How to Deal with Relatives


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If you have meeting with relative at that time you have to respect all of them and also manage something to like have to talk in very jenually with them to make good impact of your impression.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I forgot all about this thread. My family came to visit for a couple weeks; and, at the end of the vacation, they were actually really nice (and caring) about everything. I have been racking my brain to figure out what has changed, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. Maybe my daughter told them "where it's at." She does that at times. Oh well, I am just grateful things have changed and everything is all good now.


Senior Member
I am happy for you for whatever reason, enjoy it while you can because people seem to fall back into old habits. I'll feel validated and then a person that knows better will come over my house wearing perfume (MCS) and disappointment sets in along with illness. Right now the health dept is spraying in my town for mosquitos. I am glad because this year has been horrible with them and they trapped and found West Nile Virus but with the windows closed my gums are tight (swelling) and my tongue is tingling. Usually the headache comes later. The spraying is worth it but not the perfume.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I am happy for you for whatever reason, enjoy it while you can because people seem to fall back into old habits. I'll feel validated and then a person that knows better will come over my house wearing perfume (MCS) and disappointment sets in along with illness. Right now the health dept is spraying in my town for mosquitos. I am glad because this year has been horrible with them and they trapped and found West Nile Virus but with the windows closed my gums are tight (swelling) and my tongue is tingling. Usually the headache comes later. The spraying is worth it but not the perfume.

I hope it stays the same. It's nice not to be ignored or nagged. I hear ya about the spray and perfume. I live right by what is probably the only creek in town and when they come in and spray I feel like I can't breathe. And, after they spray, when I open my door, I always have a bunch of earwigs making a mad dash to get into my apartment. It's hard to go out the door with those things coming at ya. For some reason I can handle men's perfumes, but the perfume the women wear is just horrible and makes my physically ill. I wonder how they can stand to smell themselves.