I agree wholeheartedly that lawsuits are in order- and I'm not dwelling in anger, hostility or negativity.
The fact is I have suffered enormously for nearly 4 years as a seeming result of our Government's failure to adequately fund research into an illness they have refused to take seriously for decades. That's not OK.
Their choice of name undermined this disease to such an extent that I am embarrassed to say out loud what it is that I have- so I don't. I hide my condition, like, well, the plague.
I have suffered a massive amount of physical and emotional distress, which could have been completely avoided had the Government taken seriously it's role in disease control, and not exacerbated the problem by pursuing psychological theories, which served only to blame a disease on the sufferers.
Additionally, I am fortunate to still be working full-time. However, I left an incredibly lucrative career, earning well over $130,000 USD because I could not handle the demands of it. In it's place I have worked at a fraction of that amount in a career more accommodating to my condition. Had I not been sick- I would likely be on my way to earning upwards of 200K had the Government taken these claims seriously in the early 80's when I was a kid. That would have put me on pace to looking at earning much more than that in the next 5 to 10 years. They did not, and so the momentum I had built in my career as an adult is lost forever. And so are those anticipated earnings for the future. I simply cannot get back to where I was even if I am cured tomorrow. Had the Government taken the same tack with HIV- Magic Johnson would be in a grave now- let alone the massive earnings he has accrued over the years. All of this could and should have been sorted out before I ever entered the work force, so this would never have been a consideration of mine. Unfortunately, their negligence has resulted in untold suffering to me and loss of wages.
Additionally the retroviral work of Elaine Defreitas was ignored in the early 90's, which again could have completely prevented my encounter with CFS.
My advice to all those reading and contributing to this thread is to realize that demanding compensation is exactly what we should do after we have been medically sorted out.
In my view if you take the position that all you want to do is get better and let bygones be bygones, then you are selling your suffering, my suffering, and everyone on this board's suffering, very short.
I want a physical victory, a moral victory, and yes, a monetary victor- in exactly that order- however long it takes.