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I need to hear from people who've gotten BOTH shots of the covid vaccine


Senior Member
I had a bad reaction to my first Moderna shot and I'm trying to figure out if I should get the second one. All the articles I've read say the symptoms are worse after the second shot, but I'm hearing anecdotally that some people who had strong reactions to the first shot had lesser reactions to the second shot.

Please let me know if you've had BOTH shots and what your reactions were.
Also please let me know if you have any autoimmune problems.

I have 3 autoimmune diseases and I'm taking hydrocortisone for adrenal insufficiency. I have chronic cases of mild shingles so I know I already have a problem with viruses potentially becoming chronic.

Thank you!

vision blue

Senior Member
Hi. I hope you get replies soon Good topic.

can you say more about your symptoms from vaccination effects? How long ago was ykur vaccine and have they resolved yet? Are they improving or worsening?

I also have autoimmube diseases and get a recurrent heroes virus thats eiither shingles or hsv1. Plus i have mast cell issues and so on a hair trigger and immune system goes beserk with all manners of chemicals, glutimates and a zillion other things. Everyday dont know what to do about vaccination and am became detached from everyone i know since theyve all gotten the vaccine and do not understand some people can get bad events from it that may not go away.

one good thing for you if you dont know is moderna is pretty effective even after just one dose- 85 percent protective (compared to 99 after 2) if you feel you cant bring yourself to get the second dose.


Senior Member
Please let me know if you've had BOTH shots and what your reactions were. Also please let me know if you have any autoimmune problems.

@jen1177 I have not had the vaccine but I have a history of severe autoimmunity and will be following this thread with great interest. Thank you for starting it!

I have 3 autoimmune diseases and I'm taking hydrocortisone for adrenal insufficiency.

Like you, I have been diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases (plus MCAS) and I also take hydrocortisone (Cortef) for adrenal insufficiency. Although in my case, this last issue is very confusing and now seems more that it is pituitary suppression vs. adrenal suppression (but the outcome is the same in that I must remain on the Cortef).

Are you comfortable disclosing which 3 autoimmune diseases that you suffer from? And no worries if you are not!

I had a bad reaction to my first Moderna shot and I'm trying to figure out if I should get the second one.

Can you say more about your bad reaction to the first Moderna vaccine? What symptoms did you have? I will be declining the vaccine b/c of my autoimmune issues but if I were ever forced to choose, the one I was leaning toward would have been Moderna.

one good thing for you if you dont know is moderna is pretty effective even after just one dose- 85 percent protective (compared to 99 after 2) if you feel you cant bring yourself to get the second dose.

That is interesting that you mention the one-dose idea b/c a very close friend recently brought up the idea to me re: having just one dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine (vs. the two dose regime) and that he felt that getting one dose could still be protective (maybe 70 to 85%)? vs. the 95% of the two doses. I intend to ask my doctor what he thinks of the one dose idea (although at the moment, I do not plan to even do the one dose).


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I had a bad reaction to my first Moderna shot and I'm trying to figure out if I should get the second one. All the articles I've read say the symptoms are worse after the second shot, but I'm hearing anecdotally that some people who had strong reactions to the first shot had lesser reactions to the second shot.

Please let me know if you've had BOTH shots and what your reactions were.
Also please let me know if you have any autoimmune problems.
I've had both doses of Pfizer and had different reactions to the first and the second. After the first, the usual sore arm, then a headache later and impressive chills throughout the night. After the second, I used more mitigation strategies (more fluids and electrolytes, epsom salt bath at night) and I only had slight chills though I couldn't peel myself off the couch the next day. After both, I could detect immune activation for about a week. In my case, that meant that my immune system went after my chronic sinus infection bringing it to the acute stage.

After a week after each vaccination, I no longer could detect any side-effects. I am not aware of having autoimmune problems but I have not been thoroughly tested. I did notice some mast cell activation after the first as I stopped my Zyrtec after two days and then got itchy. After the second I continued Zyrtec for about 10 days.

