Hi Runner64, i know where your coming from and appreciate the info but i think our sleep issues are different to those who dont have cfs/me. for some of us we are dammed if we do and dammed if we dont. But i think its also important that people consider that benzo meds maybe worsening their sleep and if their sleep improves with slowly tapering off then they have won the battle of getting sleep. Many of us have had the bad sleep problems before using benzo's and have felt better treat our insomnia like this, so for us coming from that direction its very hard for us to understand that sleep meds are worsening our condition or think that benzo's are a problem for us as the condition was present well before using benzo's. Like what has been mentioned already, there are many causes of sleep dysfunction and chronic use of benzo's could be one of many things doing this but also benzo's have helped many with sleep problems. The doctors you have mentioned that treat benzo addiction to improve sleep, have they done any work with cfs/me patients? Personally i dont think many cfs/me people would improve coming off benzo's until the underlying cause like an infection or immune defiency or autoimmune problem is treated, but thats just my opinion.
Hey heapsreal!! (((((HI)))))))). That's a cyber hug. I truly adore Aussies.

I thought you were an Aussie lol. You're not getting it lol. That's okay. I don't believe people can improve without sleep either. I could not agree more with you. I really couldn't. And THANKYOU FOR LETTING ME SHARE TODAY. ESPECIALLY ON YOUR THREAD. I'm sharing, these particular sleep med has a whole other set of problems associated with it that most docs therefore patients are unaware of. It's about how these specific sleep meds, benzos and z-drugs, affect people neurologically.
I'm not talking about possible sleep dysfunction from chronic benzo use. I'm talking about extreme neurological brain changes that go much further than that, which these 2 types of drugs can cause if taken daily depending on genetics.
The doctors I gave you the name of are not "benzo addiction doctors." They are not "addiction doctors" period. This has nothing to do with addiction. And, they are not treating ANYTHING to improve sleep. They studied the drug, it's action, a couple of them helped people come off. 2 of them have been doing it for over 30 years. They are the select few, that know the truth of these drugs.
They are doctors that study how drugs work and how they affect the central nervous system and brain. A couple of them specifically study just this, as well as dangerous side effects and publish what the general public isn't told by the mainstream medical community. All of these doctors I posted are therefore well aware of the neurological problems that accompany CFS and illnesses like these as well as other illnesses where people need sleep etc. What they're saying is there are safer sleep meds. Because these specific sleep drugs can cause neurological problems.
They consider what this drug can do in potential and what I will describe below as not being "benefits outweigh the risks" like doctors that don't study the drug will argue. Because of what these drugs do neurologically to the brain. They actually know.
They take cancer patients, accident patients, everyone, CFS people into account when they concluded this from their findings. EG: a person is on chemo and loses the cancer and starts to recover, was really sick from cancer, then the doctor that put him on ativan tells him to quit no problem as it was a low dose so no dependency. It's not true, the person was on consistently. The benzodiazipine has caused a "neurological" change to his brain. Unique to benzodiazpines and z-drugs. The brain off the drug, starts to run too fast. It's starts to process everthing too fast, and little stimuli, is too much for the brain to take in. And this person, is now going to experience getting sick because the abrupt quit is too much shock on the brain/body, noise, light, many wear sunglasses and can't look at computers, conceptualizing becomes difficult with the brain going too fast, plus constant flu like symptoms for many, and it can affect gastro, cardio and other internal things etc., therefore not able to function, for 6 - 18 months or more. So because of this, the person that recovered from cancer, or recovered from lymes, or a car accident, or CFS just got sick again. Many lose homes. Read below. This can be controlled with a slow taper so the brain can get it's calming mechanism back, while to drug is being slowly reduced.
As well, on the drug people get irregular heartbeats too fast or too slow, told it's not the drug. Many other things. Told it's not the drug. It's the drug.
