
Snow Leopard

South Australia
@ME agenda--- I dont mind debating but Fejal was somewhat irrational, to say the least, if you look back at his comments.

I agree that one of his comments was particularly inflammatory and support the moderator action on this thread.

As for the "works for me" comments I thought it did work for me - complete remission or so I thought. Turns out it was just a coincidence.

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
@ Angela---If you dont think my comments are reliable thats fine...LP has absolutely nothing to do with my treatments.

Snow Leopard--Sorry it was just a coincidence


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
I am currently under a naturopath, specializing in Sanums. She has just come to OZ from Germany Her specialty is in curing cancer....written 2 books on it. She claims to helped many with CFs. I have been seeing her for 6 mths, but dont feel any better. Under her microscope my red blood cells are now normal now, no longer clumped together like when I began. I saw this with my own eyes. She has supposedly repaired my gut as she showed me before and after.
She has some German guide ... in pic form that shows the cells when the gut is in disrepair. She has alkalized my body and thru it I lost 10 kgs, with no red meat. Now I am allowed everything. BUT I dont feel any better, sleeping a bit better tho. I absolutely believe in homeopathy. Just wish it could work on the stress component, stop the adrenaline.

Before drug companies hit the health scene, homeopathy hospitals cured many plagues. I have seen what it can do for others. It is costing the earth for the treatment and I dont know if I should continue....she changes my stuff all the time. Been sick for 23 yrs and now cannot take vitamins. Did the Metametrix test and the Dr explained I had a break in the gene and that you could only go around it with the Methylation Protocol. I wonder can homeopathy do this.....cant take the other stuff vitamins to go around the gene.. I have seen Mike get well so it keeps me trying with it. She tell sme I will get better but I am impatient as my years are running away now.

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
I would give it another 3 months...In many cases you do not feel the physical effects for at least 6 months...just as the case with other treatments...some even feel worse in the first 6 months of treatments.
Gurgaon, India
Nancy, I note your "sig" on this forum is

"Real is scientific homeopathy"

and I note you've used this phrase several times on comments you have left on various blogs and forums.

What does it mean, please?

The signature simply reminds the denialists of homeopathy medicine that it is scientific and its benefits are real
Gurgaon, India

Angela Kennedy

Senior Member
Essex, UK
Yes, obviously.

Homeopathy medicine superior to placebo

http://www.journals.elsevierhealth.com/periodicals/yctim/article/S0965-2299(06)00041-0/abstract (2006) //arnica for inflammation
http://www.vasezdravlje.com/izdanje/clanak/1874/ // tonsillitis

Ok. Well, this good info to have. Are there other homeopathy trials? It's a shame the second is not in English (for us English speaking people on this forum).

I'm not saying a peer-review journal is 'proof' of efficacy by the way! That's yet another issue that has to be unpacked when considering any claims of efficacy in a treatment.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Does your Dr change your homepathics all the time. Do you think targeting the immune system is what your Dr is aiming at. She gives me Quentakehl and Sankombi Sanums for eliminating viruses. Then I get a whole host of other stuff. Was your body alkalized?
Gurgaon, India
Ok. Well, this good info to have. Are there other homeopathy trials? It's a shame the second is not in English (for us English speaking people on this forum).

I'm not saying a peer-review journal is 'proof' of efficacy by the way! That's yet another issue that has to be unpacked when considering any claims of efficacy in a treatment.

I am sorry that it's not in english. Here's one in english
http://journals.lww.com/pidj/pages/...=2003&issue=03000&article=00005&type=abstract (2003) // diarrhea

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
The signature simply reminds the denialists of homeopathy medicine that it is scientific and its benefits are real

But as Angela has said, the sentence doesn't make sense.

Also you have not answered my question:

"In what way do the medical preferences of the British Royal Family have relevance?"

Why the appeal to authority?

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
Susan--I didnt worry too much about the alkalizing thing, yea several formulas...mainly immune modulators, in general not targeting one virus

at a time.
Gurgaon, India
But as Angela has said, the sentence doesn't make sense.

Also you have not answered my question:

"In what way do the medical preferences of the British Royal Family have relevance?"

Why the appeal to authority?

