Homeopathy for Lyme / Autoimmune - C128 LD Nosodes Formula


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Slight Mid-Course Correction - Back to the C128 LD Nosodes Formula

My fluctuating up and down cycles are very largely influenced by my taking FIR saunas.

This past Tuesday, I did a sauna and instead of feeling better, my headaches actually became a bit worse. So I did a sauna a second day in a row, something I seldom do, thinking it might alleviate my headaches. Instead, they became a quite a bit worse for the next 12 hours or so (quite piercing).

I talked with Chris about this, and he suggested I go back to the C128 LD Nosodes Formula I started out with, and use the spray every few days or so. He felt this would help support and fortify the whole process I'm going through. I did a single spray on Wednesday morning, and for the rest of the day had a bit of a "buzzy" feeling, and did a bit more activity than I usually do. But I crashed hard the following two days, reaching a low level of wondering "how much more of this misery can I take?" Today I'm feeling better, but still feeling a bit wrung out.


I had been under the impression that Chris had been able to improve dramatically in his first week of doing these Lyme remedies, and that he was completely well within a month. He told me this past week that he felt like he had turned some major corners in the first month, but that he didn't feel he was completely well for probably at least three months, a time when he felt his entire endocrine system came back on line.

He had been supplementing with various amounts of thyroid, cortisol and testosterone, and after three months, suddenly noticed how this supplementation had led to much higher than normal levels in his body. I've only supplemented with cortisol (Cortef), and am now thinking that my transition to wellness may depend a lot on how well, or how long it takes my own endocrine system to come back on line. It could be three months (as in Chris's case), or it could take longer, perhaps because my body is not being supported with hormone supplementation while I go through the healing process.

So I'm resigning myself to a bit longer homeopathic healing journey than I had originally hoped might be possible. Yesterday I was wondering if I could go on for another few months of this. Today I'm feeling like I can, although it's sometimes hard to be optimistic when feeling so miserable.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
How about multiple Antibiotics? have you ever tried the ABX route for lyme? ...... However, I can't tolerate the oral ABX anymore(jacked up gut, unrelated to abx), so I would need ABX IV I guess. ------ How did you choose the natural route over the heavy antibiotics artillary?

Hi Mark,

I've never tried antibiotics because of how problematic I've read they can be. I haven't totally discounted that I will use them at some point, but the research I've done and my familiarity with my own body tells me ABX could easily do more harm than good.

I initially thought I would focus almost exclusively on a Rife frequency approach for at least a couple of years, but this homeopathic approach sort of showed up in a most unexpected way. I consider it a real blessing to have met someone who has "cured" himself of Lyme, and is enthusiastic about helping others do the same.

Of course, I still don't know where this is all going to take me, but if the homeopathy doesn't get me to full wellness, I will likely begin to slowly incorporate some of the principles of using Rife frequencies. When I look at various time frame scenarios, it's hard for me to envision seriously exploring ABX for at least a couple of years or so. I'm hoping I'll be recovered from Lyme so that this never becomes necessary.

So then the question I consider is: What if I reach a point where I feel I've completely eradicated my Lyme bacteria infections, and I'm still very ill with CFS? I don't like to think about it, but it would indicate that I was dealing with Lyme and CFS. I certainly hope that's not the case, but the only way to find out is to plod along and see how it all plays out.


P.S. I loved your response about Mr. Wilson on Athene's thread. LOL
Glad you got a good laugh! Wasn't sure if it was going to be another "foot in mouth" moment or not.

I just ordered some Byron White formulas "A bart", and "A-bab". Those are supposed to be for lyme. Will see what happens. I spoke with somebody who is seeing a popular lyme doctor in the bay area. He is using those on his patients that can't tolerate? or don't want to take the ABX.

That same Doc is using resveratrol in addition. I take the vitacost brand and it seems to do something so far, only tried two bottles so probably too early to know for sure.

Good luck.



