I'll have to look into the virtual meeting--sounds kind of far out--but worth trying. I take it it's out of Australia? It sounds like they've done some pretty neat things in trying to get support to people who are remote.
taniaaust1, is your grandmother close to the rest of your family? I'm asking because it sounds like she is just well enough not to really need to be seen as an ill person and many people who are in that spot choose to be on the side of the well in order to keep their relationships. I think it's the most basic (and awful) psych stuff that people hold together by making someone else the enemy/bad apple/black sheep. I can totally relate about wanting to at least be asked, and how bizarre it is to be in a world where you care for others but they are actually okay with not only not caring for you, but actually making you wrong and bad.
Hi Mya, somehow I missed your post yesterday, but want to thank you for your words. Sounds like you were able to find a group in Seattle but haven't found something where you are. It's very much the same here. I spent some time in Wyoming when I was 12, but I remember it so well! It is about as remote as remote can get sometimes though, and it's similar to WA in that things are just very, very far apart. I remember that it was over 100 miles to get to a sizable grocery store, though things could have changed since then.
My update for today is that I tried to shake off yesterday's email yuck and kept my head down. Went for a drive and a walk so that I wouldn't just spiral down all evening (though the walk might not have been the brightest thing) and, on my way back, was actually stuck at an intersection with my parents and sister in a car across from me. They were heading out to dinner. I had left a voicemail earlier at their house saying that I was just full of wonder about how they were treating me, and then drove, literally, right into that. it kind of feels like the universe is punching me when I'm down, but I like to think the universe is a little less malicious than that. What a bizarre thing to see your family pass you in a car and look at you like you're a heroin addict caught in the middle of a score--WTF? I try to keep the language clean here, but I'm pretty sure WTF was invented for something like this...
I know all too well the confusion of FM and CFS. I have both and have had so many people say, "I know so-and-so and she/he has FM and is in grad school and working part time, etc." They aren't the same in my experience, but my gosh you think people would get the idea that having both is worse than just one!
Sorry Judderwocky, I think I'm confusing who posted about having both FM/CFS.