HI ginger.
Is "Self testing" the same as when I hear the term "Muscle testing" or is that a third different concept?
Yes, same concept. There are a number of ways to contact the body's own intelligence. The vid demonstrates a form of muscle testing. Pendulum may well work equally well. I've pendled in the past for emotional issues.I've also use craniosacral rhythm, and the method I use contacts the rhythm of the lymph system. Each organ in the body has it's own rhythm
Not trying to confuse, but to emphasize that there are many opportunities to achieve a feedback system with the body. The only trick, after choosing a method, is to build up confidence over time. I learned the method I use just as I was falling into ME. I was well acquainted w/ body rhythms as a bodyworker. I'd had less success w/ muscle testing, but I had no reason to practice it at that time. Now, with all the supps and diet changes I've been making, I've had plenty of practice and established a rapport I trust. In May I had a very tricky passage thru intense detox. I relied on what the body was telling me, and made it through.
When I was actively increasing my B12 and folate levels, the folate deficiency signs and symptoms became pretty obvious. But I had no way of observing B12 needs. So whenever I increased folate I asked body if it also wanted more B12. Eventually I arrived at the dosages I use today.
I've dound that the real limitation becomes in asking the right questions. If I can't formulate, or don't have enough understanding to ask about, some factor, then body can't respond.
So, in using the method in the vid, you'd initially be starting by contacting the supp about which you're asking the question. You use one or more of the fingers of either hand contacting the supp. Or place it on your body, eg. leg...
I tend to just ask about the supp by name.
I'm not able to comment on injectable, I have no experience. Re ratios, you might check in the pdf attached to my signature. Fred talks about ratios toward the beginning of that doc. I just kept inching forward until my deficiency symptoms (folate) stopped, and body has not requested any changes since then.
BTW, a cautionary warning. I'd gotten up to 25mg folate, maybe 30mg B12. The need to increase, per skin symptoms, had decreased to about once a week, but it seemed to be going on forever. It eventuated that my vegetable intake was blocking the folate. That's why I had to keep raising my doses. I didn't twig until my adrenals started complaining, I started looking for reasons why. I dramatically cut my green veg intake, which is what pushed the intense detox I mentioned above. Some of us, I think related to MTHFR, can't use the veg form of folate, folinic, and in fact it blocks the assimilation of Mfolate.My need went from 25mg/day to 15mg/day. Still high, but significantly easier on my budget, and body.