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Really interested to see your long term benefits from this. Your body may begin repairing other areas with the extra energy
I'm hoping that is the case. I've been watching to see if my anhidrosis (no sweating on face and calves) changes, or diabetes insipidus (severe thirst which I believe is my body's way of clearing out the extra toxins from the aminoaciduria), or my red cheeks (malar-ish rash) starts to clear up, etc.... Nothing happening with those yet. But I'm hopeful that one or some might get better.
I'm still having headaches and pressure with storms and barometer changes. But today it just took one tylenol to get rid of the headache. Usually, it's the combo of tylenol and then an hour later ibuprofin and then later ice on the head -- and then the heachache never completely goes away and I have to keep medicating to keep the crazy pain away for at least a full day. But today just one dose. Maybe it wasn't that big of a storm and would have been a mild headache anyway. But it's something I plan on watching. I read an article that explained how some doctors believe ubiquinol helps headaches.
The intermittent gastroparesis hasn't shown up in the last week. That's nice - but then it might not have anyway.
Today, I was able to walk at 3.1 mph for 30 minutes and then another 30 minutes with a little rest in between. It feels so good to be able to accomplish my full exercise early in the morning and jump in the shower like a normal person. Well almost a normal person with all my lay downs and rest and pacing throughout the day.
Today, I drove our littlest daughter an hour to a doctor's appointment. Waited an hour for the doctor. Saw the nurse practitioner and then the doctor. Waited 30 minutes at the lab. She had lab work. Then drove the hour home. Had lunch. Our son passed his driving test today. Yikes. I then took him to get his picture for his license and waited an hour in line. I hate the DMV, but with moving from leg to leg and resting against the wall for support, I didn't ask for a chair this time and I didn't go down from low pulse pressure. I came home and laid down for an hour (napped for 30 minutes of that). Figured I was done in for the rest of the day. And then my mind had energy to start thinking about how to begin tackling some of the piles in our bedroom. OMG - that's crazy talk. And then I started picking up some of the stuff, throwing some out, washing others, and sorting stuff. My room will take days at top energy to straighten out and of course other rooms and other things will take precedence first. But it's not seeming like it's an impossible feat anymore. If only this energy would last.
I am a decade behind on so many things that I wish could have done, but with zero energy much of the time they didn't. If this energy stays, I might be able to catch-up on the house in a few months. On the odd moments when my body generated a little energy, that energy went towards doing the necessities - like feeding the kids and doctors appointments and meeting with teachers. Beyond that, much didn't happen. Then there were the years of severe memory loss and the months of headaches where even the necessities were left to others.
One of the major items that has changed since grapefruit is there has been no more driving through the fast food restaurants. When I'm at my lowest (which until recently was daily), I'd drive through fast food restaurants and get take home dinners (often when the kids were getting home from school knowing I'd soon be crawling into bed an hour before dinner). Delivery was the only option when I couldn't go out. Drive through saved the energy when I couldn't waste a drop of energy on an extra trip walking inside a restaurant. I'd say drive thru restaurants plus pizza delivered to the house generally totaled 5 nights a week. Panera's, Chik-fil-a, pizza, etc.... was our norm for dinner. That's all changed since grapefruit. I haven't ordered pizza or been through a drive thru since starting grapefruit. I'm not opening cookbooks or anything that far along, but everyday there is a meat, a vegie, rolls, etc... on the table at dinner time that I am putting there. Before ubiquinol, I wasn't even making it down to dinner. Now I have the energy to pop over to the grocery store if we are missing one item for dinner. That would have just been a waste of energy in the past.
There could be a compounding to the extra energy. The ubiquinol by itself that started months ago helped me to get back up to be with the family for dinner and do a load of dishes in the evening. Grapefruit added in has made it so much better than that. Stopping the fast food for dinner has to improve health. Adding in the fact that I can do exercise (walking) without it making my health worse from doing that exercise right now - that has to be helping too.
I've also noticed I'm starting to have energy to train the family members. For example, when I had no energy (except for a little in the morning), all dishes were piled in the sink until I did the morning dishes. Now I run the dishwasher two or three times during the day. I flip the sign on the dishwasher from "clean" to "dirty" dishes because I have the energy to empty it right away when clean. Before it always stayed on "clean" because once the dishwasher ran, we used dishes right from the dishwasher most days. When the "dirty" sign is on the dishwasher, I am now expecting all kids and my husband to clean off their plates and put them in the dishwasher (not in the sink). This has been taking a few days of follow through with the kids and hubby.
The other night my husband got home late from work (7:00 p.m.) and I had just gone up to bed and I had left the chicken and carrots out on the sink for him to serve himself. Yep, at 7:00 p.m. I was too tired to come down and chat with him. Something a normal person with energy would have done. But then again, the fact that I was up until then is great progress. When he was done serving himself I presumed he'd put it away in the refrigerator. Nope. When I got up in the morning, they were still out on the counter and needed to be thrown away. So I nicely pointed out that on such occasions I expect him to put the food into the refrigerator. He wasn't trying to be lazy. He just never thinks of such things. One, because I've never trained him too. I don't want to be the harping mom or wife who is all over everyone. That's not who I am. But the kids and hubby do want direction and I'm now in a position to be awake, get my point across, and teach. Therefore, the house is functioning better on that level too. There is a long way to go - but it's improving.
The new found energy is impacting so many things. I'm doing my best to not let the "I wish things would have been different earlier" into my thoughts. That's so destructive. There is still the fear that this new found energy is just a tease and that it might not stay. I guess that's a destructive thought too. OK, only happy thoughts. Rose colored glasses on.