Homeopathy for Lyme / Autoimmune - C128 LD Nosodes Formula

Is there any way I can contact Chris? My daughter has such sever Chronic Lyme and we want to try the alyme Nosode but need guidance. Thank you!


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Is there any way I can contact Chris? My daughter has such sever Chronic Lyme and we want to try the alyme Nosode but need guidance. Thank you!

Hi @Nels1,

Sorry to hear how ill your daughter is. Unfortunately, Chris has decided not to try to work with people online anymore. I can't recall exactly why, but I think some of the communications that were started with him made him believe there were just too many obstacles for it to work.

You may want to consider trying to find a homeopathic practitioner close to you that might be able to help. You also might want to consider checking out some of the Lyme books written by Bryan Rosner. He has tried literally every lyme treatment you can think of, and is most recently finding great results from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Here's a link to his website:


I'm not sure if you need to be a member to access this link or not. If you need assistance trying to connect with his website and bookstore, let me know, and I'd be happy to assist.

In my own Lyme treatment quest, it now appears to me that HBOT might be about the best option. Unfortunately, it costs a bunch of money that I just don't have--several thousand dollars. Below is a compilation of posts I made by a woman who used HBOT to cure herself of Lyme after many long and difficult years. It's quite a powerful Lyme/HBOT testimonial which you could likely check out further on her online website. I'll do a quick search after I post this and see if I can find a link to it.

Good luck trying to find a treatment(s) that works effectively for your daughter. Most treatments seem to be fairly long and arduous. According to Chris, homeopathy was a major shortcut for him and many others he's counseled locally. Unfortunately, I feel it only gave me marginal benefits. -- We're all so different.

All the Best, Wayne

I've been doing a fair amount of cutting and pasting of online posts by a woman who had very severe Lyme (and co-infections) and was able to recover completely using "Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy" (mHBOT).

Below is part of her story. Contains lots of information on how mHBOT can be (and apparently is) very effective for many other health conditions as well. I anticipate continuing to do extensive reading on this subject. Her story is fairly long, but for me, quite compelling.

Subject: HBOT - My Odyssey

If you were to take a snapshot of my existence during the summer of 2004, depending on your lot in life, you might have wanted to jump right into the picture. I was an active, healthy 42 year old, happily married, with good friends, financially stable, owned a self-designed home with a spectacular view of the 9,000 ft. Santa Catalina mountains in southern Arizona, with access to thousands of acres of trails out my back door. I had a reliable horse, 2 beloved dogs, a summer cabin that I had just purchased in Colorado, and a part-time job that I loved, as a State Park Ranger specializing in environmental education programs with kids. This job fulfilled my desire to continue teaching (I held a master’s degree in education, and had previously worked with children with blindness and visual impairments for years), while nurturing my soul with my true passion: nature and the outdoors.

Life was good. Did I have “issues”? Sure, but not any more than anyone else. Did I question what I was doing on the planet? Yes…doesn’t everyone? Did I see what was coming? Not in a million years. Nothing could have prepared me for the next 8+ years of living hell I was about to experience on a daily basis. “Blindsided” is an understatement. I was facing not only the loss of my life, but the loss of my soul.

I was infected in 2004 while vacationing on Block Island, Rhode Island, when a nymph tick lodged itself under the band of my diving watch (which faithfully stayed on my wrist, through showers and swims), and was effectively secured in place for two weeks where, unbeknownst to me, it proceeded to dump its infectious contents into my blood stream. Upon returning back home to Arizona, I woke up one morning with a feeling that my watchband was too tight…and when I removed it, underneath I found a tiny, period-sized black dot centered within a loosely ringed discoloration, which I thought resembled a brown recluse spider bite…a common poisonous desert dwelling spider which causes an ulcerated (and possibly necrotic) lesion. (The obvious nagging feature of that theory being…how could a spider of that size ever have gotten under my watchband in the first place?)

Of course, that was not the epicenter of a brown recluse spider bite at all…but a nymph tick that I was seeing…surrounded by a bulls-eye rash (erythema migrans). Naturally, I didn’t realize this at the time; in fact, I wouldn’t put it together until over a year later…when, for me, the window of opportunity for effective antibiotic treatment for Neurological Lyme Disease was long slammed shut, and I was already in Very Serious Trouble. Little did I know, that by the time I discovered that mysterious black dot, the spirochetes had already entered my brain and nervous system, and in two short months, my world would begin spiraling out of control.