The relevance is for those who is using homeopathy medicines. They have exercise their choice to use homeopathy. It's no relevance for those not using homeopathy.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
The relevance is for those who is using homeopathy medicines. They have exercise their choice to use homeopathy. It's no relevance for those not using homeopathy.

What relevance to those using homeopathic preparations is the information that the British Royal family are users of homeopathy and homeopathic practitioners?

Why the appeal to authority?

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
The signature simply reminds the denialists of homeopathy medicine that it is scientific and its benefits are real

I note that on some other sites and forums and on Facebook you have used the quote:

"Real is scientific homeopathy. It cures even when Conventional Allopathic Medicine (CAM) fails. Evidence-based modern homeopathy is a nano-medicine bringing big results for everyone"

Note, please, Nancy, that I have not expressed any opinion on homeopathy.

What I have asked for is a clarification of what the phrase "Real is scientific homeopathy" in your sig means - elsewhere as "Real is scientific homeopathy. It cures even when Conventional Allopathic Medicine (CAM) fails. Nano doses of evidence-based modern homeopathy medicine brings big results for everyone" and "Real (Homeopathic) medicine cures even when Conventional Allopathic Medicine (CAM) fails".

And I have also questioned the relevance of citing a famous British user of homeopathic preparations.

You have now said that this has no relevance to non users of homeopathy.

Would you tell us, please, why you feel the need to appeal to authority by citing famous users of homeopathy and what relevance the opinions of the Royal Family (or any other famous person, for that matter) has for users of homeopathy.
Gurgaon, India
I note that on some other sites and forums and on Facebook you have used the quote:

"Real is scientific homeopathy. It cures even when Conventional Allopathic Medicine (CAM) fails. Evidence-based modern homeopathy is a nano-medicine bringing big results for everyone"

Note, please, Nancy, that I have not expressed any opinion on homeopathy.

What I have asked for is a clarification of what the phrase "Real is scientific homeopathy" in your sig means - elsewhere as "Real is scientific homeopathy. It cures even when Conventional Allopathic Medicine (CAM) fails. Nano doses of evidence-based modern homeopathy medicine brings big results for everyone" and "Real (Homeopathic) medicine cures even when Conventional Allopathic Medicine (CAM) fails".

And I have also questioned the relevance of citing a famous British user of homeopathic preparations.

You have now said that this has no relevance to non users of homeopathy.

Would you tell us, please, why you feel the need to appeal to authority by citing famous users of homeopathy and what relevance the opinions of the Royal Family (or any other famous person, for that matter) has for users of homeopathy.

Real is scientific homeopathy: homeopathy medicine is scientific and its benefits are real

It cures even when Conventional Allopathic Medicine fails: There have been instances where conventional medicine fails to bring cure to a condition or alleviate the symptoms whereas homeopathy has helped

Nano doses of evidence-based modern homeopathy medicine brings big results:
The dose in homeopathic medicine is extremely small compared to conventional medicine
Homeopathy is evidence-based medicine and has benefited millions
Gurgaon, India
If these support forums were to preclude anecdotal information and personal experiences, and only allow scientifically validated facts, it would be really quiet around here. I see nothing wrong with sharing anecdotal information as long as it's qualified as such.

Yes, it's common that one will experience a worsening of their usual symptoms with homeopathy. My limited understanding of homeopathy tells me that's precisely the idea.....to create a larger fire so that your own natural defenses have a better view of what needs to be done. Natural medicine is based on the premise of supporting our system to better heal itself. I have done lots of homeopathy, accupuncture, natural medicine work. We were mostly focused on detox....and it was very helpful, but like most interventions for this disease, it just wasn't enough. But I would certainly recommend natural medicine as a complimentary Tx.

Anecdotal evidence

Evidence of homeopathy is undeniably positive and consistent. It's a human evidence of experience, gathered from a real-world observation in a real-world setting and not in a laboratory, giving real-world solutions.


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
It's a fact not an appeal

But you haven't answered my question.

It is a fact that some members of the British Royal Family use homeopathic preparations.

What is the relevance of the fact that some members of the British Royal Family use homeopathic preparations?


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
This discussion is getting boring. It is a well known fact the Royal Family like homeopathy.......
I would deduce that they get relief from symptoms...........very simple fact......if you feel good you keep doing it I would say.