Homeopathy for Lyme / Autoimmune - C128 LD Nosodes Formula


I also have seen other first person reports that Deseret helps.
I'm in a bit of a down right now because of some unusual circumstances and one of my important medicines (allicin) being unavailable the last few weeks.
I wonder if homeopathics will work with my allicin. I vaguely recall peppermint and coffee not allowed. I hope garlic is allowed.

Sushi--that probably wasn't your constitutional if it didn't help. I've had various homeopaths announce my constitutional but it wasn't. Ive wondered if it was CHINA (cinchona).


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Sushi, Jenbooks,

I've had problems with my constitutional as well. It's worked beautifully in the past, but like so many other remedies it now stimulates me in a way I can't handle. Perhaps it's still able to have a positive effect on some levels, but the really palpable mood and cognitive improvement I've noticed in the past is being resisted it seems.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec

I've been having a bit of a hard time getting my hands on Deseret nosodes this last month. Deseret only supplies practitioners, but their products can supposedly be obtained through the link below. My package was apparently sent over two weeks ago but I've yet to receive it and there's no tracking. Maybe you can request it if you choose to order through these guys. Also the basic borrelia series is not available at the moment, and Deseret can't say when it will be.


I last reported I was disappointed to have not noticed any neuro-herx symptoms from taking the C 128. However I recently realized a clearer head after taking the babesia nosode from the same distributor (link below). I stopped taking it five days ago to see if I would revert back into the fog, and sure enough I did. So I'm going back on it tonight. Before I experienced the increased clarity I went through a few days of night sweats, fairly common I'm told with babesia. I believe it's a b. microti nosode, which is the most common co-infection in borreliosis. (I tested positive for b. duncani, so either it's working on this species, or I actually have both.) I've read some practitioners consider the co-infections like bartonella and babesia to be the more culpable in really sick patients. They seem to think it's a good idea to treat these first. I thought you might want to consider this remedy, Wayne, if you haven't already. I know you're quite ill with some tough neuro symptoms.


I can vouch for their bowel pathogen nosode too, as well as their viral.


Senior Member
Hey Wayne, we will see how long I hold up, but I have to say I do feel different, like some sort of dysfunction is correcting itself. I have been dealing with some very stressful issues recently and it's not knocking me down like it usually does. Of course, I am not going to take what gains I have made for granted. I am still monitoring myself.

I am hoping for the best for you Wayne and that you will see more recovery soon.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I recently put Chris (the man who has has been helping me navigate my Lyme homeopathy journey) in touch with another local man whose entire family has a Lyme diagnosis. Chris copied an e-mail to me (below in quotes) that he sent to this man. I asked Chris if he would mind me posting this e-mail here, and said he was totally fine with that.

Also, Chris just started working with another man with Lyme, and mentioned that his constitutional remedy was also alumina (the same as mine). Makes me wonder how many of us with Lyme might find alumina to be a good remedy, whether as a constitutional one, or as a temporary one.

Hi JP,

As someone that was almost killed off by lyme and now have been cured of it and have stayed that way for a couple of years I can tell you that there is only one way to ever be free of lyme and coinfections and that is homeopathy. I have researched this topic to the ends of the earth and and firm in my conclusion. I have helped people and some of them only took one week and 3 remedies.

It works on more of a quantum level and as such polymer films, cystic colonies, hiding out in the dentin in your teeth does not give the little bastards cover. After taking a few remedies I recovered brain and body function totally and then sent blood to spirostat labs in TX and verified that all of it was gone, myco, babesia, and all the other fun stuff. Back to hiking bug mountains and paddle boarding.

Every other treatment that people have tried does not work. Now I will say that a person can take Allimed (Allicin Extract from Garlic) LB formula from green dragon herbs, dipsacus or teasel and knock the levels way down even better than ABX but the ultimate cure is homeopathy. I am up to about 14 people that I have helped get their health and life back now. I have yet to find ONE person who have overcome this disease with any other approach.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I thought you might want to consider this remedy, Wayne, if you haven't already. I know you're quite ill with some tough neuro symptoms.

