I think Earthing cured my dysautonomia/POTS


Senior Member
I am not using any earthing apparatus but I would like to offer an observation:
For the last 104 days I have been doing an exercise everyday to help move lymph out of the head. This exercise is divided in six parts, each one part being timed precisely. For this I have used a timer on an iPad, which is luminous and which I can see in the dark (doing this before sunrise). When the timer rings, this particular part is finished, and I have to put my finger on the iPad to stop the timer ringing, before adjusting it to the duration of the next part.
After about 70 days of this exercise I found that the Ipad was not responding well, I thought the problem was with the iPad. After about 90 days I was going more and more frustrated with the iPad which was responding less and less (had to put my finger four or five times on the button for it to respond).

I asked my husband to give me his iPad, telling him mine was broken.
Same problem with his iPad!!!!!
And he has no problem with my iPad.
This can only mean that this head clearing exercise has altered me electrically somehow. Since I know nothing about electricity I cannot draw conclusions, but I hope this may be helpful to you.
If head clearing changes me electrically, I suppose that doing something electrical might very well affect lymph blockage in the head.
And that it might all be related to the problems we face.
Good luck to all!


Senior Member
Are you perspiring a little when you exercise, or getting sweaty, sticky fingers? I read that perspiration falling on the capitative touch screens used in iPads and iPhones can interfere with their operation. You might try wiping the iPad screen with a kitchen paper towel when it next plays up, in order to dry it, and see if that fixes the problem.


Senior Member
Are you perspiring a little when you exercise, or getting sweaty, sticky fingers? I read that perspiration falling on the capitative touch screens used in iPads and iPhones can interfere with their operation. You might try wiping the iPad screen with a kitchen paper towel when it next plays up, in order to dry it, and see if that fixes the problem.
I do perspire a lot from the head and neck when I do this exercise.
Not at all from the hands though and the Ipad screen does not get in the least wet.

I must add that for the first 70 days or so, I was getting just as sweaty from the head, and the iPad was functioning normally. This is not the case anymore. This malfunction in the body-Ipad interaction does not last all day long. I have noticed that for the moment it lasts for about two hours (even 5 minutes would be enough I should think for my fingers to dry if they were a bit sweaty in an invisible way).

Tomorrow I shall wipe my hands with tissue paper before touching the screen to see if this has an incidence.
To be continued...
Atlanta, GA
I got some bloodwork done after 3 weeks on the sheet. Here are the following notes from that:
NK Cells went from 21 to 35. (normal is 80 or up)
Free T-3 went from 1.73 to 2.7 (normal is 2.3-4.0)
Free T-4 went from .64 to 1.0 (normal is .58-1.64)

I definitely think the sheet was what effected my thyroid because I was dragging so severely in the morning before I started sleeping on the sheet. I definitely felt the change in my thyroid. Perhaps when the sheet regulated my cortisol, this up-regulated my thyroid. At least, I have heard that adrenal fatigue causes the thyroid to be down-regulated.

The natural killer cells, however, may be totally unrelated to the sheet. I have been taking lots of supplements, so the supplements could have caused this.

My blood viral levels for EBV are unchanged, so my monolaurin experiment didn't work. I had been taking monolaurin for 6 months to try to bring my EBV levels down naturally. Guess I will have to go back on anti-virals.
Atlanta, GA

I just read in the Body Electric that the electric current in the salamander that induces limb regeneration (and this scientist also later induced limb regeneration in mammals) is very small - measured in nanoamps. A higher current does not work as well. Apparently, the body's cells respond better to these extremely small voltages. These low voltages have been observed as most effective for stimulating bone growth in humans, as well.

Another thing this scientist discusses is that bone is the only thing in humans that will regenerate naturally. Electrical currents enable this. Bone has a PN junction-- collagen is a N-type semi-conductor- and apatite is a P-type semiconductor. When a bone is injured, it develops a current of injury which is positively charged. As the bone heals, this charge turns negative. The stress on the bone is turned into an electric signal by a transducer-- collagen produces a piezoelectric signal. This signal is rectified by the PN junction. The electric current available to bone, plus the types of marrow cells that it has, enables the body to heal itself in an absolutely amazing way. This scientist dreamed of using electric current to enable other parts of the body to regenerate. He died before he had a chance.