I do think that recommendations like Dr. Klimas's are very helpful. I celebrated my side-effects knowing that they meant the the vaccine was working--but it would be hard to celebrate severe side-effects! :pem:


Senior Member
can you say more about your symptoms from vaccination effects? How long ago was ykur vaccine and have they resolved yet? Are they improving or worsening?

I got the 1st shot on Feb. 15th. The first night my arm was so painful that I couldn't use it, couldn't lift it up more than an inch. I got a fever and very bad body aches, and felt flu-ish with some nausea. My blood pressure and heart rate were a bit elevated, too. I had to take a tylenol in order to get any sleep. I was having bad chills, too. My nose closed up which made it very difficult to sleep. My feet and hands were very cold. Those severe flu-like symptoms lasted about 2 days and then the fever & chills subsided but then I started sweating. The sweating lasted at least a week and I had a sore throat on and off. My arm hurt for about 4 days after the shot and then was pretty much back to normal. I felt sick (flaring) for 2 and 1/2 weeks before I started to feel back to normal which isn't that great to begin with. The vaccination also seemed to trigger occipital neuralgia and joint pain (tendons). I noticed I was bleeding more -- I had a bleed in my left eye and my nose kept oozing blood each time I blew my nose. And I seemed to have balance problems and also noticed I felt half asleep when I was driving sometimes.
It's been 3 weeks now and I feel nearly back to normal.
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Senior Member
@jen1177 I have not had the vaccine but I have a history of severe autoimmunity and will be following this thread with great interest. Thank you for starting it!

Like you, I have been diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases (plus MCAS) and I also take hydrocortisone (Cortef) for adrenal insufficiency. Although in my case, this last issue is very confusing and now seems more that it is pituitary suppression vs. adrenal suppression (but the outcome is the same in that I must remain on the Cortef).

Are you comfortable disclosing which 3 autoimmune diseases that you suffer from? And no worries if you are not!

Can you say more about your bad reaction to the first Moderna vaccine? What symptoms did you have? I will be declining the vaccine b/c of my autoimmune issues but if I were ever forced to choose, the one I was leaning toward would have been Moderna..

I have Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Syndrome and Celiac Disease. I suspect I have a fourth autoimmune disease affecting my muscles & tendons but I can't find a doctor willing to look into it. (I have many other diseases, syndromes and disorders, too and I seem hypersensitive to everything, especially foods/drinks)
Please see one of my previous replies to read about my reaction to the vaccine. I think it will be right above this one, but not sure.


Senior Member
Yes, that is a good survey but it doesn't tell me what I want to know. I am trying to find out if people who had a strong reaction to the 1st shot had a lesser reaction to the 2nd shot. I have a week to figure this out because my appointment for the 2nd shot is March 15th. It was a small miracle that I was able to get these appointments so I don't want to just cancel without getting as much info as I can in order to make the best decision.


Senior Member
I feel I should add that I just took an antibody test today and it was negative (3 weeks after my 1st Moderna shot). This doesn't tell me much. I was hoping it would be positive because my doctor advised me to get the antibody test and if it was positive she said to skip the second dose.
So I am back to square one as far as not having enough information to decide if it is safe for me to get the 2nd Moderna shot.


Senior Member
I've had both doses of Pfizer and had different reactions to the first and the second. After the first, the usual sore arm, then a headache later and impressive chills throughout the night. After the second, I used more mitigation strategies (more fluids and electrolytes, epsom salt bath at night) and I only had slight chills though I couldn't peel myself off the couch the next day. After both, I could detect immune activation for about a week. In my case, that meant that my immune system went after my chronic sinus infection bringing it to the acute stage.

After a week after each vaccination, I no longer could detect any side-effects. I am not aware of having autoimmune problems but I have not been thoroughly tested. I did notice some mast cell activation after the first as I stopped my Zyrtec after two days and then got itchy. After the second I continued Zyrtec for about 10 days.

