I was cured with GCMAF

Yes, it helps a lot, even a weak enteral colostrum.
I have very low macrophages and nk cells, I can not live without. I also use herbs for Lime and the Rife generator.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I've been taking GcMaf Colostrum Saisei for several years now. Colostrum is now available due to inaccessibility of other options.
Colostrum from Saisei Mirai Clinics - it poor quality. My phagocytosis is below normal (a fresh test by Dr. KDM)

@Olena - your post is a little confusing. You say that you have been taking GcMaf Colostrum Saisei for several years, but then you say that colostrum from Saisei Mirai Clinics is poor quality. You seem to be saying that you are taking a poor quality colostrum, but I don't think that's what you meant - could you explain? Thanks!


Senior Member
@Olena - your post is a little confusing. You say that you have been taking GcMaf Colostrum Saisei for several years, but then you say that colostrum from Saisei Mirai Clinics is poor quality. You seem to be saying that you are taking a poor quality colostrum, but I don't think that's what you meant - could you explain? Thanks!
Bear in mind she uses google translate so it may be an issue with that


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Bear in mind she uses google translate so it may be an issue with that

Right, that makes sense - I'm just trying to find out what she actually meant, if possible. It's something I'm considering trying and would like to know whether she recommends it or not.


Hoarder of biscuits
Some of us have difficulties reading a bloody wall o' text. I'm sure you've heard this somewhere else before;). Please click the "Enter" key twice after typing four and five lines or whenever a paragraph break would help the reader, then continue writing.

You might need an editor in the future if you are writing a book. Spell Check seems to prefer bed-bound to bedbound, apostrophes in their proper place, capital "I" when used as a pronoun and capital letters when they are the leading letter of a sentence.

I'd be very interested in how GcMAF (actually Goleic) affected your PEM. What was your PEM like, how did the improvements progress? Was is rapid or slow?

Did your PEM threshold gradually increase or did you find you just went longer and longer without PEM. What was your PEM like -- how long to onset and recovery, what were the symptoms?

my PEM was always extreme but so extreme by the last 3 years that I was bedbound, had to lay completely still at all times, with absolutely no touch, or sound and very little sight. I wore ear protectors and earplugs and an eye mask and stayed in one room with no light. I couldnt speak except for about 5 words a day and couldnt be spoken to.

My story is a bit confusing but basically the supplement took away all of my symptoms extremely quickly, some very severe ones like breathlessness, but it didnt take away the PEM until I started to ignore it and do things again. A doctor said my body had become so used to being ill that it hadnt recognised when it was able to function normally again. I had to wake it up. it took me about 6 months of doing this before I was fully well.

It was obvious that the drugs had worked because I had tried soooooo many different treatments during the 8 years I had been ill up until that point and none of them had helped at all. this one within a week i was seeing huge changes. things were just disappearing like joint pain, the breathlessness that was so severe by that point that i could no longer manage to speak, my stomach issues that were so severe that I had just been in hospital and almost died from lack of nutrition, the list could go on and on.

The improvement in these areas was rapid. Throughout my entire illness I had the highest levels of EBV test results that many doctors had ever seen. I was tested again after about 6 months on Goleic and the results were negative! I suppose my threshold gradually increased and i also went longer and longer without it. each month I could look back and think, 'I wouldnt have been able to do this last month'.

My symptoms when I had it were mainly head, cognition related and energy related. I would have to lay down in a quiet room until they passed. I couldnt focus or concentrate on anything and my head would feel thick, swollen, heavy, pressure filled. my energy would go so flat. I couldnt take much interaction with others.

My onset was sudden with what I thought was the flu. I was ill for 9 years and only got worse each year. I would relapse often.

Please read the following thread:
If I see a wall of text, it means I won't read it because my eyes won't track. I find it's easiest to read four or five lines of text, then see a break of one blank line. Thank you in advance to all of you prolific writers.
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Which colostrum are you using if Saisei is bad ?
I use Saisei, unfortunately, I did not find an alternative, I need a drug from the blood, class GcMaf.