A shadow of my former self
I just ordered some Byron White formulas "A bart", and "A-bab". Those are supposed to be for lyme. Will see what happens. I spoke with somebody who is seeing a popular lyme doctor in the bay area. He is using those on his patients that can't tolerate? or don't want to take the ABX.
I took both of those when I was being seen in the office where Byron White works, and did not fare well on either, though I did detect a mild positive reaction to a 10 step Lyme homeopathic remedy administered before those. Each dose was in it's own little brown glass vial and they were all liquid, as opposed to pellets or tablets.

I also saw a homeopath early on in my illness (early 80s) but that was also unfruitful. Those were probably constitutional remedies, since no one knew anything of CFS or Lyme back then.


Senior Member

I have been reading about your rife experiences and this thread with interest.

I am not doing so good, my rife device has not given me many herxes and there was a time whenIcould not use it due to my housing situation ie returning to my home country which has seriously set me back. I would like to try homeopathy though.

Has the guy who is helping you helped many others ie how experienced is he?

best wishes

ok I read the thead again and see he has helped others.


Wayne, thanks for continuing to update us.

For a long while I lurked on an interesting yahoo group of homeopaths, called minitus. It was always fascinating to see a homeopath post a question about a case, and to get the different answers. The problem with finding a constitutional remedy is just that--finding the right one. Whoever takes the case, has selective perception. I have been prescribed nitric acid (sp?), carcinosum, and something else that I forget--all as constitutionals, and none were.

For a long while I felt my constitutional would be China...and I even got the LM potencies, as I had an instinct about 5LM. But I was in a toxic mold place then and I'm kind of glad I didn't take it. I still feel drawn to China.

Sometimes I think we could find our own remedy. I will have some challenges facing me, and recently when we came to our favorite Florida campground in the national forest, the electric sites were full. So I pitched my tent in a huge water-only site, and not many people were around there. My partner had work to do and so he went off to sit on the benches behind the bathroom where there were plugs for his computer, and when he finally finished in the wee hours, went to sleep in his car, as we knew would be able to move to an electric site the next day.

I felt more in nature than usual--and I was. I slept well, and I thought to myself, that I should just go into nature, get myself the brunton solar panel and charger I've been meaning to get, that would power my freezer and/or computer, in clement weather so I don't need a space heater, and spend a few days alone, and see what comes to me.

We might have answers within...I remember in NY one time, I ate something that stuck in my throat on the way down, maybe a fish bone or chicken bone or something, and scratched it and it bothered me. And I was lying there and "staphysagria" comes to me. So I go to my box of remedies and take staphysagria 30c after looking it up, and finding out it's the correct remedy for this problem. 24 hours later, I noticed I was salivating profusely, I had to keep swallowing. I'd forgotten about the irritated scratched place in my throat though. Suddenly I realized the remedy was doing it's thing--and that the excess saliva was healing my scratched throat.


Senior Member
Hi Mark,
I initially thought I would focus almost exclusively on a Rife frequency approach for at least a couple of years, but this homeopathic approach sort of showed up in a most unexpected way. I consider it a real blessing to have met someone who has "cured" himself of Lyme, and is enthusiastic about helping others do the same.

Hi Wayne,
say you were a general and were going to war against a formidable enemy. How would you approach it?
Would you try your pistols first and then if they did not work later try your heavy guns or artillery, and if that also did not work then try may be your bombers a bit further down the line, etc.? Would your enemy kindly wait for you, whilst you wait to deploy this or that counter measure?
Or would you rather line up all the best you can get your hands on and go after your enemy in a coordinated fashion.

The first time I was exposed to Borrelia it didn't do much to me. I was young, healthy, fit etc but after twenty years or so it caught up with me. It lies there in wait, and waits for an opportunity and when it senses weakness in the host it surely comes out in force.
I don't think any individual treatment can get rid of it, antibiotics or other, the best chances I think are with a package of measures and hit it from every possible angle.
Of course there are successful individual stories on any particular treatment, like the one you mentioned, but how many are so lucky? how many have tried the same route without much success?
All the best


work in progress
N. California
The problem with finding a constitutional remedy is just that--finding the right one. Whoever takes the case, has selective perception. I have been prescribed nitric acid (sp?), carcinosum, and something else that I forget--all as constitutionals, and none were.