What happened over the next decade could fill a book (and maybe I will get to that one day, although I can’t imagine who would want to read it). Maybe it would appeal to hard-core “horror” or “sci-fi” aficionados…but it would be more appropriately classified as a story of survival. Not just day-by-day, or even minute-by-minute…but literally a second-by-second battle of will to stay on the planet. It gave “living in the moment” a whole new meaning.

My odyssey began with misdiagnosis by many MDs and Naturopathic doctors for 1-1/2 years, many of whom claimed it was “all in my head”, which delayed early treatment and ultimately resulted in a case of severe Neurological Lyme Disease with co-infections including (but not limited to) Babesia and Bartonella, that dragged on for over 8 years. I was considered an “antibiotic failure” and eventually dropped by the medical profession (including Lyme doctors), and was so ill I became housebound for over 5 years straight. Had it not been for an open minded Integrative Medicine Family Practice physician who agreed to re-test me for Lyme with more sensitive measures, I may never have been properly diagnosed.

My symptoms were extreme and relentless; too many to list here, but included 24/7 searing nerve pain over my entire body, causing me to pace day and night, shut the windows and scream into a pillow for hours, severe oversensitivity to normal stimuli (i.e., light, sound, touch smell, taste, motion, etc.) which kept me in complete seclusion (I allowed no visitors for 5 years), continual maddening sensations of wanting to crawl out of my skin, cognitive impairment (e.g., sorting silverware was like solving a Rubik’s cube, and I could no longer discern the washing machine from the dryer or remember which corner of an envelope to place a stamp), a constant feeling of deep “rawness” which was like wearing my unsheathed nerves on the outside of my body, and irritability rivaling that of a rabid dog.

This was just the tip of the iceberg. I was eventually told, even by LLMD’s (Lyme Literate Medical Doctors) that there was nothing more that could be done for me (I had tried many, many protocols, including 9 months of intravenous antibiotics through a picc line without experiencing any improvement whatsoever; just a continual spiral downward).

I eventually became so toxic and environmentally sensitized that I could do no formal treatments other than Classical Homeopathy (via a compassionate doctor who’s valiant efforts kept me on the planet) for up to 5 years before starting mHBOT (Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment) with supplemental oxygen (I bought my own chamber and self-treated at home, 1 hour daily). I now have my life back fully, med-free…working again, running (I had been a runner for 17 years, pre-Lyme), traveling, etc. It has been a miraculous recovery, thanks to mHBOT (along with meticulous diet, and gradually increasing exercise).

I believe success with mHBOT depends on the frequency and consistency of use. Many people say they “tried hyperbaric, but it didn’t work”, but if you query them, inevitably, they didn’t do it consistently or frequently enough, or for a long enough duration. In my observation and experience, you must be fully committed to this treatment to have success.

In fact, I nearly made the fatal mistake of returning my chamber after 40 consecutive “dives”, not feeling any overt improvement at that point. Fortunately, I was talked into continuing treatment by an experienced and successful mHBOT user, and felt the first “shift” (not necessarily improvement) after about 2 months of daily use. It was a rocky, 2-step-forward, 1-step-back road to recovery, but after several more months, although I was not completely well, I was functioning again, and after 1-1/2 years, I was “back”…

Now, a few years from the beginning of treatment, I am still experiencing benefits from ongoing, but less frequent use of the chamber…and truly have my life back…very active again, no medications, no restrictions. I have ceased to be living under the shadow of Lyme Disease, and consider myself well.

I’m living proof that mHBOT works…and it has become my personal mission to “pay it forward” through the Free Radicals Hyperbaric Project, by increasing awareness and education regarding this often misunderstood and underutilized healing modality, and offering creative and alternative ways to make this option more accessible and affordable.

I had the litany of chronic viruses/conditions that rear their ugly heads when one's immune system is compromised, including high EB, HHV6, mycoplasma titers, etc.

I also had severe dysbiosis and inflammation of the gut...and gastritis, with lots of undesirable microbes showing up in samples. Some tests suggested parasites, but I'm not sure how accurate they were. It is probably safe to assume that in the condition my immune system was in, I was a "host" to just about anything that cared to take up residence.

Although I didn't have specific testing on heavy metals, I suspect I have high mercury levels because I have had many fillings since childhood.