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Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
After reading this thread and the references, which examines the dynamics surrounding this ‘cure,’ I’m of the opinion that the upside potential of a trial of Goleic/GcMAF bests the risks. How similar or not in effects is Colostrum? The real problem seems to be availability (in my case, the U.S.) :confused:
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Senior Member
East Sussex
Just to chip in, I trialled 3 weeks of Rerum (Ruggiero/reinwald) and had good effects but couldn't afford it at £450 for 3 weeks (£150 a week/£21 a day for a 0.5ml drop!) and I have also used their Bravo yogurt more consistently to good effect - still expensive but can be spread out and made cheaper, and also recultured. Bravo is supposed to contain GCMAF, and I definitely rely on it for maintaining a better level of health.


Senior Member
I tried the colostrum GcMAF from Natural regenesis (kept it under the tongue for 10 minutes) and I have more inflammation in the gut, like with the GcMAF cream. Vitamin D or not. So I think GcMAF is not for me.


Senior Member
I just looked up a company who used to sell a Vitamin D binding protein (VDB) (Another term for a form of GcMAF). Last time I looked they weren't selling the products and they told me via email that they had been ordered to stop selling but were working with their lawyers and hoping to be able to sell them again in the future.

Anyway, they are back and you can buy the VDB in drop form or cream. It is worth noting that they were listed as the manufacturers of MAFActive cream at one time.

Also @ChrisD They seem to have a competitor to Rerum called Omnia (has all the same ingredients) and seems to be a lot cheaper - might be worth checking it out. Also they are in the UK

Here's the website:


Senior Member
Phoenix, AZ
I just looked up a company who used to sell a Vitamin D binding protein (VDB) (Another term for a form of GcMAF).

I may be splitting hairs here, but vitamin D binding protein (VDB) is not a form of GcMAF. VDB is a precursor to GcMAF. VDB has an attached triglyceride. When a portion of this triglyceride is cleaved (deglycosylation), it becomes GcMAF and can activate macrophages. If nagalase gets to the VDB before it gets converted to GcMAF, it will cleave a larger portion of the triglyceride, rendering it unable to convert to GcMAF.

I have always been leery of companies selling VDB and stating that it is GcMAF. I assume supplemented VDB would suffer the same effects from nagalase as our own VDB. I suppose if you supplement enough VDB, maybe you could exhaust or use up the currently circulating nagalase, but not sure it really works that way or would be effective. I suspect not, but would very much like to see any evidence to the contrary.

Please note that I do not have a medical/physiology background and the comments above are based on research I did 4+ years ago. For those with greater knowledge, please feel free to correct any misstatements I may have made or provide more clarity/accuracy.


Senior Member
I may be splitting hairs here, but vitamin D binding protein (VDB) is not a form of GcMAF. VDB is a precursor to GcMAF. VDB has an attached triglyceride. When a portion of this triglyceride is cleaved (deglycosylation), it becomes GcMAF and can activate macrophages. If nagalase gets to the VDB before it gets converted to GcMAF, it will cleave a larger portion of the triglyceride, rendering it unable to convert to GcMAF.

I have always been leery of companies selling VDB and stating that it is GcMAF. I assume supplemented VDB would suffer the same effects from nagalase as our own VDB. I suppose if you supplement enough VDB, maybe you could exhaust or use up the currently circulating nagalase, but not sure it really works that way or would be effective. I suspect not, but would very much like to see any evidence to the contrary.

Please note that I do not have a medical/physiology background and the comments above are based on research I did 4+ years ago. For those with greater knowledge, please feel free to correct any misstatements I may have made or provide more clarity/accuracy.

Thanks Dan, that's good to put out there I think. Unfortunately, a lot of the information out there is connected with companies with commercial interest. I'll probably try some at some point and report back whether it seems to have any effect similar to GcMAF for me. They were the manufacturers of MAFActive which a lot of people had success with, so they obviously are capable of producing something with an effect - but whether these current formulations are produced via a similar method I do not know.
I may be splitting hairs here, but vitamin D binding protein (VDB) is not a form of GcMAF. VDB is a precursor to GcMAF. VDB has an attached triglyceride. When a portion of this triglyceride is cleaved (deglycosylation), it becomes GcMAF and can activate macrophages. If nagalase gets to the VDB before it gets converted to GcMAF, it will cleave a larger portion of the triglyceride, rendering it unable to convert to GcMAF.