So the doctors I listed, cover everyone. It's about side effects. And getting sick on top of it for some, is why it's called benzo illness. On top of what I explain below, people can eventually end up feeling as sick on the drug as well as coming off. Toxicity. It is made from a chemical that was going to be used for "wood dye". Jack Hobson who got sick writes about it. 7th paragraph down. He tapered and it was easier but still challenging. Much more doable. I came off too fast not being told.
The doctors that studied benzos specifically and the people on and coming off realize the mainstream medical community "doesn't realize that these drugs change one of the most serious functions that control every aspect of the human body". So by becoming dependent, not addicted, your brain has lost the ability to calm itself down. And that goes for the central nervous system as well.
So, if your doctor doesn't learn this, this type of fast brain activity that many feel here, is NOTHING, not a drop in the hat, compared to the fast brain activity one will feel coming off a benzo or z-drug with the right genetics if tapered too fast after becoming dependent. Many do not realize the enormity of what this feels physically like. I do, so I'm sharing it with you. And I am not a drug addict and was never on other meds.
PLUS, the drug, has taken the GABA receptor needed to slow down "the brain activity" and central nervous system activity, and made the brain and body, (Gaba receptors in gut) stop producing it. THIS is what I'm desparately trying to explain to you. I couldn't think of the words. So it would be like what many feel in fast CFS brain activity here before they remedied it with a benzo or z-drug, BUT, X 100. Make sense? This is nothing compared to what a benzodiazipine can do when taken off too fast, or in tolerance trying to come down in a taper and not having the having the mechanism to slow the brain down from processing and firing. That's one reason I say, catch22.
People lose the ability to balance a checkbooks, do a grocery list, normal daily things as the brain is in mach speed. Okay, stronger than CFS. Jack Hobson compared it to Babesiosis (Lymes) and he slow tapered and there are different levels of severity, if you read his book excerpt. He didn't come down as fast as I did. Outerworldly. What you experience here, and what I have neurologically from CFS like many here, doesn't come close. We're talking about a chemical injury.
Plus, the excitory nuerotransmitters, also go through the whole body. So body vibrations people feel here, are again nothing compared to body vibrations going 100 x's faster, and with the protective coating stripped off the nerve from the drug. Then pain plus outerwordly fast movements. Muscles contracting and not releasing as the body has lost the ability to calm. And many other physical symptoms in a brain and body that's going too fast. Slow taper controls this. If no slow taper, 6-18 months to heal. Or more. That's why it called "syndrome."
And it's constant and chronic. Tapers control it. Freddd knows and this is why he said, it can be uneventful if done right and tedious. He's 100% dead on. But, many people on, do not find this out, until they get side effects on or come down incorrectly. And often, if one comes down to fast and they want to go back on to taper again, they go on a merry go rounds seeing docs if they are able to function doing it, who have no idea how to taper one off. So people get on the drug, and are told to stay on for life unless they find forums and get educated.
The media is told by doctors, people are addicts if they reinstate. Not true, people can't function with physical and mental symptoms, pain, and a brain/ mind processing and firing a thousand miles an hours. And no sleep. Non. Most doctors do not learn what I shared with you and the other doctors I posted would concurr with what I have.
With a mind going this fast, and body sensations with pain traveling fast, it can render a person totally non functional. Hence the lawsuits.
If doctors don't know this happens, or deny it, how can they help patients taper? If a doctor says, you're on a low dose you won't be dependent, he just set you up for a maybe you will become dependent being told you won't. It's not the dose amount. It's the CONSISTENCY DAILY AMOUNT ETC.
That's what changes the brain.
So, last, Dr. Malcolm Lader studied all of this. He wrote this paper, saying dependence happens on "low therapuetic doses" and he talks about side effects. This is a really informative paper that people on benzodiazipines and z-drugs NEED to read. Keep in mind, he like Dr. James Wright at the University of British Columbia that I met, has a few degrees too, one degree specifically in pharmacology like Dr. Wright. So, this is NOT about sleep meds are bad. These guys KNOW MEDICATION. It's what specifically what they studied. They are SPECIALISTS in regards to medication. It's about, side effects from THESE SPECIFIC sleep meds can be bad and the patients are not told. And the side effects can be as bad or worse than why the person took the drug in the first place.