Hi Dufresne, Hi All,

Dufresne, thanks for thinking of me. I'll definitely keep this in mind as I move forward. You're right, I do deal with some tough neuro symptoms, and about a month ago or so, feel I experienced a couple of (mild) seizures. Interestingly, in both cases, it occurred in sort of the zone between wakefulness and sleep. Which makes a certain amount of sense, because making the transition from wakefulness to sleep is often a difficult one for me (in a way, almost painful).

Some good news: I took another dose of alumina a couple weeks ago, and after getting an aggrevation for 3-4 days, I came out of it and was able to do a bit of "spring cleaning" for a few days. Then two days ago, I took a "Tick Nosode 200c" remedy (stronger than an earlier tick nosode remedy), and feel like it's been very, very good. I've taken one nap, and two full night's sleep since then, and I awoke from each of them with a much greater sense of relaxation in my body. This morning in particular, I felt much more grounded. Which has me feeling as optimistic as I've felt since I started this all.

While I was talking to Chris about this yesterday, he reminded me what Lyme does to the immune system. Essentially, it shuts it down, and then "trains" it to work in harmony with the Lyme bacteria, in a sense "teaching" the immune system to ignore it. He related how his own CD57 test (measure of the immune system) had a reading of 35 before he recovered from Lyme, and that a normal CD57 test is 200-300.

This gave me some better insights into his own thinking. He seems to think that homeopathy is the only way to return the immune system to it's original homeostasis. Yes, you can beat down Lyme infection/bacterial levels with various methods, but until you change the way the immune system reacts to these infections, then success will generally be limited.



Senior Member
I've got my do-it-yourself hat on at the moment. I've got a 1999 western blot test that says I don't have lyme, but I also hear all over the place that lyme tests are unreliable. So what's your opinion of taking a lyme remedy to see if it provokes herx, as a diagnostic?

Also, one of my kids had lyme maybe 5 years ago (classic bulls eye) and was immediately treated with antibiotics. Do antibiotics cure lyme?

Finally, I don't have a good homeopath anywhere near me. Does your guy only work with lyme people?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
So what's your opinion of taking a lyme remedy to see if it provokes herx, as a diagnostic? ......... Also, one of my kids had lyme maybe 5 years ago (classic bulls eye) and was immediately treated with antibiotics. Do antibiotics cure lyme? ......... Finally, I don't have a good homeopath anywhere near me. Does your guy only work with lyme people?

Hi Madie,

Good to hear from you. :) I'm wearing down at the moment, but wanted to let you know that I'll try to remember to ask Chris about using a Lyme remedy as a diagnostic tool. My best sense is that he would say that it could.

Just yesterday, Chris mentioned that ABX can indeed be an effective tool to "cure" Lyme, but it needs to be done within the first four weeks or so of infection before the Lyme bacteria has a chance to morph and hide inside our bodies.

On your last point, I seem to remember asking Chris if he would be willing to work with anybody on this board who might be interested in his approach. As I remember, he said that he would. He's a generous guy, and is really interested in helping people recover from a disease which he feels almost cost him his life.

Warm Regards, Wayne


Senior Member
Yeah, it's good to see you active again, here!

My daughter was treated within days, so that's good.

Thanks for asking Chris for me! I would love to start working with him if we can figure out a way that's easy for him.




Senior Member

I`ve been working on nutritional deficiencies, that is, b2 and manganese which is the best place to start I believe and now want to start on homeopathy which I fully believe in from years back when I took a remedy for recurrent bladder infections and within one day was healed and it never came back. Recently it did though but I forget the name of the remedy. I believe that it has come back because my liver is releasing stored iron which has knocked my immune system down so I very much need to deal with that due to the cancer risk. Would you mind getting in touch with Chris for me please?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I've had a pretty rough last 3-4 days. This was after experiencing some pretty positive results for the first two days after my last remedy. Major cognitive stuff, more muscle, head and joint pain. I'm doing better today, and after talking with Chris today, am going forward with a new remedy called Aurum ARS 1m. He said it's a remedy that most people with Lyme would benefit from. I took it a few minutes ago, and for now am feeling a bit of a gentle "buzz". We'll see what happens.