Back in the late 80's and mid 90's, I consulted with three different homeopaths. They each suggested 3 or 4 different constitutionals for me, and none of them had any effect. I pretty much wrote off homeopathy at that point, and decided to stick with TCM, with which I had consistently better results.

Then later in the '90s's, I fell in a gopher hole and twisted my ankle. An acupuncturist friend of mine, who uses homeopathy on her horse and is very enthusiastic about it, suggested I take some arnica. I rolled my eyes, but agreed, figuring it wouldn't hurt, and at least I could get her to stop bugging me about it. I was rather shocked that it actually worked... :eek: and very quickly! I went from limping in pain one minute, to being able to stand up and put pressure on my ankle all in a very short time. There have been other injuries I've had since then for which I have used arnica, but with very mixed results. Why it worked so well the first time, and in varying degrees from that point on, is confusing to me, as is the unpredictability of homeopathy in general.

Sometimes I think we could find our own remedy.

How would anyone even go about this? Where would you start?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Being the Tortoise

Say you were a general and were going to war against a formidable enemy. How would you approach it? Would you try your pistols first and then if they did not work later try your heavy guns or artillery, and if that also did not work then try may be your bombers a bit further down the line, etc.? Would your enemy kindly wait for you, whilst you wait to deploy this or that counter measure? Or would you rather line up all the best you can get your hands on and go after your enemy in a coordinated fashion.

Hi Baccarat,

Interesting analogy, and I have to say I can agree with much of what you say. I guess the first thing that comes to mind for me is the "terrain" on which this war is being waged. It's not a somewhat distant battlefield from where I am, it's inside my own body. So when I think about the heavy weaponry that is sometimes used in treating Lyme (Marshall protocol, various ABX for extended periods of times, etc.), it causes me a lot of concern about what this could do to my own internal environment, especially at my age (59).

Some of the stories I've read of people using some of these measures are really quite frightening. If I could use a slightly different analogy, I tend to think I'm taking the approach of a tortoise instead of a rabbit. It's not so important how fast I can get well, it's how thoroughly I'm able to address some of the fundamental aspects of having Lyme bacteria in my body for so long.

I don't think any individual treatment can get rid of it, antibiotics or other, the best chances I think are with a package of measures and hit it from every possible angle. Of course there are successful individual stories on any particular treatment, like the one you mentioned, but how many are so lucky? how many have tried the same route without much success?

Again, I can find a lot to agree with you on. What I consider frequently as I go forward with this homeopathy, is that Chris not only claims to have "cured" himself, but has helped roughly 13 out of 14 other people locally also get well. I will be talking to him soon and will ask him if these people got totally well, or if they just improved from where they had been.

Thanks much for your reply.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Wayne, thanks for continuing to update us. ...... Whoever takes the case, has selective perception. ......

I feel that was my experience the only time I went to a "professional" homeopath. She would barely let me answer her questions. And when she finally did come up with a remedy, I intuitively knew it was not the right one for me. It sort of reminds me of kinesiology or "muscle testing". A practitioner really has to get out of his or her own way for it to be effective.

I felt more in nature than usual--and I was. I slept well, and I thought to myself, that I should just go into nature, get myself the brunton solar panel and charger I've been meaning to get, that would power my freezer and/or computer, in clement weather so I don't need a space heater, and spend a few days alone, and see what comes to me.

Please let us know if you do this! I can't help but think that getting away from a lot of the pervasive EMFs/EMR in our environment would be tremendously helpful for many of us. If it would lead to the experiences you describe of feeling more in nature, and sleeping well, it would seem to be well worth the effort.

Sometimes I think we could find our own remedy. ...... We might have answers within...

I think you're right on these counts. We can (and should) "glean" what we can from others to help us find our own individual and unique answers. But in the end, we have to be the final arbiter of whether a certain avenue makes sense or not. Given that the results can go in either direction, I believe we should resolutely assume responsibility for the outcome of whatever we may decide to try (or not try).

