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Hydrogen Rich Water for ME/CFS - Friedberg Pilot Study


Senior Member
any suggestions how to make that hole in the cork? would a regular needle be ok?

I don't know about piercing corks, I use shot test tubes (designed for drinking alcohol), which are very cheap on places like eBay, and often have a plastic top which is easy to pierce with a needle.

given I am using rod, how often would i have to change these rods?

I think with the rod of the size you have, it would make at least 60 batches of hydrogen-rich water. Your rod will weigh about 35 grams, and you can count on about 0.5 grams of magnesium being used up with each batch.

Be careful not to place more than around 3 grams of citric acid into the tube, as the more citric acid you have, the higher the pressure that builds up.

With 3 grams of citric, you reach about 6 or 7 atmospheres of pressure. If you start going to higher pressures, you find your plastic bottle starts to stretch and bloat out in a disconcerting way! Then if you reach 12 atm or so, it will actually burst (although when a plastic bottle bursts, it's not particularly dangerous).

Hows your hydrogen water experiment going? are you still getting benefits?

I only take it when I get those days of stress and emotional sensitivity, when I find hydrogen-rich water rapidly helps. I think this is because the hydrogen-rich water acts on the hypothalamus, which is a center for emotion and stress.

hmnr asg

Senior Member
thank you @Hip

I will report back with my experiment. But I feel like this hydrogen thing will also stop working after a while like most things that have benefited me in the past.
Bread - I have a great bullshit detector. I've spent more $$ than my house over decades trying to get well. As I said in lengthy post above - it may be helpful for one slice of the total pie of our health. And it may, like iodine and MSM, be foundational for cellular health. BUT that may just be my individual deficiencies. (Although, IIRC, hydrogen has the most studies of any other molecule - so there is something intriguing about it.)

That being said, I am dealing with horrible vascular issues so it makes sense that I am getting help with H2. If you don't have vascular issues, you may not see any improvement. The $19 bottle of 30 tablets from Mercola on Amazon is but a pittance compared to other money I've spent throwing down the Well-of-Hope-That-it-Works.

Just this year alone, again throwing money at this horrible "syndrome", out of shear desperation, I've dumped over $4-5k on sups, diagnostic testing, and treatments (that doesn't include probably double that $ in things that insurance has covered). NOTHING has had the effect that $19 of H2 has had. - Again, my main problem right now is vascular (and probably connective tissue).

I'm dosing 3-4 tablets a day and will start taking every other Saturday off - maybe every Saturday.

Hi can you send a link of where you found the $19 of H2? Would love to try some. Tysm :)
I have also bought a Hydrogen generator mini bottle, a cheap one, from China and I am kind of hesitant to try it because it has some platinum electrolyte sheets and I do not want to intoxicate with platinum even though it may do no harm...


Senior Member
thanks for sharing this! I am interested in giving it a try. will do try tablets before I try anything else.

I wondering for any of you that have insomnia did this make it worse............. better? thanks


Senior Member
Anyone else given this a whirl? Curious as it was recently recommended to me by another practitioner. I’m not up to making it myself, so if anyone has a favorite tablet or machine, let me know! 💞
An update for me. I was using Mercola's tablets, which work well. Initially, I got a bit of improvement. I purchased a generator - NOT WORTH the money at all. So sorry I spent this money.
Anyway, I think the root of the issue for many of us is MCAS. So, this is simply a bandaid. There is a time and place for bandaids.

It did not make my insomnia worse. Not at all.

I don't think you can generate it with distilled water. I believe it needs the minerals in the water to work, but someone should double check this.


Senior Member
An update for me. I was using Mercola's tablets, which work well. Initially, I got a bit of improvement. I purchased a generator - NOT WORTH the money at all. So sorry I spent this money.
Anyway, I think the root of the issue for many of us is MCAS. So, this is simply a bandaid. There is a time and place for bandaids.

It did not make my insomnia worse. Not at all.

I don't think you can generate it with distilled water. I believe it needs the minerals in the water to work, but someone should double check this.
Thanks for responding. I’m gonna order some tablets and give it a try. 😊
Here's my experience with H₂ water. My brother bought a H₂ water generator, and he has been bringing me HRW. The first day was awesome, and it brought me out of a bad crash. The next day was good too. After that, I started to feel agitated and had super-intense anxiety and terrible insomnia, including restless leg issues (restless body, lol) whenever I drank it, lasting over 24 hours.

I tested it out, eliminating other factors, so I know it's absolutely the water. It's the most bizarre thing, as I haven't found anyone else having had such a strong reaction to H₂ water.
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Senior Member
Interestingly enough, there has been some debate (not yet resolved), as to whether the benefits of hydrogen rich water (HRW) arise from the antioxidant ability of the hydrogen (H2), and/or because of another effect of HRW: namely that as HRW hits the stomach, it induces the release of the ghrelin from the stomach, a hormone which is neuroprotective and has a stimulatory effect on the hypothalamus.

Here is a paper from Nature which shows that the neuroprotective effect of hydrogen rich water on a mouse model of Parkinson's disease comes from its ability to stimulate ghrelin release.

The HPA axis is thought to be hypoactive in ME/CFS, so if hydrogen rich water can stimulate the hypothalamus via ghrelin, it may have some benefits for this disease.

GHRPs are ghrelin receptor agonists - apologies, I can't recall if I've asked you already before - have you tried any and compared the effects with the HRW?


Senior Member
GHRPs are ghrelin receptor agonists - apologies, I can't recall if I've asked you already before - have you tried any and compared the effects with the HRW?

Not properly, I briefly tried MK-677, but I get side effects with this, so do not like to use it.


Senior Member
Not properly, I briefly tried MK-677, but I get side effects with this, so do not like to use it.

Yeah right, I have heard MK-677 can cause quite a lot of side effects. I'd think that ipamorelin + CJC-1295 no DAC (aka Mod-GRF) would be a better combo, 100 ug of each before bed. Not sure if you have access or interest in trying those though. Ipamorelin is the ghrelin agonist, it's just always run with mod-GRF in a GH secretagogue context (as I'm sure you know!).


Senior Member
I'd think that ipamorelin + CJC-1295 no DAC (aka Mod-GRF) would be a better combo, 100 ug of each before bed.

I tried these some years ago, but did not notice much. However, I was not specifically looking out for any effects on emotional and stress sensitivity. They would not be very convenient though, having to prepare an injection on days when the stress sensitivity hits. And much more expensive that hydrogen-rich water, which costs just pennies a liter.


Senior Member
Much of the benefit of hydrogen-rich water is now known to come from its stimulation of ghrelin release in the stomach, which in turn acts on the hypothalamus. Whether breathing H2 gas will have the same effect, I don't know.
Do you still drink your Hydrogen water? Or did it stop bringing benefit over time?