Increasing GABA naturally

YippeeKi YOW !!

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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
May I ask where you got the information from that suggests long term cannabis use brings problems

I say that mostly because my Chinese Traditional Medicine herbalist holds this view. He is also quite conservative in some ways: he views Kombucha as dangerous as its: got 3% alcohol.

So the comment is not based upon science studies which probably would be impossible to design and conduct. Too many variables.

Everything comes with side effects, unless the substance is simply benign. Know your monster.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@SmokinJoeFraz93 , @Rufous McKinney
A lot of studies have been done with varous degrees of scientific discipline, that show that long-term use of THC creates multiple side effects, not all of them bad, but several of them not very good. Short term memory issues, cognitive decline, apathy, lethargy are the ones I vaguely remember. But I can't remember what quantifies, or what strains, were used in the studies/research. And again, some of the studies bordered on the anecdotal with small dashes of 'evidence'

Hit the google machine and enter a search for this, you should come up with a mother lode of info. Just be sure to check the metrics of the studies.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I will be looking at kava to upregulate gaba a receptors But also at other things that downregulate glutamate.

Hey, Kalm With Kava recommend Pouni Ono for CFS. I emailed them asking for info. I know also a couple on here have tried this strain.

If you come up with anything naturally (as in not pharmaceutical as such) that deals with up regulating GABA and downregukatin glutamate, please let me know as I feel I have a big problem with this issue.

Hopefully I will be using the Pouni Ono within the next two weeks.


Senior Member
Hey, Kalm With Kava recommend Pouni Ono for CFS. I emailed them asking for info. I know also a couple on here have tried this strain.

If you come up with anything naturally (as in not pharmaceutical as such) that deals with up regulating GABA and downregukatin glutamate, please let me know as I feel I have a big problem with this issue.

Hopefully I will be using the Pouni Ono within the next two weeks.
interesting. I will be going through hips post again trying to find the specific chemotypes high in the gaba A -increasing thingy... when i get a chance. I liked kalm with kava, although it doesnt seem like they have any specific chemotypes high in those specific things, although they may still have enough to help some.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I will be looking at kava to upregulate gaba a receptors But also at other things that downregulate glutamate.

interesting. I will be going through hips post again trying to find the specific chemotypes high in the gaba A

That was interesting because I liked the fact it works on the CB1 receptors. I know that cannabis tolerance is to do with CB1 receptors (I may be wrong).

I’ve tried a lot of supplements that work with GABA receptors, and none have worked in the slightest.

All the best though!


Senior Member
I found this story of a patient who took both Xanax and kava for 3 days in a row interesting: that combo caused so much GABA activation that he/she went into a coma! It suggests that kava can have strong GABAergic effects, but we know that kava is not addictive, so it may be a better alternative than benzodiazepines for some people.
Wow! I sometimes take kava with small amounts of gabapentin, which has similar effects, because I have such brain-being-wired, and trouble sleep problems, and I hope that that has not been too much. i took it once even with ativan. I felt that it synergized nicely and allowed me to lower gabapentin dose, but perhaps I should be tracking my sp02 in my sleep again when I do these things


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I don't particularly want a stimulating strain, and i know a company (which is not guaranteed to be an expert in this complex disease) might assume that Chronic Fatigue = need something stimulating, which is really almost the opposite of what this disease is.

Ideal that’s what I’d want - Something that’s stimulating in terms of decreasing fatigue. If I could find a strain that works well on up regulation of GABA receptors as well as working on fatigue and pain, my cannabis use would halve which means I’d have more money left in the pot to use other supplements.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I really should keep an eye on this, as with kava combined with gabapentin I've had weird deep sleep, and Ive had spO2 drop a tiny tiny bit low from cci/woken up w/ headaches from that, so it seems worth being prudent about this

Definitely be careful and get advice from sound people like on here, you’ll be okay. I’ve never gone down the Valium or Gabapentin route because I know the ‘head work’ trying to reduce and come off it as well.


Senior Member
I'm concerned about resp. depression but not particularly concerned about addiction to any substance. I'm completely bedridden. if I want my caretaker to just keep a drug from me, I would have no power to get it back. Its just about palliative care for the next few months at the very least until i can get to the root of this cci stuff... and trying to palliate in a way that doesn't produce permanent damage.

should really b more careful about the sleeping w/sedatives thing tho


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I'm concerned about resp. depression but not particularly concerned about addiction to any substance. I'm completely bedridden. if I want my caretaker to just keep a drug from me, I would have no power to get it back. Its just about palliative care for the next few months at the very least until i can get to the root of this cci stuff... and trying to palliate in a way that doesn't produce permanent damage.

should really b more careful about the sleeping w/sedatives thing tho

Sorry to hear what you’re going through. Hopefully what you’ve mentioned regarding the Kava will help you.


Senior Member
@Hip i was tryin to order from "kalm with kava" and it says there are no payment types available in your state. I'm in the U.K and it seems it's banned here. Did you face this problem?

If you cannot buy via KWK, the following also ship to the UK, and are considered high quality:

Here is a list of kava vendors who ship to the UK.