Thanks for your thoughts and interest.

Best, Wayne


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Unpredictability of Homeopathy

I went from limping in pain one minute, to being able to stand up and put pressure on my ankle all in a very short time. There have been other injuries I've had since then for which I have used arnica, but with very mixed results. Why it worked so well the first time, and in varying degrees from that point on, is confusing to me, as is the unpredictability of homeopathy in general.

Hi Dreambirdie,

Thanks for sharing your story. I had a co-worker (many years ago) who had rheumatoid arthritis. When I offered a homeopathic gel for her to try on her particularly painful hand one day, it seemed she was "humoring" me by at least giving it a chance. Within a couple of seconds, her facial expression turned to one of almost complete shock, being utterly amazed by how the pain disappeared almost immediately upon contact with the gel.

Go figure. Another person might not get any benefit at all. But I think it behooves all of us to always follow our own instincts and intuition, because that's what will likely give us our best results. I'll be curious as to whether Jenbooks will share some of her perspective on finding our own remedies. Any tip(s) that helps me lean on my own intuition is what I always find valuable.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Better Sleep - Adding St. John's Wort Tincture

Amidst all the different things I've experienced since starting on these homeopathic Lyme remedies, with all it's ups and downs and shifting in different directions (which is sometimes hard to keep track of on a day to day and week to week basis), one thing I've consistently noticed is that my sleep has been somewhat improved. 8, 9 and even 10 hour sleeps are fairly common now, and it feels like a real blessing, given how challenging this has sometimes been.

Also, I'm injecting a new element into my current protocol by starting to take St. John's Wort tincture again. I wildcrafted some several years ago, and still have a couple of gallons in storage (that's a lot!). Today is the third day of taking a single dropperful, and I'm feeling it's going to be a good adjunct for me. The tincture is a very deep purple color, which indicates it's chock full of OPCs, a very powerful antioxidant.

This makes it not only good for calming the nervous system, but for addressing toxicity as well, especially in the brain. Some people speculate that the efficacy of St. John's Wort has nothing to do with changing brain and/or neurotransmitter chemistry, but is effective because of it's remarkable ability to detoxify the brain. If so, this would seem to be a similar modus operandi to how lithium helps with various kinds of brain issues, such as depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, etc.

I have been reading about your rife experiences and this thread with interest.

I am not doing so good, my rife device has not given me many herxes and there was a time when I could not use it due to my housing situation ie returning to my home country which has seriously set me back. I would like to try homeopathy though.

Hi Brenda,

Thanks for your interest. I'm sorry to hear you're going through such a rough time. Perhaps when things settle down a bit, you can gently get started on doing some homeopathy that will be helpful for you. Keep Chris in mind. He's offered to work with anybody on this board who might be interested in assistance with their own homeopathic journey.

Best Regards, Wayne


I will let you know. I still wonder about China...but maybe I wouldn't take 5LM now. As I think about it, something in me says 1LM. But I've had this idea that to do the remedy, or to do light therapy with my PE1, I would need a more stable situation.

I will look up that solar panel and the charger or battery or whatever it was that was recommended to me and has no odor. That's what I need to go more into a primitive area of the forest, (rather than the water and electric sites where there are lots of RV's) because I need to power my Engel freezer, and my computer. Guess I can't use my space heater no matter what though, as that uses 1200 watts!


Senior Member
Interesting thread Wayne, keep posting.
I have not had much success with homeopathy. I tried it a few times with different practitioners but no results so far. But It's always comforting to read of somebody who's found a way.

Chris not only claims to have "cured" himself, but has helped roughly 13 out of 14 other people locally also get well. I will be talking to him soon and will ask him if these people got totally well, or if they just improved from where they had been.
That's a pretty good rate!