At some point, I stopped testing for things, as it was always bad news, and there was really nothing I could do about the worsening results, as I couldn't tolerate treatments, supplements, medications, or procedures anymore...(none of which had helped me previously anyway).

My opinion is that many of these viruses, parasites, and toxic conditions are coexisting in our bodies all the time...and when we are "well", our functioning immune system is able to keep things in balance. However, since we live in a very toxic environment...our toxic load may be high to begin with, putting stress on the system just by our everyday living habits. Then, when something, like Lyme, tips the scales over the edge, the immune system can't keep up, and then, like a dam breaking loose, all of the other undesirables have a chance to flourish...

So...what do we do? We usually keep trying to kill the bugs and relieve symptoms...by ingesting MORE toxic substances, ignoring the fact that our immune and other body systems need nourishment, support and repair and a reduction of toxins to be able to gain the upper hand again...or how could any state of health be attained or maintained?

The beauty of hyperbaric is that it does both...it creates an environment that is toxic to the undesirables, but restorative to the system...

It is also just as important, in my opinion, to combine consistent hyperbaric with a gut/nerve healing/rebuilding diet, and to start gentle movement/exercise and increasing as able, to help help move energy through the body. In other words, bringing the good stuff in, and helping the undesirable stuff to come out gently but effectively, as the body can handle it. These 3 things take commitment and patience...as results may not be felt immediately, even if the process is improving things below the surface...


Thank YOU, for the feedback, lemongirl...knowing that I might be helping somebody keeps me checking the forums...

I don't believe I went through 8 years of hell and was given my life back to just go on my merry way (although it has crossed my mind to run and never look back :) ...I believe I was granted wellness for a reason, and with that gift goes a responsibility to share my experience in hopes it will be of benefit (it is actually very rewarding)...

Yes, I had severe depersonalization and derealization also...nothing was familiar anymore, everything was distorted perceptually, and it felt like I was perpetually trapped between panes of foggy glass. It was an extremely disturbing way to try to exist, and was only a fraction of what I was experiencing at the time.

All of those symptoms have disappeared completely.

I believe that ultimately, whether or not I had mold toxicity in addition to Lyme and co-infections is a moot point, as hyperbaric treats the common denominators of many illnesses, including "toxic encephalopathies". That is the beauty of it...

In other words, hyperbaric treats hypoperfusion, inflammation, immune dysfunction, supports detoxification, improves mitochondrial function, destroys pathogens, heals neural tissue, promotes angiogenesis, releases stem cells (shall I go on?)...issues common to many diseases...this is why it is so effective for complex conditions involving multiple systems.

Regarding diet...I feel it is a crucial part of recovery and lifestyle...(along with hyperbaric and gradually increasing movement/exercise). When I was really ill, I had so many sensitivities, and my gut was so compromised, I was only able to tolerate about 5 foods for several years. I believe that bone broths were crucial in keeping me alive, and I continue to make and freeze soup made with bone broth and eat it frequently...almost daily. I do not eat gluten, and avoid most grains, but will eat quinoa, for example, on occasion. I eat lots of good protein and fats, grass fed beef, oily fish, eggs avocados, leafy vegetables, fruits, goat's milk dairy in moderation, etc. I recommend whole foods, nothing pre-prepared, NO microwave (destroys enzymes and nutrients)...


I believe that one needs to get out of the mind set of "chasing bugs"...(because there are ALWAYS bugs!)...and instead focus on what will assist the immune system in gaining the upper hand...once the immune system is in charge again, many of these pathogens become a "non-issue"...

It took about 60 consecutive sessions to notice a change (not necessarily an improvement), and it was 2 steps forward, 1 back from there, but always moving in the right direction.

I thought I was well after the 1st year...but I have continued to make improvements since. I am now up to just over 2 years; about 750 dives.

I recently was without my chamber for 5 weeks due to a repair issue with the compressor (the repair didn't take that long; the shipping company dropped it on the return trip and it had to be re-repaired). The good news is that I had no feelings of regression whatsoever. I was actually traveling at the time and felt totally fine.

That said, would I voluntarily quit the chamber? The answer is "no"...because of the incredible health benefits above and beyond what it does for Lyme. Knowing what I know now about hyperbaric, I would own an use a chamber regularly regardless of whether I had Lyme or not...