I do think that recommendations like Dr. Klimas's are very helpful. I celebrated my side-effects knowing that they meant the the vaccine was working--but it would be hard to celebrate severe side-effects! :pem:

So would you say you had a similar but less intense reaction to the 2nd shot?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I am trying to find out if people who had a strong reaction to the 1st shot had a lesser reaction to the 2nd shot.
I think that my reaction to the second shot was less intense because I used more mitigation strategies--but who knows for sure!
So would you say you had a similar but less intense reaction to the 2nd shot?
No, the reactions were totally different. With the first it was more fluish symptoms and with the second I was just drained of energy but without flu-like symptoms. After both I exercised my arm about every 15 minutes and I believe that made the arm pain much less severe.


Senior Member
Keep in mind that some of the best doctor's are urging the US govt. to do the one shot regime in order to help get everyone vaccinated. It should still provide strong protection, particularly against hospitalization and death.

My favorite public health official is Doctor Osterholm who heads up CIDRAP, the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy within the University of Minnesota. He has a clear head about this pandemic.

Note that this is a guy who was so overwhelmed when the vaccine finally became available that he broke out in tears when it was his turn to get ---- a light at the end of a long tunnel. He has now decided to walk the walk and not take his second vaccine at this time so that more people can get their first vaccines.


Senior Member
Keep in mind that some of the best doctor's are urging the US govt. to do the one shot regime in order to help get everyone vaccinated. It should still provide strong protection, particularly against hospitalization and death.

My favorite public health official is Doctor Osterholm who heads up CIDRAP, the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy within the University of Minnesota. He has a clear head about this pandemic.

Note that this is a guy who was so overwhelmed when the vaccine finally became available that he broke out in tears when it was his turn to get ---- a light at the end of a long tunnel. He has now decided to walk the walk and not take his second vaccine at this time so that more people can get their first vaccines.

Want to hear something crazy? I called the pharmacy where I got my 1st shot and am scheduled for the second one and asked how do I give my appointment to someone if I decide to not get the shot myself. I was told I could do it simply with a phone call, BUT that the person must be getting their second shot because they are no longer giving out first shots. I am still trying to make sense of that. I guess they are not getting enough doses in so they are only giving out enough to fully vaccinate people. I guess they don't want to only half-vaccinate people. :confused: I guess. Dr. Osterholm's head would probably explode if he heard that.

vision blue

Senior Member
Thanks for answering on what your symtpoms were/are. I think i'd be similar. Iposted a poll for you to hopefully give you some data on comparing 2nd to 1st dose. It's not ideal since only allowed one question so could not get at what you want really that if the first dose is BAD, is the second better.

Let's say you find tho that every possible combo has occurred- some better, some worse, some same, some with early bad results got 2nd good results, some with early bad results got 2nd even worse results..etc etc. HOw will you use the info to make a decision?


Senior Member
Thanks for answering on what your symtpoms were/are. I think i'd be similar. Iposted a poll for you to hopefully give you some data on comparing 2nd to 1st dose. It's not ideal since only allowed one question so could not get at what you want really that if the first dose is BAD, is the second better.

Let's say you find tho that every possible combo has occurred- some better, some worse, some same, some with early bad results got 2nd good results, some with early bad results got 2nd even worse results..etc etc. HOw will you use the info to make a decision?

I figure that if there are a majority of people who had a strong reaction to the 1st dose but had a lesser reaction to the 2nd dose, then I would probably go and get the 2nd dose. But if it's all over the place with no clear majority then I would be more inclined to not get the 2nd dose. It will also help to know if each person has similar autoimmune issues.
It's very frustrating and makes me angry that people like us are intentionally excluded from the vaccine trials. Probably because we'd ruin their high efficacy rates and get a lot more side effects. The optics would be bad. And yet we exist and have no choice but to use their vaccinations if we want to be vaccinated. They act as if we don't exist. Like we are not real people who count as much as anyone else.


Senior Member
Thanks for answering on what your symtpoms were/are. I think i'd be similar. Iposted a poll for you to hopefully give you some data on comparing 2nd to 1st dose. It's not ideal since only allowed one question so could not get at what you want really that if the first dose is BAD, is the second better.

