I'm 100% better, can function again


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
Many people have had good initial results with stimulants such as modafinil but its very common for the effect to diminish over time. Ritalin when I first started taking it pretty much made me feel normal for 2-3 hours. Now while it still helps, its nowhere as useful as it used to be


Senior Member
I did not know that phenylpiracetam was used in studies, I think more people should try it!

I have just ordered 5 grams of phenylpiracetam from powdercity.com after reading your write up, @pdgoldinc, and reading the Russian study.

5 grams cost $15.29, plus $5.44 shipping to the UK. There is a 10% discount code for powdercity.com working at the moment: just enter: Powders10

If you want to buy modafinil without prescription, it is available here:


By the way, you can buy a digital scale that measures down to 1 mg for around $10 on online. I have one, and find it invaluable for measuring small powder doses.


wiggle jiggle
i tried ritalin and noocept(?), not sure but it was piracetam - but all long before i spotted any worms.
it was all crap. made me jittery and spacy.
think, i have some left, though long expired meantime.

i also tried various anti-psychotics, i thought they might do the trick. but didnt. perhaps a little more awake for a week, then it turned the opposite.

modafinil sounds interesting, because it seems to help a lot of people. so may be good to tolerate.
but its not available in asia.
where i am right now, the postal services apparently open every package and even bottles, if they are not sealed. not sure, if i could order it.

i will try valium next. think its available.
it may have as good effects as racetams - when it wears down.
i tried it when i was 16 and had acute unfog for a few hours, but was very sedating.
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Senior Member
Helena, MT USA
This is funny, I translate from Russian and Japanese and what ever else language often into English, because I was desperate for an alternative to meth. I
Wow. Are you using Google Translate or do you know Russian and Japanese?

I'm asking because I think there is a lot of good Russian research, but my Russian isn't adequate to read it.


Senior Member
Is the phenylpiractetam sedating? I've used piracetam, and there was an effect, but I felt like I was missing co-factors and seemed to maybe be a GABA agonist?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Hip. I was going to get phenibut from powder city but it has maltodextrine in it. Who wants that? I mentioned it to a friend who also orders lots of stuff from them and he said he's gotten bulk powders with hairs in them.

I recently discovered www.liftmode.com. I can't remember exactly what they have but I'm pretty sure they ship internationally and their phenibut (just an example) is pure.

I bought baicalin from them.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
They look pretty good.
I was very happy with their customer service. It shipped about an hour after I ordered. They also have, at least in the US, a 90 day return policy, free return shipping. I got a note in mine that will give me a $20 credit if I give them a link to any non-amazon review.

I will order from them again for sure. Also the Baicalin came with a sheet listing the "purity" (sorry not sure if that is correct term, it's not in front of me).

I also asked the guy I spoke to about a discount code so he gave me his personal code for 5% off.

@Hip, see the last sentence I added.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
I found this interesting comparison about the effects of Piracetam and Aniracetam.

[In regards to the mechanisms of Piracetam, I am personally leaning more towards Piracetam being an agent that can preserve mitochondrial membrane potential.
This sort of downplays it from a cognitive enhancer to a cognitive preserver. It does interact with mechanisms that can induce cognitive enhancement in otherwise healthy persons (AMPA modulation and Calcium Channel inhibition) but these effects, at best, are weak. Other racetams are more likely to be cognitive enhancers (For AMPA modulation and Calcium channel 2.2 inhibition respectively; this would be Aniracetam and Leviracetam) If it does enhance cognition significantly, it is possible that this is just from reversing small states of cognitive deficit.

That being said, it is a non-discriminate membrane fluidity preservative. This may also underlie how Piracetam is as effective as Aspirin at preventing blood clotting in older persons when taken as daily preventative medicine.

I believe Piracetam is not so much a Cognitive enhancer as it is a minor Longevity-enhancing agent; delaying age-related pathology in a non-specific and relatively weak manner. It is surprisingly non-toxic, so it might be a good health preserving agent if you have excess money to burn.]


Senior Member
I've used phenylpiracetam 3 times in the past 2 weeks with decent benefits. I took it in the hopes it would sharpen and speed up my cognition on days when I needed it. The difference I noticed during those 3 days is that useful ideas have popped into my head continuously and I'm way more focused. It seems to last about 5 hours maybe.

I'm being careful not to use it more than twice a week so I don't develop a tolerance to it.
Wow. Are you using Google Translate or do you know Russian and Japanese?