It is also important to invest in a concentrator that will work properly with a hyperbaric chamber...I have more information/resources for this (and chambers options, etc.) if you'd like. -- Oxygen concentrators are sold separately from chambers, and you will need a doctor's prescription for purchasing both.

1.5 ATA and under is considered "mild" hyperbaric. This is the pressure that much research has been done on neurological issues, and found to be safer and more effective for many neurological and chronic conditions (See Dr. Harch's research/book/website: hbot.com ).

The neurologist that I am familiar with who runs a hyperbaric clinic says the difference between 1.5 ATA that is typically used in clinics, and 1.3 ATA reached by home chambers is negligible.

Higher pressures can be toxic for some people, and can actually result in regression in some conditions. Research has shown that lower pressures are safer and more effective for many chronic neurological conditions, and more is not always better in these circumstances.

Please read this article by Dr. Paul Harch, which illustrates this point:


It is a relatively small compressor, and if working properly, not as loud as the larger ones you may be used to hearing.

If necessary, you could place it in a room without walls that are shared with neighboring tenants, close doors, and/or place sound-dampeners (like pillows, blankets, etc. around the compressor (but definitely far enough away so they wouldn't impede air flow)...

The Oxygen concentrator also makes noise, but it is quieter than the compressor.
If you read this entire thread, you know that I had one of the most severe cases of neurolyme that LLMD's had seen...and was deemed an "antibiotic failure" and left for dead...but I have my life back completely...with NO adjunctive therapies (other than homeopathy prior to starting mHBOT), restrictions, or medications...I consider myself "cured" thanks to mHBOT...
In terms of "recrudescence" or "suppression"...consider the study done by Texas A&M on 91 subjects with CDC positive Lyme treated with HBOT. 84.8% showed "significant improvement", and after discontinuation of treatment, "many subjects continued to show improvement for up to 8 months. Follow up, from 6 years to 6 weeks, showed that the benefit was sustained in approximately 70% of patients..." (from the Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine, K.K. Jain).

Remember also, that it's not just about killing spirochetes (which oxygen does...see "Fife" study, for example), of equal importance is that strengthens and normalizes the immune response, which is 100% necessary to become well and stay well...


You need an oxygen concentrator that has enough PSI that can handle the backpressure from the chamber.

The unit that I prefer has 20 PSI (pounds per square inch), and 10 LPM (liters per minute) oxygen flow. The oxygen purity is +-93%.

20 PSI is a little higher PSI than you actually need for use with a home chamber (which is pressurized to 1.3 ATA, 4.2 PSI), but there will be less stress on the concentrator over time and it will last longer...

I have a resource for the Airsep 20LPM 10PSI (OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR) that is $1350 new, which is the best price I have found.

I also can get a discount on new/used chambers from the manufacturer...part of which I pass on to the buyer, the other part is kept on account toward chambers to be placed in the community for qualifying people that can't afford treatment (I take no personal "cut")...

Full masks deliver more oxygen than the nose prongs.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Is there any way I can contact Chris? My daughter has such sever Chronic Lyme and we want to try the alyme Nosode but need guidance. Thank you!

I'm pretty sure homeopathy is not the solution to chronic Lyme. And this is coming from someone that is utterly convinced there's something to homeopathy. I've played around with all sorts of nosodes, and while I could feel the effect of some there was no sustained improvement. I also tried nosodes via biophoton, similar to what Dr Woitzel in Germany practices, with essentially the same dwindling results as simple pathogen nosode therapy.

Even some of the LLMD's who are not opposed to homeopathy, Drs Klinghardt and Horowitz, don't suggest it as a viable treatment on its own.

That said, nosodes can fairly easily be ordered online and you can experiment with them yourself.


Senior Member
In my own Lyme treatment quest, it now appears to me that HBOT might be about the best option. Unfortunately, it costs a bunch of money that I just don't have--several thousand dollars.

You may be interested in my speculation in this post that just breathing pure 100% oxygen from a $300 oxygen concentrator machine may be almost as effective as using a soft (mild) hyperbaric chamber, which cost around $6000.

If I am right, this would make such therapy far more accessible.

Below is a compilation of posts I made by a woman who used HBOT to cure herself of Lyme after many long and difficult years.

Coincidentally, I think that same account of HBOT curing Lyme was posted in this recent thread.
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