Senior Member
West Coast USA
ask2266 great to hear your reports above and the NK cell increase is significant. I think I am at 12 or so if I recall correctly.

Becker is one of my heroes, love that book. Glad you found it of interest.
southeast asia
i thought earthing is from meditation. but its products o_O
so this earthing means we should surround ourselves more in nature.
how about people who already live that way.
anyway isnt walking barefoot is enough? i walk around barefoot except when outside. how about taking a shower, doesnt the water consider earthing?
i remember reading an article about how we should eat 'earth foods' but my take on it was. the fast food/processed food/commercial food have many bad chemicals in it so its obvious.
it also reminds me of electrical therapy, when youre on it u cant touch walls, ground or even a person who touches the ground/walls cause ull get electrocuted.


Senior Member
Thank you Hip, for your hypothesis and your experiments.
Two things struck me in your hypoyhesis:

1. you mention the heart in relation to electric potentials but I was thinking body cells, with Na/Ka pump and all that, and a relation to parasympathetic nervous system activity. I see you adress those potential differences later on. Made me cheer.

2. the 50kH you mention happens to be the main focus range for shielding from electro magnetic fields, for people who are sensitive to those. Could this be the range that troubles people most? (again I'm thinking interference with the PNS and/or brain stem)

I have a silver coated cloth that I use for a Faraday's tent. If I put it flat on my bed and earth it it could function as a earthing sheet too. However, EMF shielding theorists warn that such a plane will reflect waves, making them travel through the body twice. Do you have a thought on this?

Grounding/earthing my Faraday's cage won't sync up its inhabitant with the earth's potential, will it?

Hope to hear from you at a time that's convenient for you, no hurries, no worries. In the mean time I'll experiment.

And OP, congratulations on your newfound health! Thank you for posting. Thank you.


Senior Member
It is not clear to me that earthing/grounding is necessarily a good thing.

I slept great — a really profound, deep sleep — and woke up feeling great on the first one or two nights when sleeping earthed, but then afterwards, on around the third day, I started to sleep worse than normal, having bad dreams and restless sleep (tossing and turning all night long), and this continued on the subsequent nights. I am not sure why this is. I also tried earthing once before, a few years ago, and the same thing happened: I slept great on the first one or two nights, but then slept very badly on all subsequent nights.

In a house where there is mains electricity, earthing yourself will allow the oscillating electromagnetic and magnetic fields from the main power to induce a tiny electric current in your body. As mentioned, with my multimeter I measured an AC current of 0.2 μA running between me and earth when I was earthed. This is why I propose that earthing is in effect a form of microcurrent therapy.

I think that perhaps by sleeping all night (7 to 8 hours) being earthed, you may be performing microcurrent therapy for too long a time. Perhaps people should only earth themselves for short periods of time, like say 30 minutes only.

I am not convinced that electromagnetic hypersensitivity exists, as the evidence for it is very weak, but I would think that anyone who thinks they might be electromagnetically hypersensitive should perhaps avoid earthing themselves, as this may make things worse, because earthing allows electromagnetic fields to induce an electric current in you body.

If you are not earthed, electromagnetic fields in the environment will go through your body, but they will create very little electric current in your body. But if you are earthed, then these same electromagnetic fields will cause an electric current to flow in your body, which may not be a good thing if you have some sensitivity to this.

If you want to make a Faraday cage from silver coated cloth, you need to completely surround your body, otherwise it will not really work. A Faraday cage does not have to be earthed for it to work.


Senior Member
thank you.
Your experience was a repeat of a previous experience and valuable.

Last night I slept for a few hours with a copper wire around my wrist to the radiator (which are grounded in my country). I slept better. But that might just as easily have been the shower I took before bed or placebo effect.
I did not wear it all night. Perhaps I illustrate your idea microcurrent therapy should not be endured for hours and hours.

I already have a Faraday cage, completely surrounding myself. The first time I experienced profound effects, after that no more.