I have always been leery of companies selling VDB and stating that it is GcMAF. I assume supplemented VDB would suffer the same effects from nagalase as our own VDB. I suppose if you supplement enough VDB, maybe you could exhaust or use up the currently circulating nagalase, but not sure it really works that way or would be effective. I suspect not, but would very much like to see any evidence to the contrary.

Please note that I do not have a medical/physiology background and the comments above are based on research I did 4+ years ago. For those with greater knowledge, please feel free to correct any misstatements I may have made or provide more clarity/accuracy.

Interesting...so for a try you would try more gcmaf directly than VDB?


Senior Member
Phoenix, AZ
Thanks Dan, that's good to put out there I think. Unfortunately, a lot of the information out there is connected with companies with commercial interest. I'll probably try some at some point and report back whether it seems to have any effect similar to GcMAF for me. They were the manufacturers of MAFActive which a lot of people had success with, so they obviously are capable of producing something with an effect - but whether these current formulations are produced via a similar method I do not know.

Hi Ben,
I completely agree with you in regard to the commercial interests. Several years ago injectable GcMAF was receiving a lot of attention and companies have attempted to create similar sounding products and associate them with GcMAF. I have not seen any good research supporting these products and their ability to produce the same effect as GcMAF. The effect I am referring to is the activation of macrophages.

As per my understanding of the rationale for using injectable GcMAF, the patient is unable to effectively convert VDBP to GcMAF. This inability to convert VDBP -> GcMAF is caused by elevated nagalase. So if the body is unable to covert VDBP to GcMAF, what good is to supplement with more VDBP? With injected GcMAF you circumvent the process of conversion and provide direct GcMAF. This GcMAF activates your macrophages, which in turn attack the pathogens/cancers that are producing nagalase.

That being said, I am not suggesting that there are no benefits to VDBP or these other substances (yogurts, creams, etc.). I am just questioning that they work via the same mechanisms as GcMAF or accomplish that same result (activated macrophages). There could and likely are other benefits to these products.

I also suppose that if an individual’s issue is not with elevated nagalase, but rather a VDBP deficiency, supplementing VDBP could result in greater conversion to GcMAF and activation of macrophages? While this scenario might result in a similar end state (activated macrophages) as the GcMAF protocol, it would be dong it via a very different mechanism and would be based on a different physiologic defect that you are trying to correct. This is just speculation (VDBP deficiency) on my part, but these are the types of criteria I would/did look at when trying to determine a treatment approach.

As previously stated I do not have a medical/science background and none of this should be taken as advise. I had previously done a lot on online research and found good information about the processes and interrelationship of VDBP, GcMAF, nagalase, etc.

I will be curious to hear how your trial goes.
Good luck!


Senior Member
Phoenix, AZ
Interesting...so for a try you would try more gcmaf directly than VDB?

Not necessarily, but before I respond, I want to point out that I do not have any medical expertise to provide advice and doing so would also violate forum rules. What I can share is the rationale I used based on the knowledge I had at the time.

For me, the decision to use injectable GcMAF was determined based on my nagalase levels. As I understood the approach, VDBP can’t be converted to GcMAF because of elevated nagalase. Without GcMAF, there is reduced macrophage activation. Supplementing with injectable GcMAF would activate macropahges, which would attack the pathogen/cancer and should also reduce nagalase.

My interpretation of the protocol was that nagalase levels should be the determining factor for the injectable GcMAF approach. That is what I followed.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
My interpretation of the protocol was that nagalase levels should be the determining factor for the injectable GcMAF approach. That is what I followed.
That is what I followed too and watched my nagalase slowly drop over months of injectable GcMAF. My symptoms also improved.


Senior Member
That is what I followed too and watched my nagalase slowly drop over months of injectable GcMAF. My symptoms also improved.

Do you know of anyone who used the Japanese GcMAF and had their nagalase reduced? Or are there any other injectable versions available now?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Do you know of anyone who used the Japanese GcMAF and had their nagalase reduced? Or are there any other injectable versions available now?
I don't know anyone who has used the Japanese source. I never tried it because they could not specify the dose they were providing, the dose range was very wide, and I was very sensitive to dose variations. I sadly don't know of any other current sources.