I literally posted this message to reach out and help as many people as I could as I know how awful it is to have this illness and have no idea of what to do about it.
I am very pleased and grateful you posted your story, and I don't doubt at all that it was the GcMAF (Goleic form) that fixed your ME/CFS. It's always good the about recovery stories, infrequent though they may be (sadly).
Unfortunately, the way it goes with ME/CFS treatments is that the amazing benefits that occur for one patient will typically fail to manifest for the next. This occurs with most ME/CFS treatments, including oxymatrine, LDN, methylation, and many others.
It's something of a mystery why treatments can sometimes put some lucky ME/CFS patients into full remission or provide a cure for some patients, but others only experience more modest benefits from the same treatment, or often no benefit at all. I think this phenomenon may tell us something about the nature of ME/CFS, the fact that treatment responses are so variable.
Nevertheless, it's always good to hear recovery stories, as they do show what is possible. Your story also underlines the importance of trying out as many treatments as you can: you said that you'd tried many treatments over the years, but none helped — until you hit upon GcMAF. Imagine if you had not ventured to try GcMAF: you'd still have ME/CFS and be housebound; so it shows that it is worth trying things out.
By the way, did you ever get any viral testing for your ME/CFS? I am just wondering if GcMAF might work better for ME/CFS patients with specific viral infections. Usually ME/CFS is linked to chronic active coxsackievirus B, echovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, HHV-6 and cytomegalovirus infections. I know in the UK we don't have many doctors that perform viral testing on ME/CFS patients; so in my case, I had to arrange the viral testing myself.