It seems as though micro current therapy may be just as effective (maybe more so) than earthing.
Yes, that is what I was thinking, since earthing may in effect just be a form of microcurrent therapy.
Compared to earthing, with microcurrent therapy device, there may be some advantages, as you will have better control over the current strength and pulse rate (frequency), as these are usually adjustable.
this article on frequency specific microcurrent therapy, they say that frequencies of 10 Hz, 40 Hz and 116 Hz had specific effects for pain reduction and inflammation. So adjusting the current and frequency may allow you to get better results.
Microcurrent therapy devices start for as little as around £25 for the very basic
Painmaster device, to £45 for the
MT-330 MENS Microcurrent Machine, to around £550 and more for the expensive
Alpha-Stim device.
Though I guess earthing during sleep is going to be more convenient, as you don't have to worry about applying the microcurrent therapy every day, via the skin electrode pads; with an earthing sheet, earthing is automatic while you sleep.
Although perhaps if you bought two half-sized earthing bedsheets, and placed one towards the top of the bed, and the other towards the bottom of the bed, with a good separation of a few feet between them so that they are not touching, then you could connect a microcurrent therapy device across these two sheets (rather than connecting the sheets to the earth), and give yourself microcurrent therapy while you sleep.
This study found that microcurrent therapy increased ATP production by up to 500%.
this thread on earthing, someone wrote:
One weird thing I noticed: For a long time I have used the Alpha-Stim once or twice a week.
I used it once this past week and felt just wiped out the next day. For some reason, maybe the combination of earthing and the Alpha-Stim is too much for me.
No problem, though. I mainly used the Alpha-Stim to give my sleep a boost, but I don't really need that now since I'm sleeping grounded.
So they found that sleeping grounded had the similar sleep-improving effects to microcurrent therapy from the Alpha-Stim. This suggests that these two therapies are very similar.
(If you keep reading that thread, you see that later they report the initial benefits of earthing disappeared, and they had to take a break from earthing for a while in order to regain the benefits. So again we see what some people report with earthing: its initial benefits sometimes disappear, and your sleep quality and symptoms may even become worse than normal while you are sleeping earthed. But if you take a break from earthing, you may regain the positive effects.)