Tonight I am going to try grounding using a small piece of my silver coated cloth. I don't want to create a pane which reflects the waves.

thanks again, anna
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Senior Member
When I bought my Earthing Sheet, the engineer I spoke to suggested easing into using it, possibly over a period of weeks before sleeping on it all night.

This was to minimise a detox reaction as apparently they can be strong.

I further purchased the GROUNDING ROD instead of using the plug into the mains. I favour this method. The engineer had spoken to many customers who did too.
This is simply protective cable on a rod put straight into the earth instead of mains grid.

The whole theory in essence makes good sense to me and the meter I used showed my body Voltage was reduced from around 6volts to approx 0.08 (or 0.8) ...



Senior Member
I'm waking up every two hours.
Going to take Golden's advice and ease into it.

(I'm prone to neuro-exitability and usually am in Fight or Flight. This prevents sleep. This is not ME-related, I was born with it.)


Senior Member
West Coast USA
Great continued discussion on this. @ask2266 how is it going? Is earthing still working for you?

My thought on reading what @Hip mentioned above would be perhaps either "ease into it" as was mentioned -- or perhaps only sleep grounded every few nights.

So many variables. But worth mapping out if enough people try it. I admit I've had an approach-avoid with this strategy, but would favor the ground rod method if I tried it.


Senior Member
I had 3 nights of tossing and turning as an after effect of the one night earthing I did. I am now back to my regular sleeping pattern of 5 hours sleep, 2 hours awake, 2 hours crappy sleep. I'm thankful for that.

Very weird that this grounding has such after effects, as long as 72 hours afterwards.

Why does this affect sleep particularly? Is it the sleep paralysis system that is affected? Does it cause a surplus of excitatory neuro transmitters preventing sleep? (this is what causes my usual insomnia and it seemed worsened)
I'll keep pondering.

Won't try earthing any time soon though, I want to catch up on zzzz first
Hi, I tried to take sinusoidal current of low frequency (machine called Amplipuls). I have a good result against inflammation of the joints. After the procedure, I have a strong breakdown, the first time was even depression. But the next day, a lot of power, super mood and any thoughts about the disease (as if tossed obsessive thoughts out of my head).

This low current repeats human biorhythms


Senior Member
I have also started Earthing myself at night by connecting a spare length of power cord to a steel bar driven into the ground outside my window at the base of a healthy tree and wrapping the other end of the copper wire firmly (but not tightly) around my toe when I sleep. The wire is all insulated except the ends which connect to the Steel 'Earthing Rod' and where it touches my skin.

I've been doing it for a couple of weeks now
I'll be honest It's very difficult to make conclusions from this especially in a condition like CFS where at least for me relapse/remissions are common and the severity of symptoms don't always follow any particular or predictable pattern.
That said, anecdotally I will say that it feels like there has been a subtle but noticeable improvement in a range of symptoms.
For instance I have noticed that my hands and feet are much warmer than they used to be (I've always suffered from cold hands/feet outside of the warm summer months) so it seems like my blood circulation has improved. I would assume if this was the case that blood circulation into all tissues/organs including lungs, brain etc would also improve and blood would be better oxygenated and tissues likewise.
I would also say that in the 14-15 months that I've had CFS it seems that my energy and cognitive levels are about my best in this time since I've started earthing, but again it could be completely unrelated & attributed to all the glutathione/Vitamin B/C IV treatments I've recently started....


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
I bought an earthing 1/2 sheet quite a while ago, and plugged it into the mains outlet ground hoping for the best. I live in a small old apartment building, and know nothing about the grounding of the electrical circuitry. Some months ago I unplugged, since the sheet did not seem to be helping, and honestly I think my sleep has improved. I suspect that particularly with the arrival of "smart" meters there may be so much high frequency noise going to ground that some of it invades any circuitry connected to the ground--grounding in a high population area may be counter-productive?

But last fall I started walking barefoot on the beach very close to where I live, and that did seem helpful--will start again when we warm up a bit more (Victoria BC is a rather northerly place....). Chris
Hi- I believe that earthing (also known as grounding) has cured my dysautonomia and adrenal fatigue. I am not in any way affiliated with earthing products. I am a disabled mom.


