Sleep deprivation has to be the most serious complicating factor for many illnesses. I'd like to preface what I contribute here by saying I had insomnia for 30 years, sometimes 2-3 hours of sleep a night, sometimes 5-6 chopped up. (High school... with all its activities.

I think I was set up for later illness.)
Fibromyalgia brought the additional diagnosis of no Stage 3 or Stage 4 sleep, something we are all too familiar with. Over a period of about ten years, I tried several prescription medications which worked briefly then would stop working. I "spiked" straight through Klonopin after about four hours in. Anything I used would start to do the opposite.
2005, things came together for me with natural remedies. (I was 43.) Here is the rough addition and usage:
Homeopathic tablets formulated for sleep, made up by my ND for me specifically
Colloidal gold (you dream in color!)
Standard Process Min-Chex and Cataplex G, plus calcium lactate (used against viruses)
Calms Forte
Natural Calm magnesium
Kava kava -- as needed to relax (short-term use, as it is hard on the liver)
Vitamin D (5,000 IU at a time when 1,000 IU was still unheard of)
The knockout punch was reading up on neurotransmitters, and I chose GABA to try first... and for the first time in my adult life, began to sleep 7-8 hours a night, awakening naturally and feeling refreshed in a way I remembered from childhood. My understanding of the neurotransmitters is that some people will need one, some another, to help sleep. What is completely bad for one may completely solve another's issues. Very individual.
Later (2006), I bought a GoLite, and discovered that using it daily could replace all of the above items except maybe the melatonin. If I used my GoLite, I had to use it at night, as my circadian rhythms are truncated. There are some indicators that blue light is the problem with macular degeneration later in life, and as that runs in my family, I have slowed down on the use of the GoLite.
I believe these things worked as well as they did because they were added after many months of good nutrition and self-care, including a lot of rest. That foundation really seems to make a difference when a remedy is added as to how well it will work or not.
Right now, I use melatonin, sometimes tryptophan, and finally broke out the valerian and hops to try... those leave me with a hangover, so I only use them for maybe 3-4 nights in a row, usually during a stormy period with little sunlight.
I can sometimes go for days or weeks without using anything at all and sleep great! Then I have to go back to a regimen, but nothing like before, and 15 minutes of natural sunlight during the day is now enough to insure good sleep.
I very strongly believe that like many other things, good sleep is based on adequate nutrients, right types, right doses.