But I think it behooves all of us to always follow our own instincts and intuition, because that's what will likely give us our best results.
I think the opposite about instincts and intuition, merely speaking out of personal experience. I noticed that, although I don't suffer from brain fog or other related symptoms, I don;t seem to be able to rely on my intuition.
According to Dr Schaller, Lyme patients (and CFS also I'd think) have a lot of inflammation in their brains which leads to poor or irrational decision making.
Klinghardt says something similar but using different concepts, like the pathogens can somehow influence our thoughts and behaviours leading us to cherry pick the least effective treatments. He also says that chronic illnesses have a kind of "energy" that tends to perpetuate the illness, as if it were a "living thing", which makes difficult to break free from it. I find some truth in that, weird as it may seem.

All the best.


Xrunner, the pathogens can indeed affect brain function, mood, and more. They won't cause you to cherry pick the least effective interventions, though. If you notice more irrational anxiety, depression, morbid thoughts, agitation, that kind of thing, it can be from the pathogens. Given that spirochetes have been found wrapped around nerves, and can burrow into tissue, causing inflammation and degradation, we are more susceptible to toxins in the environment, especially molds, and EMF. I was living in a place with toxic molds after 3 serious floods and 8 significant leaks in a two year period; this "afflicted" my brain, so that I was deeply depressed in an overwhelming way, along with myriad physical symptoms. I can now recognize a place with stachy/toxic molds, particularly stachy, in a matter of seconds. I walk in and out, because my mood is instantly changed. In addition, a soup of toxic molds that doesn't contain stachy but contains, say, aspoergillus, can cause fairly significant depression if I stay in the place overnight. I can remind myself it's the mold talking...now I know that.

However, an intuition that comes suddenly and seemingly irrationally, such as "staphysagria" or "China"...without attendant roiling emotions, is more likely from the part of you that has a knowingness. I was saying that in nature without any interference from civildevastation, even the water/electric sites and RV's, I might connect more easily and deeply with that knowingness. Try as you might, meditating in a suburb or ciy with tons of pollution, EMF, wifi, cell towers, background noise of traffic, is going to make it harder to access that. We stayed on a friend's 26 acres in WImberley Texas last October, and the cottage itself had the electric placed far away and 12 volt, because of a former resident's sensitivity. It was amazingly quiet and beyond relaxing.


work in progress
N. California
Hi Dreambirdie,

I think it behooves all of us to always follow our own instincts and intuition, because that's what will likely give us our best results. I'll be curious as to whether Jenbooks will share some of her perspective on finding our own remedies. Any tip(s) that helps me lean on my own intuition is what I always find valuable.


Hi Wayne--

I agree. I have much better luck when I trust my own instincts than when I trust someone else's "professional" opinion on my behalf. In fact, trusting other's opinions (especially those of MD's) has been mostly the kiss of death for me. It usually ends rather disastrously, in a long crash.

My intuition is a much safer option, though I have never used it for finding a homeopathic remedy, mostly because I have not been drawn in that direction.


work in progress
N. California
According to Dr Schaller, Lyme patients (and CFS also I'd think) have a lot of inflammation in their brains which leads to poor or irrational decision making.
Klinghardt says something similar but using different concepts, like the pathogens can somehow influence our thoughts and behaviours leading us to cherry pick the least effective treatments. He also says that chronic illnesses have a kind of "energy" that tends to perpetuate the illness, as if it were a "living thing", which makes difficult to break free from it. I find some truth in that, weird as it may seem.

Discerning the difference between the brain and the mind has been a very important part of the healing process for me. In order to survive this damn disease, I have had to learn how to distinguish between the two, which I will agree isn't always easy. BUT it is possible, and very necessary. Pathogens can definitely have an influence on our biochemistry and our brain, but that doesn't mean we have to surrender to being enslaved by their every whim. We do have some capacity for conscious decision making beyond them. And I wouldn't trust any doctor who tries to convince me otherwise. Anything that supports that bigger consciousness inside us needs our validation and acknowledgement. It is our ticket out of here.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Adjunctive Therapies to Homeopathy ?