For the past ten years, I have steadily transformed from a healthy, thirty-year-old attorney to a sickly forty-something-year-old on disability. All of my illnesses have involved inflammation, my immune system and my adrenal glands. In 2002-2003, I developed Sjogren's Syndrome and chronic hives.

In 2006, with my son in daycare bringing home every cold, and while I worked full-time, I developed an extremely rare flesh-eating pneumonia. Within a day of catching this, I turned septic and was in a narcotically induced coma for 2 weeks. Miraculously, I woke up with all of my mental faculties intact. I was left with scarring in my lungs called bronchiectasis. In denial about the gravity of my illness, I returned to work as a full-time attorney after 8 weeks.

Within 3 weeks of returning to work, I developed chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (“cfids”). My adrenals were exhausted from managing my immune system through such a serious illness, and their failure caused my whole body to shut down. I couldn’t sleep no matter how many Ambiens I took. I couldn’t eat. I felt wired all the time due to a resurgence of Epstein Barr Virus. I had always had anxiety and angers issues, because ironically, although I craved stress in my life, I didn’t handle stress well. With the cfids and adrenal problems, my anxiety went through the roof. I also began getting recurrent pneumonias due to the lung scarring and because my immune system was down-regulated from the cfids. This was when I had to go on disability. My body had given out. I was bedridden.

In 2010, I tried an experimental treatment, Valcyte, and got my cfids in remission. Of course, the minute I got it into remission, I tried to reengage in some form of living. I started exercising and volunteering at my son’s school. Through all this, I still got pneumonias on a semi-monthly basis and started having difficulty sleeping through the night as my adrenals struggled to keep up. Even the little stress caused by volunteering was enough to take me down.

Then, in 2012, I developed dysautonomia (i.e. POTS or mitral valve prolapse syndrome—every doctor I see calls it something different). I suddenly became very sensitive to exercise. Sometimes I threw up after exerting myself. I started having dizziness if I didn’t drink water and take salt at timed intervals throughout the day. At bedtime, I had to sleep sitting up because I had such bad bed spins. I had adrenaline surges and low blood sugar where I would almost faint. I would feel really sick if I got hot. The nausea became so bad that I couldn’t eat.

In 2012, I also developed adrenal fatigue again. No matter how well I slept at night, I could not get up in the morning. I slept until noon. I felt low energy, depressed. My hair started falling out again. I was absolutely miserable. Everything I read said to cure adrenal fatigue one had to rest for two years.

During this round of disability, I decided that I was going to cure the dysautonomia and adrenal fatigue just like I had “cured” the cfids. I started researching like crazy and trying every treatment that I could get my hands on. I wanted to get better naturally, but I was desperate. I did graded exercise and acupuncture and Chinese herbs and hormones (pregnenolone & dhea) and diet and supplements. I got all sorts of blood tests, nutrition evaluations and food allergy testing. I did colon hydrotherapy and coffee enemas and Thai massage. I spent so much money it was ridiculous. The doctors had no suggestions beyond what I was already doing, and nothing worked. Finally, after a year, I gave up on ever curing the dysautonomia.

I had become so obsessed with feeling better that my stress levels were at an all-time high. I was anxious and always angry at my husband; it’s hard not to be a miserable person when you are miserable.Around this time, I started getting neck pain. I would get cricks that wouldn’t go away, and my having to sleep sitting up all the time compounded the pain. It was debilitating, so I started researching pain relief and stumbled upon earthing.


Earthing (also known as grounding) is the concept that our bodies need the electromagnetic energy of the earth for optimum health as much as we need water, plants, rocks (minerals), air and sunlight. The earth gives off electrons that our body readily absorbs, which brings us to the same electrical frequency as the earth. We have become cut off from these electrons in our modern life by wearing shoes with plastic and rubber soles and by living in houses made of wood; these materials are not conductors, so the earth’s electrons cannot pass through. In order to “earth,” you can walk barefoot on the ground. There are also grounding sheets and pads that you can order; you plug them into the third hole of your outlet. (They give you a tester to test your outlet to make sure it’s safe before you plug).