I'm asking because I think there is a lot of good Russian research, but my Russian isn't adequate to read it.
I am using translate.google.com, it gives me enough understanding what the sentenses are meant to say. I agree, the Russians have good studies. Thank you for your comment.
@pdgoldinc can you update us to how these medications are working for you these days?
Thank you for the request, panckage, I was going to but have been quite busy with my business. I am actually able to focus well enough to be in business again. I have not had brainfog in weeks, since I started taking Phenylpiracetam. I am still having a slight problem, I call it, waking up my Central Nervous System. But I have to say, I have never felt better and actually I'm able to function again with the help of legal supplements. I will check into a few other things, maybe I find something which makes me complete again. I seem to still have some kind of a pressurized cloud over my head which still causes me to think slow. I will not put up with this crap which disturbs my life that much, if there is something which will help, I will use it if it is safe to take or somewhat safe. Who wants to live with all these crazy symptoms anyways? I will check back here in a couple of weeks. Thank you!


fatty & acid : )
i am so happy i found this forum and this post in particular:

Looks like there was a study in Russia examining the benefits of phenylpiracetam for ME/CFS:

The 2004 Russian study:

[Эффективность фенотропила при лечении астенического синдрома и синдрома хронической усталости, В.И. Ахапкина, А.И. Федин, А.С. Аведисова, Р.В. Ахапкин]

coz this lil substance right here


definitely brings alot of positive vibes in my life, lol.
both physiological and psychological at the same time.
the only question (as always) is - how long it will last? i am on the first week now.


The study is slightly confusing to read in that they treated both chronic fatigue syndrome patients, and also asthenic syndrome patients.

but they presented end results separately for cfs-ers and for astheniers, so what confused you?
btw - there is a bunch of other articles about phenotropil on that site.
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Senior Member
but they presented end results separately for cfs-ers and for astheniers, so what confused you?

I have both ME/CFS brain fog and ADHD caused by meningitis, so reading is now difficult, and I find everything confusing!

I bought some phenylpiracetam, and tried doses up to 100 mg, and although it made me feel a bit more alert and clear minded, and boosted motivation, I also felt a little flatter in terms of my emotions. However, I do suffer from anhedonia and blunted affect (emotional flatness) anyway, so I am prone to this.

Piracetam I find has similar cognitive benefits, but produces far stronger levels of anhedonia and blunted affect, so I rarely use piracetam nowadays (but I successfully used piracetam for many years before getting ME/CFS).

However, I don't think this blunted affect side effect will occur in other ME/CFS patients trying phenylpiracetam, unless you suffer from blunted affect to start with.

The interesting thing I found with phenylpiracetam is that even on just a 50 mg dose, its cognitive and motivational benefits seem to last well into the next day.

Whereas I find piracetam wears off after half a day or so, and I find aniracetam wears off after just 2 or 3 hours.

Noopept 30 mg tends to work best for me, though technically this is not a drug of the racetam class.


fatty & acid : )
I have both ME/CFS brain fog and ADHD caused by meningitis, so reading is now difficult, and I find everything confusing!

ok, no problem. i find myself confused from time to time too, while reading articles in foreign language : )


Senior Member
Since you are in Russia, you may be interested in a potentially highly effective ME/CFS treatment that is currently being discussed and tested in this thread.

This treatment is a Russian Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine that is only available in countries like Russia and the Ukraine. However, this vaccine, when it was available in Europe in the past, proved to be a good treatment for ME/CFS, in clinical trials done in Sweden.

I have just started testing this Russian vaccine, as I was able to get someone in the Ukraine to buy it and send it to me in the UK. Just mentioning this, as it may interest you.


fatty & acid : )
wow - thank you again! am slowly reading your roadmap, there's so much tests in there and so many variants of treatment to try, that am a little lost already as where to start % )


Senior Member
I've used phenylpiracetam 3 times in the past 2 weeks with decent benefits. I took it in the hopes it would sharpen and speed up my cognition on days when I needed it. The difference I noticed during those 3 days is that useful ideas have popped into my head continuously and I'm way more focused. It seems to last about 5 hours maybe.

I'm being careful not to use it more than twice a week so I don't develop a tolerance to it.

I should also mention that the last two times I used phenylpiracetam were on work days (the only 2 days a week I work) that were hugely exhausting and I was fully expecting to be badly crashed after. But I've been perfectly fine and it's now 5 days later! I really want to know what's going on... Is it the phenyl? Is it something else I've been doing?

Has anyone experienced this lack of PEM when you'd fully expect it that could be due to phenylpiracetam?

@Hip @hvac14400 @panckage @pdgoldinc