I talked with Chris yesterday about possible adjunctive therapies to support the homeopathic protocol we're working on together. He mentioned he had heard some good things about Allimed, a concentrated allicin product (active antimicrobial ingredient in garlic). But he felt the homeopathic approach will eventually work without the necessity of additional measures. I did a quick search on Lyme and Allimed and came up with a pretty interesting testimonial (below). Baccarat, regarding your comment:

Or would you rather line up all the best you can get your hands on and go after your enemy in a coordinated fashion.

Makes me wonder if I should consider adding other measures such as Allimed (expensive), A-bart, A-bab, Zhang Herb Protocol, various kinds of Amazon herbs, doing a bit more Rife, etc. I guess a couple of reasons I lean against that is that I'm already experiencing about as much Herx as I can handle at any given time (physically and psychologically), and adding other therapies might keep me from distinguishing which ones are helping and which ones aren't.

Best, Wayne


Man has Lyme for 35 years, now has his life back!

Although I didnt know it at the time, and would not know it for 35 more years my battle with lyme disease began it seems, when I was just 16 years old.At that time I had persistent and extreme fevers with no apparent cause along with the fevers came joint pain, weight loss and a host of other symptoms that are consistent with lyme disease.

I suffered with these symptoms sporadically until my early twenties then seemed to have a period of good health that lasted until I was in my early 30s .Then the only way to describe what happened to me was I crashed totally. No energy, bedridden at times, joint pain that would affect some joints for a period of time then move to affect others , mental fog, various neurological disorders (some mimicking Parkinsons Disease), heart, the list goes on.I saw every type of doctor you could imagine from MDs to witch doctors only kidding about the witch doctor (they were too busy and couldnt get me in).No one could explain my symptoms this went on for twenty years with no apparent cause or explanation. To say it was challenging both physically and mentally is a gross understatement. We had really just about given up. I say we because this disease affects those around you as well as yourself.

Fortunately for me I had M. my wife who just would not quite give up. She had heard about a doctor from someone, so it was one more of what we had come to expect to be a wasted trip. But this time fortunately we were wrong just a few minutes into the appointment the doctor said sounds like lyme disease. I was tested cdc positive.

The enemy now had a name. What next? Looked at the options researched, researched, and researched some more. Tried all kinds of natural remedies, rife machine, ect, ect, wanted to avoid antibiotics if we could. We joined a local lyme support group, someone mentioned Allimed, and you know the rest of the story.I had, no, we had 30 years of our life stolen by a disease that I didnt know existed, Allimed changed that. After six months of taking Allimed I have recovered almost completely, I dontt know what you are supposed to feel like at 53 but I had a rebirth. Thank you more than you will ever know. R K


work in progress
N. California
Hi Wayne--

I had never heard of Allimed. VERY EXPENSIVE! (60 caps go for $75). But if it works, then it would be worth it.

Here's more info from the ALLIMED WEBSITE http://www.allimed.us/:

" The use of stabilized allicin, the primary active agent generated by garlic, for general well being is on the increase and its role as an antioxidant has been widely investigated. Stabilized Allicin has been shown to increase Glutathione (6SH).

British scientists have developed a proprietary process through which the naturally occurring allicin in garlic is extracted, stabilized and concentrated. The end result is the extremely potent and effective product: Allimed .

Stabilized allicin is the result of a patented process which produces purified, living-source, completely stable allicin-for the first time in history. Allicin is not garlic - but the fully potent, active factor in concentrated form, never before available. It has broad spectrum, anti-infective properties coupled with strong, immune boosting and immunomodulating capacity. This makes stabilized allicin a highly significant antimicrobial clinical agent, especially in todays world of widespread infections and with the creation of new forms of multi drug resistant super bugs that have emerged due to the overuse of traditional antibiotics.

At last, genuine stabilized allicin provides controlled, gentle, yet exquisitely through biofilm degradation and destruction, critical to overcoming many chronic illnesses, often recalcitrant to many other means. Many doctors have seen miracles for chronic acne, sinusitis, intestinal dysbiosis, prostate bacterial infections, MRSA, H-Pylori, Parasites, Flukes, Pseudomonas, and severe biofilm congestion in many other organs and glands."