I am undergoing ozone therapy

Back in September I was in Italy & I started ozone treatments (drawing 50 cc of blood, ozonating it & reintroducing it in the bloodstream) the results were amazing, I started feeling better after the first treatment. I was getting one treatment a week. In mid Oct I came back to the US and found a doctor who does the same treatment, the results here were not good, I actually felt much worse. The amount of blood drawn is the same, the concentration is the same and so is the type of anticoagulant used, and yet the results are opposite. I did some research & found out that there are 3 types of ozone generators, ulta violet, corona discharge and cold plasma, and only the cold plasma does not produce nitrous oxide, which, I read can create problems for people with CFS. The doc here in the States has a corona discharge, while my doc in Italy has a cold plasma unit, I have gone back to Italy and am getting 2 treatments a week and doing very well. I would like to let everybody know that if you have tried the treatments and did not have good results, maybe it could be the generator. I am sure the right generators exist is the States as well. Good luck to all.


Proper Subforums

Please keep posts in proper subforums.

This thread was originally started in the XMRV section, although it did not mention this virus a single time.

I have moved it to the "Alternative Therapies" section, where it is most appropriate.
The reason why I posted it in the xmrv is because ozone is a potent antiviral, without all the side effects of medication, and that is probably why it's working...


If you are drawing only 50 cc of blood you are not killing enough virus to get well, imo. You are however damaging cells in that 50 cc and activating the immune system. UVB therapy works similarly but ozone is probably safer.


Senior Member
Do I remember correctly that this patient was herself a doctor? She does not identify herself as such in the clip but... :confused:

yeah? no?
Hi fresh eyes, I thought your comment was very cute. I live in Florida and have not been able to find a doc with the cold plasma generator...and my parents live in Italy... I am going to get a few months of ozone here, and if it keeps working as well as it is now, I will purchase the generator my doc has and take it to the US. There must be docs in the US with machines that work, as someone pointed out there is a patient testimony on youtube. I would like to make it clear that I am no expert about ozone or ozone generators, but as my husband says the proof is in the pudding. I have read a few testimonies of people trying ozone therapy and feeling worse, and I just hope that w/my story I might help some people not give up on this treatment which is quite amazing. One of my doctor's patients has AIDS and has been able to stop all meds thanks to the treatments. I think that is powerful.


happy to be here
mountains of north carolina
Thanks for the info, gracie. Fascinating. I'm going to investigate this more. How much do the treatments cost (ballpark)? And, just out of curiosity, where is your Dr located in Italy? (Maybe I can get a trip to Italy out of the whole thing...:))
In the US the doctor charged me $ 125 a treatment. My doc in Italy is located in Trento, and he's not charging me anything for now, as he is a family friend, plus doctors here are so much more compassionate and I hope I don't offend anybody, but less into making big money. I have gotten a couple of treatments in Milan, and the doc there charged me 70 euros, but he said that if I were to go to him 3 times a week for some time he would give me a huge break, as he understood it would be prohibitive otherwise. My doc says in a few months we should be able to cut the treatments down to once a week and eventually to once every two weeks, but I am his first and only CFS patient, so we are just hoping that is the case. If you go on Italian google and click ozonoterapia you will find a lot of docs who do it all over Italy.


Senior Member
Fascinating stuff! I bet a number of us are dreaming about being treated in Italy - sigh!

Thanks for the reports and best of luck to you, Gracie!

Thanks, Wildaisy, for the info! I knew somebody, somewhere was a doctor. :eek:


Senior Member
A real doctor...and Italy too!

What a winning combination!

Gracie, I don't think you have offended anyone by saying that doctors in Italy might be less motivated by making money! Everyone is no doubt envious.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Ozone Therapy - ME

I did some research & found out that there are 3 types of ozone generators, ulta violet, corona discharge and cold plasma, and only the cold plasma does not produce nitrous oxide, which, I read can create problems for people with CFS.