I'll add extra, the ministry of health in the UK did take funding from the pharmeceutical companies. 30 years ago Dr. Lader proved the drug can cause brain shrinkage. It's more extensive in this article I linked. (He's been trying to help a long time.) The meeting was canceled, the documents covered up. They surfaced Nov. 2010, 30 years later. They said "sealed and to be opened on 2014." Since uncovered, they are hoping perhaps it will open the way for another class action suit like I posted happened in the 80's.
"Functional" change "making things go too fast" doesn't show up through scans. But "structural" changes (you can see the brain structure/shape when scanned) do show up. There's more on the neurological in the link. In this link, it also explains how fast one's brain can change on the drug.
Therefore, this drug can cause, neurological injury. Typically from coming off too fast. Or on long term. But it's highly individual genetics a factor.
It was only 15 people he scanned. Remember, this was buried by the "ministry of health." They could argue the patient's brain wasn't scanned before the benzos to prove it was the benzos. And, half the people had obvious or signs of structural change. Some atrophy. These are the original documents referred to above and the scans are at the end. Unfortunately if one doesn't understand benzos, reading through, one may not realize then many of these entries were by doctors that didn't understand the drug either. Lot's of misinformation passed down for decades.
So, most people on these drugs, are not addicts, they are on because they don't know how to get off. Slow taper. That's what Freddd and I were talking about.
Here's more recent history. Keeping in mind tapers can take a long time, but, symptoms can be mild mild mild. Okay? If a patient controls it. NOT the doctor. Dr. Ashton who studied this wrote that. BUT, in recent meetings before public health minister Ann Milton, a Professor John Strange wanted to rewrite the taper stating it to go way too fast. This will make people sick coming off, it can do what I explained to you. They argued. He tried to omit the proof. Many of us (I do what I can to help spread awarenss) wrote in to have his testimony struck. Why? Member of Parliament Jim Dobbins, and activist John Perrot uncovered Genus the makers of Ativan paid the professor. When you read "addict" they're not addicts, they were stuck on the drug because the SIDE EFFECTS like I explained above are too strong, and they are not told how to come down because their prescribers don't know how to get them off. Or they don't believe the person has physical side effects as they didn't study the drug. When you read things like a "strong dependence, or ingrained dependence" it just means the change was more extreme. They also were not told it would change the brain. "Involuntary" or "Accidental" addiction it's called because of not being told it would cause a dependence. Some doctors do tell people "dependence" unwittingly playing down the side effects as they don't know a)how the drug works, or b) realize the enormity one can feel with this type of change. Some doctors think GABA supplements will stop symptoms. They don't understand less and altered GABA receptors are not accepting GABA. Some try adding other drugs, again they do not do anything to GABA receptors so they can't slow the brain or body. But slow slow tapers will get them off eventually.
There is a lot of history to these drugs. Everyone on a benzo or z-drug deserves to know the truth. It's real. If you choose to come off, slow taper. As Freddd said, micro daily is easiest. (Sorry for dropping your name Freddd but you "get" the drugs.)
When you hear about people reinstating after detox, it's because of the side effects. Google Stevie Nicks. She writes about how hard it was. She dropped out for a few years recovering as she came off too fast like I did. Steven Tyler writes about the side effects. He was one of the small % that took it for recreation. Most are just regular people like you and me not abusing told they were safe.
I do NOT want to scare anyone, I am passionate about educating people. I do not like how this drug is being overprescribed from ignorance bred from conflict of interest. It's simply not fair. Now you know, if you start to feel strange on it, can't sleep, feel panic, get burning, stinging, muscle tension, it's tolerance. And it can be fixed with multiple dosing and if once chooses to come down, crossing to a longer life benzo to taper from depending on what one is on. It can be uneventful going slow so one is then just fine with NO drama.