The science of how these electrons improve health is not 100% understood. We know that free radicals are positively charged and that they do their damage to bacteria, viruses and human tissue by seeking electrons, so one theory of the benefits of earthing is that electrons may act as antioxidants. However, some of the other benefits of earthing are not easy to understand. It makes sense in some ways though because we evolved over hundreds of thousands of years walking barefoot and sleeping on the surface of the earth. Also, there are double-blind placebo studies published in scientific journals showing earthing regulates cortisol and adrenal gland functioning, reduces pain, aids sleeping, thins the blood, and enhances a sense of well-being.

Earthing & Me

I bought the earthing sheet for my neck pain, and I plugged it in with the expectation that my pain might improve after about 6 weeks of sleeping on it. My husband thought I was daffy and refused to sleep on the thing. Luckily, I had bought the half sheet, so I could put it on my side of the bed and not have to listen to his complaining. When I lay down on the sheet, I immediately got tingling and burning shock sensations in a big scar on the side of my leg. “That’s weird,” I thought. It was a little uncomfortable but it subsided after about 15 minutes. Once I finished reading, I went to sleep.

On the first night, I had an intense herxheimer reaction (also known as die-off). This is something that often happens to people with cfids who have lots of viruses or bacteria built up in their body when their immune system or a drug they are taking is killing the pathogens. When I get die-off, it’s my Epstein Barr virus dying. Since it resides in your nervous system, my nervous system gets inflamed, and I can’t sleep. So on my first night on the sheet, I slept horribly.

When I got up the next day, I was shocked. I had never had die-off before from anything but potent antiviral drugs. I immediately began googling “die off and earthing,” and I found many people with lyme disease and cfids who had experienced die-off when using the sheet. I figured that it must be the blood thinning properties of earthing, because Coumadin is often used in treating cfids because people’s blood gets very clumpy, and thinning the blood exposes pathogens. I was impressed and excited that I had found something to help keep my viral blood levels down.

During this time, I had been continuing with my dysautonomia routine—water and salt all day at timed intervals. I had noted to myself, “Wow, you are getting really good at measuring just the right amount of salt to prevent dizziness.” Little did I know.

Then, on the fourth evening, we went on a church retreat to some cabins in the wilderness. We drove at night to get there. Right around bedtime I realized I had forgotten my salt! Panic!! My husband walked around the entire camp trying to find me salt to no avail. I decided to tough it out and vowed to drive to find salt in the morning. That night, I had no dizziness, no nausea, and I slept like a rock. I was shocked, but I didn’t trust it, so I found and took salt the next day.

Once we got home, and I had the convenience of being able to let myself feel sick, I decided I was going to test whether I needed salt and water anymore. One day, I purposely got extremely dehydrated and had no salt, and I felt fine all day and slept like a rock that night. The next day, the same. The next day, the same, and every day since. I have no nausea, no dizziness, no low blood sugar. I feel 100% normal.

After a few nights of earthing, there were other things I noticed as well.
(1) My adrenal fatigue appeared to disappear. Even though I hadn’t slept well those first nights due to die-off, I woke up with energy, and I could get out of bed without dragging until noon. I felt more energized sleeping 4 hours with earthing than I did when I slept 12 hours normally. I felt like I had returned to the land of the living.
(2) My anxiety and anger lifted. I feel lighter, happier, more peaceful, less stressed. My husband has noticed a change in my moods and my energy. I feel like I have found something that has been missing all of my life.

My conclusions: Most of the diseases that I have had involved stress and the adrenal glands, and stress is what made me so sick with every disease I’ve ever had. We know earthing regulates your cortisol, which is why people sleep better when they earth. Perhaps, earthing does this by regulating your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis which would explain why I feel the healthiest I have ever felt in my life and why my dysautonomia and adrenal fatigue were miraculously cured after a few nights of sleeping on the sheet.

Hi Ask2266, you are the first person ice seen that can't lie back like me. I'm so sick. I treated a virus and it's left me half dead. But you said you were in bed when used this. How did you get out of the chair? I really need to speak with you. I wanna know more. I can't even get diagnosed. Help. How can I reach you. Thanks, pp901