co-factors involved in a methylation protocol before adding other things like B12 and a form of folate, if you also have slow functioning MAO-A you need B2 for a while for instance.

Greg also does not seem to believe in the under-over methylation theory, just that you need to correct the other pathways first before being able to add methyl groups. If you get your genetic data done too you can always email Greg and get his opinion on your individual profile too.

I think diet can play a big role in all this too, too much meat, dairy and eggs for instance can overload you with methionine but then by taking glycine you can help counter act this (I have only just started doing this).

Would check out some of Sherpa's posts too,



Just highlights that it is probably best to try to use small doses and find a protocol and supplements that do not over stimulate you.

Good luck. I am still try to play around with it all and figure it out, these days I cannot distinguish between the methylation and my own personal problems of late.


Senior Member
Vic, AU
Oh and the klonopin could be a bit of a tricky factor, no idea how that may play a part in all this. Long term daily use on a benzodiazepine can be problematic I am afraid and not fun trying to get off of sometimes.