Thanks much Gracie for posting this information. I've done a bit of this type of therapy but don't know which of the above would most accurately describe the method that I experienced. I find this information interesting because I felt this therapy had a lot of potential, as I could at times feel remarkably well for 1-2 days afterward. Othertimes however, I would start to feel "weird", and began to question whether it was good for me or not. My reservations finally prompted me to quit, but I never fully discounted the potential of it.

I ran across an interesting testimonial a while back. It was written by a man who was reviewing a book by Ed McCabe. I'll paste it below for anybody who might be interested.

Regards, Wayne

Flood Your Body with Oxygen -- by Ed McCabe

49 of 50 people found the following review helpful:

The most important health book of the past 50 years., June 8, 2004

By Mira S. Ghoshal (Beacon, NY USA)

After suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) for 14 years, I was freed from this degenerative disease by ozone treatments along with acupressure and other Asian methods. Years of treatment by modern medicine did nothing for me except to make my symptoms a little easier to live with, while at the same time the medications played havoc with the chemical balance of my body.The ozone was the key to the success of the whole process because it killed the pathogenic mycoplasma that causes CFS in the first place without further damaging an already weakened body. As Ed McCabe writes in this magnificent book on page 57:

"Almost every virus, bacteria, fungi, mycoplasm, parasite, and other pathogen found in all diseases, including HIV, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, chronic fatigue, epstein-barr, candida, and every other disease you can name are the same as all the other primitive life forms. They are facultative anaerobes. 'Anaerobic' simply means they cannot live in oxygen. These disease bugs simple cannot live in active oxygen."

I have also learned from reading this book that I can clean the air in my house using ozone, that I can drink ozonated water, that I can wash my food with ozonated water, along with many other uses that are mentioned in the book. I am on my way to being healthy again and now after reading this book I will have the tools to be healthy for the rest of my life. If you are ill right now or you just want to stay healthy please read this book. Our health is really in our own hands and now we have the information on how to take care of our bodies thanks to Ed McCabe.


Senior Member
interesting. i ve heard about ozone therapy before, can be as dangerous as neural therapy in the wrong hands but apparently you have a good doc. never heard it in connection with cfs though.
Hi Wayne, since you have tried ozone and had some good results mixed with bad, I thought I might let you know what I think can sometimes make a difference. The machine as I said before, because some machines in the process of making ozone, also make other gases, one being nitric oxide. And also, most American doctors use heparin as an anticoagulant while in Italy they use citric acid. I know one of the many things I tried thru the years was heparin therapy and it made me feel awful. Another thing is the concentration and the amount of blood drawn. I do well with 50 cc drawn, ozonated with 60 cc of ozone at a concentration of 30 micrograms. My doc says in the old days they used to draw much more blood, but they saw that small amounts such as 50 cc versus 250 or more works just as well, and is less invasive. Hope this info can be helpful.
I found a video on youtube of a doctor in Italy giving a patient the treatment. I thought it could be interesting for those who might be curious to see what it looks like. I am terrible with the computer and don't know how to put the link on from here but if you go to youtube and put " ossigeno ozono terapia GAE grande autoemoinfusione " you will find it.


Senior Member
I did some research & found out that there are 3 types of ozone generators, ulta violet, corona discharge and cold plasma, and only the cold plasma does not produce nitrous oxide, which, I read can create problems for people with CFS.

If you use a corona discharge ozone generator and use oxygen and not an oxygen generator you shouldn't get nitrous oxide.

Out of interest, where did you read about the effects of nitrous oxide in people with CFS.

After 16 treatments I would say that I have improved about 25 %.
As I said I am not sure if it's the nitric oxide, but I know that the US ozone treatments make me worse and the ones I get in Italy with cold plasma generator make me better.
There are quite a few articles on the web regarding CFS and nitric oxide Dr Martin Pall has written about it and also Dr. Marc Freemont on the CFS journal. As far as corona discharge not producing Nitric oxide when using oxigen as a source, is conflicting with what I have read, then again I'm neither a doctor nor a scientist and I'm just trying to figure things out. Any insight is more that welcome.


Senior Member
oh 25 % isnt bad. i read that the treatment here in germany is about 25 dollars, i think thats ok. and how much would the machine cost you gracie? i suppose you could do your own treatment then at home without any doctor?