Let's say you find tho that every possible combo has occurred- some better, some worse, some same, some with early bad results got 2nd good results, some with early bad results got 2nd even worse results..etc etc. HOw will you use the info to make a decision?

Thanks for doing the poll. I didn't know you could do that. I will look for it.


Senior Member
Want to hear something crazy? I called the pharmacy where I got my 1st shot and am scheduled for the second one and asked how do I give my appointment to someone if I decide to not get the shot myself. I was told I could do it simply with a phone call, BUT that the person must be getting their second shot because they are no longer giving out first shots. I am still trying to make sense of that. I guess they are not getting enough doses in so they are only giving out enough to fully vaccinate people. I guess they don't want to only half-vaccinate people. :confused: I guess. Dr. Osterholm's head would probably explode if he heard that.

Aww, geez.
I guess on the plus side some epidemiologists are suggesting that being half dosed could create more variants. Who knows!


Senior Member
I have Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Syndrome and Celiac Disease. I suspect I have a fourth autoimmune disease affecting my muscles & tendons but I can't find a doctor willing to look into it.

Thank you so much for the detailed reply. I also have Hashimoto's (but I do not have Graves or Celiac Disease). When you said that you suspect that you have a fourth autoimmune disease that affects your muscles and tendons, I was curious what your symptoms are? Do you have muscle weakness, muscle pain, or other symptoms?

(I have many other diseases, syndromes and disorders, too and I seem hypersensitive to everything, especially foods/drinks)

Do you have allergic reactions or suspected MCAS?

Please see one of my previous replies to read about my reaction to the vaccine. I think it will be right above this one, but not sure.

Thank you so much and I found your prior reply re: your vaccine reaction.

Want to hear something crazy? I called the pharmacy where I got my 1st shot and am scheduled for the second one and asked how do I give my appointment to someone if I decide to not get the shot myself. I was told I could do it simply with a phone call, BUT that the person must be getting their second shot because they are no longer giving out first shots. I am still trying to make sense of that. I guess they are not getting enough doses in so they are only giving out enough to fully vaccinate people. I guess they don't want to only half-vaccinate people.

Wow, that is pretty crazy (on many levels).


Senior Member
Thank you so much for the detailed reply. I also have Hashimoto's (but I do not have Graves or Celiac Disease). When you said that you suspect that you have a fourth autoimmune disease that affects your muscles and tendons, I was curious what your symptoms are? Do you have muscle weakness, muscle pain, or other symptoms?

Do you have allergic reactions or suspected MCAS?

I don't have MCAS but sometimes I get angioedema out of the blue. I do have a lot of allergies to all sorts of things but the reactions are all mild. My food allergy tests showed I was allergic to a lot of foods and I totally changed my diet (drastically) and I did see some improvements but in the past year or so the improvements have pretty much disappeared. New food allergy tests didn't reveal much so I'm not sure what is going on. I have allergies to pollens, animals, all kinds of stuff you can't help being exposed to.
I have multiple chemical sensitivity in that exposure to all kinds of various chemicals in everyday things makes me feel sick with flu-like symptoms.

I suspect I have some type of myositis. Very often my muscles feel lethargic & heavy like they are 1/2 dead, when I am flaring the muscles feel diseased which is hard to explain. It feels like my muscles are being poisoned or have a disease at the cellular level. When I'm like that, the muscles get strained/injured extremely easily and sometimes take months to heal, sometimes years. In general I get muscle/ligament/tendon strains extremely easily and end up taking ibuprofen quite often. Sometimes the muscles do this weird thing where if I rub one, say my calf muscle, the pressure seems to cause the muscle fibers to stiffen and almost start to charley horse but only in the area that had the pressure. Oh, and brace yourself...I get what feel like rectal charley horses. Severe pain in my rectom that can last from a few minutes to 20 to 30 minutes. It usually goes away when I drink a lot of water and eat some honey. It suggests some kind of blood sugar or electrolyte/hydration issue, I am guessing.

All of these muscle problems are on top of the everyday pain from ME/CFS or fibromyalgia, take your pick. Some days I don't have much pain and other days I have a lot.
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