Hi Heapsreal! Thankyou for not being offened as it wasn't my intention. I don't have the answer either about improving sleep without some of these meds when one has a neurological cause creating the problem. I'm not getting much. One does what they need to and understandably. I don't want to beat a dead horse. If you wanted to validate what I have posted, contact the doctors below as they ALL SPECIFICALLY studied the drug. I'm very educated with these drugs specifically and that's the only reason I posted what I did.
Unfortunately benzos and z-drugs worsening sleep on and off the drug aren't theories. It's from the way the drug changes the brains function. The mechanism of action I explained on the klonopin, valium thread reply #68. The action of the drug is what gives sleep, and what ultimately takes it away. This drug action, is one of the reason people get bad side effects eventually on it, and coming down. Catch22. And this change is specifically why so many, have a hard time coming off.
I still think some misunderstood in that, I know people need sleep. I understand by taking specifically benzos and z-drugs, from the aspect of CFS benefits, they help. therefore doctors like Cheney recommend it. All I'm saying, is most of you do not understand the other side of the coin. I'm not disputing the need for sleep. I just warning you guys specifically what THESE pills really do depending on genetics. That's all.
Progesterone has no influence on GABA receptors. Nothing does. And as the reply on the thread I posted in reply #68, they can come back altered not as effective. They are not going to study something to "fix" when they deny there is a problem.
The 2 doctors I listed, Dr. Malcolm Lader, Dr. Ashton, are the doctors that studied the drug, and helped people come off. They have been doing this for over 30 years. The research doctor I met at UBC a few weeks ago to discuss my cns injury from it, and ask why is this still going on why are people not told? It's a business $$. He is degreed in Pharmacology, Anesthegiology, and he knows how the drug works. "Mechanisms of Actions" of drugs period are what he does for a living. He's one of top in this field. His group Therapuetics Initiative, studies the actions of drugs and how they work on the brain etc, and prescribing behaviors of the mainstream medical community. He will back up that everything I am explaining to you, is in fact, the truth. Contact him. He'll tell you. He will explain this, just the way I did.
That's why he endorsed this book by Joan Gatsby who is also an activist in the community. We've spoken. The reason it's hard for people to come off the drug is the side effects from how the drug change the brain function. He's the 2nd doc down. Dr. Malcolm Lader the first doctor listed here is who I mentioned above and I've corresponded with him.
Ove Carlsson in Sweden. He won his courtcase regarding benzo side effects and it took 3 years for his cns and brain to heal. And he wrote this book. I've corresponded with Ove in length. He'll tell you, it's the truth.
Non listed are drug addicts or abused benzos. If you become dependent, this can happen. This is why people slow taper, some have a hard time controlling symptoms/side effects, some have it easier.
Dr. Peter Breggin that was mentioned here, he wrote "Your Drug May Be Your Problem, will corroborate what I said is in fact, the truth. This is why he is used as "expert witness" in benzos cases, psychiatric drug cases and more. Explaining side effects and why. Read the first quote and what he says about that lawyer. This is the lawyer I found 3 weeks before my statute was up. I would have won in mediation but gathering my info took to long. Email him. He'll tell you I'm telling the truth.
Geraldine used him due to Ativan side effects and won her case. Geraldine Burns. She's not a drug addict either but unwittingly became dependent. She worked with the Dr. Ashton above who wrote the manual explaining the drug, and symptoms/side effects, reasons why, how to come off. And the z-drugs, Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata, Imovane, are all in Dr. Ashton's manual because they go to the same in the brain, the act just like benzos. Same potential depending on genetics. In this link it says benzodiazipines, dangerous side effects.
The doctors I'm listing, specifically work with these drugs and understand it. The doctor like Cheney on this thread along with many others, are not interested in that information. And they are not even taught this, as it's not a requirement to learn this. They are ONLY interested in what can help you sleep with CFS. One side only.
YES, they help with CFS and "benefit" CFS in this way. I couldn't agree more. I agree. In this people need to sleep, especially with this. But do you know what else they do? This is all I was sharing.
Google Benzobuddies, you'll see how many have these side effects on, and side effects coming off, and if one posted and asked about these drugs there, you'll find out I'm telling the truth.
It's like the
fluoroquinilone antibiotics I'll use as an example. How many know, they can rupture tendons? And can
cause irreversible damage to the central nervous system. Google fluoroquinlone victoms. Many people trying to sue because they weren't told. AND, they're still being prescribed by doctors today. This has been known to happen, for years. This is the exact same pattern happening with benzodiazipines and sleeping pills. (Z-drugs).
There is no "profit margin" educating the mainstream medical community, or the general pubic and getting the truth out there. I'm just letting you know these side effects and injury are a possibility depending on your genetics and this is why the drug was never intended long term, what you weren't told. You can avoid strong side effects if you SLOW taper IF in the future you decide to come off as you are now dependent physically. That's all. That's why I'm writing my book. This is why I am an activist in the community.
Dr. Ashton, Dr. Lader, Dr. Reggie Peart, member of Parliament Jim Dobbins, activist John Perrot, Barry Haslam, Stephanie Holiday, Earl of Sandwich who has a family member still healing from the injury, are forerunners in Parliament in the UK right now, still trying to get the mainstream medical community to learn about this in order to tell people the dangers and the bad side effects, and help them come off humanely through slow tapers if they choose too. They are the only country globally addressing it and have been for years. Public Health Minister Ann Milton is one of the first in govt officials on the publics side. I believe it was one of the Kennedy's in the US who tried to bring this forward as J. F. Kennedy was "caught" in this on a benzo. Unwittingly dependent. It's about the $$.