Brenda, I mentioned to Chris he was getting some questions on this thread, and he's in the process of getting registered on this site. So I anticipate he'll be able to answer your questions relatively soon. Apparently, there's some kind of approval process in place at this time. Makes me wonder if I got grandfathered in from way back in 2009; before they realized what a rascal I am. :)



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Just a quick update. I have quite a difficult morning at this time. It's possible that it may be from the latest Aurum ARS 1m remedy I took. But it also may be a a result of a large amount of pesticide/herbicide sprayed on the property next door. Brain feels extremely scattered this morning. Sort of feels like I'm hanging on by a thread.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hey Madie, Jenbooks, Dreambirdie, :hug:

Thanks so much for your well wishes. I'm finding I can feel relatively OK as long as I don't move much and move very slowly if I do. So, looks like easy to watch movies may be a staple in my daily life for a while.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Wayne you should get to a hospital immediately for an antidote

Hi Brenda, Hi All,

Brenda, thanks for providing this link and thinking of me. I felt myself stabilizing by the time I read it, and so didn't feel an urgency to go to the hospital. I've dealt with many different kinds of chemical exposure situations in the past, and I'm currently feeling I'm over the worst of things. This is quite a relief, as I've at times gone into a major down cycle for weeks at a time when dealing with this kind of stuff.

Regarding my current Lyme treatment: I've created a bit of a new regimen for myself, taking fairly large amounts of Olive Leaf powder and some mushroom powders, along with some minimal amounts of MMS (chlorine dioxide). Since starting the homeopathy for Lyme, I've been intent on not mixing other therapies with it. But I've been noticing a pretty strong nudge for the past several weeks to add to this.

I think the mushroom powders should support my immune function which I believe the homeopathy will stimulate and reorient, and I believe the MMS has the potential to dissolve various Lyme bacteria cysts and biofilms (and perhaps much more). If I'm correct about these assumptions, I think they could be important adjuncts to the homeopathy. My plan is to go with this for a few days to get a better feel for things, and then start back up on the Rife frequencies again.



Hobbling to perfection....
HI Wayne and everyone else. I just signed up today to participate in this discussion! I have been staying in NC for the last two months and had repeated tick incidences (multiple kinds of ticks) and now I have deep bone pains, fevers, nausea, cramping, etc. I took antibiotics for 7 days and then for about 21 but with only temporary amelioration of the symptoms. I have been ill, for the most part, for 17 years but before this particular incident - I was doing really well! I seem to have gotten really sick, really fast, unfortunately.

Anyway, I am interested in talking to Chris, re homeopathy, if he is open to this. I also studied homeopathy for 2 of 4 years in school (not with other subjects - only classical homeopathy) and would be willing to share what I have learned as long as it is understood I am not a practicing homeopath and many things are adapting and changing since I studied 10 years ago. The two years I did covered the philosophy, health and general remedy pictures. The following 2 years were case-taking under supervision but I was too sick to continue and there was no way to practice. I was diagnosed with "sever chronic fatigue" having spent years in bed but this, for the most part, has passed. I still have immunity problems and I am super sensitive to everything after being poisoned by pesticides. One of the root causes of my illness was lead poisoning which was so high - I maxed out the reading. And with this = my organs wouldn't function when I was around toxins. It got really bad. I don't know how I survived really.

Since treatments and lifestyle changes, I have made an incredible recovery. I almost felt normal a few months ago. But now I have this to solve. Ugh.

I still have a passion for homeopathy and believe in it very strongly. I have seen miracles as well as experienced them myself. I have had great remedies that changed me back to who I was in some ways and ones that caused suffering for me (proving them). It is not easy, sometimes, to find the right constitutional and many things may also lead you to believe your constitutional is not your right remedy. Having a good practitioner and patience is the key to homeopathy for chronic problems. For acutes - man they're fast. I have had remedies work instantaneously on issues. Once some one I knew burned himself and I gave him a remedy - don't know why - I usually don't prescribe and only if the issue is not passing out naturally - but the pain stopped within seconds after taking the remedy and it didn't bother him again.

I wanted to mention I am using bentonite clay currently (i muscle tested positive for it) - it seems to be working on some level but I am going to start herbs as soon as I can to arrest the joint damage. The pains are really deep and I can't sleep with I have them. Nothing works. I have to pace when they hit and it lasts for many hours. And my joints are changed after each incident.

I don't want to take to the focus off you, wayne, but I would love to jump into this conversation and perhaps talk to chris if he is open. I will also start reviewing personal remedies for myself but honestly - I prefer to work with someone more objective about me than me :).

Thanks so much and I hope you're doing well.