Dr. Aston is around 70 and has known about this for years but too much money involved kept her info on the sidelines. She explains this but her taper can still be too fast.
Modern docs have never heard of this or some dispute it saying it's outdated. This is one of the only references explaining benzo and z-drugs at length and most won't read about it. It never becomes outdated how we take in air to breathe. Therefore, it never becomes outdated how the drug changes the brain. Unfortunately it's written for what the drug was intended, anxiety but, it has everything one needs to know about the drug not with anxiety in order to learn.
Every single person on this drug, had a right to know what was possible before they took it. That is called informed consent and it's not being given. Then you decide, do you want to try a benzo or z-drug? Or do you want to try a different sleep med? It's your body and your brain.
I really love people. I hate that this has been happening for such a long time. Even the celebrity docs, are not telling the truth only because they don't know it, to tell it. There is a lot at stake with "medicine" today.
Imagine paying 30K for detox from a benzo only to reinstate the drug because they didn't tell you about the side effects and why you get them. And 4 months out you still have them and it's intolerable and you're told it's not possible. Happens everyday. I've met many. The other addicts, are fine because those drugs don't alter the brain/body calming mechanism. And they're addicts, you're not. But these facilities put everyone together. This is being addressed in Parliament. It's wrong.
Doctors adding other drugs making a cocktail as they don't recognize physical side effects that show through emotion is being addressed.
Thanks Heapsreal. I really appreciate you being such a diplomat. Most most sincerely. So we need to sleep. And the doctors I listed, do understand CFS and bacteria infections causing neurological problems. Unfortunately they show as you've read, benzos and z-drugs, can also cause neurological problems. Ironically, one aspect of that, if dependent, it has then changed the function of the brain which can cause it to be in a state of hyperexcitability with no calming mechanism making it to go too fast IF one is taken off abruptly, or too fast a taper, so slow taper. And this speeds up the cns controlled by slow taper. But at least people know. It's your right.
This also gives you a better idea about public people you read about, acting strange that are on benzos. They don't know this info anymore than you do, many of them. There's a couple of high profile people in the paper right now where benzos are referred to. People in the community know why. They're probably in tolerance on a benzo and have no idea it's the drug making them feel weird therefore self medicating with alcohol. And it's projected, they're on benzos and a drinker. Many non addicts and non drinkers or mild rarely drinking types, in tolerance, don't know why they feel emotional and need to self medicate. It's a mess.
I can't believe that doctor wrote the drug protects the brain since it can go too fast coming off the drug if one is dependent and comes off too fast.
It all depends on genetics. As I said, some quit no problem. Some have fewer symptoms. I just wanted you to know both sides.
Sporadic dosing like some here, is the only way to make sure your brain won't change.
It's a gamble if you take it daily. Once or twice a week is a surer way to avoid dependency. That kind of thing. Doing Ambien 2 days, klonopin 5, not only are they different equivalencies so your dose amounts can make one not sleep, then sleep, but more importantly, they go to the same place in the brain. So that's 7 days between the 2 drugs. Enough then to become dependent. THAT rule applies to every single benzo and z-drug. There is not one, that will change the brain less than the other. Regardless of what you may be told. They do the same thing. Don't forget that. So, once or twice a week, then and the other days, use an anti histamine or something else non benzo or z-drug.
If you've been on daily now already and may be dependent and don't know it, this will not work. You will be in the beginning of withdrawal the days you are off. You may not feel it unless you were completely off for 7-14 days though. That yo-yoing is too much stress for the brain.
I'm a non drinker as I used to be a hardcore fitness girl (before I got sick

) hence my name runner. Too many carbs is why. Just a little background. lol. xoxoxo