Huh. Turns out I can't quote on an ipad SOOO...
place - the list of sups I'm taking/have taken would choke a horse; iodine, selenium, a, d, fclo, p5p, mhtf, microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (mineral supp), tmg, berberine, herbals, homeopathics, on and on. I've narrowed it down to what I listed before, plus fclo when I remember it. Due in August, I'll let you know if P comes out with tentacles or something ;-) (highly unlikely, IMO, all joking aside, I think the risk of NOT addressing methylation issues is more damaging than the sups with which to treat it...$0.02)
Sea - thanks
no diagnosis aside from the old standby-"you're fine, it's all in your head, here, have an antidepressant" <eyeroll>.
I had a massive amount of stress about two years ago-between February and June of '12, I lost a job due to a corporate buyout, got a new job, moved 80 miles, had a boyfriend go from Mr Wonderful to threatening to "relieve" me of my son and "have it out" with me in private, restraining order that was denied because 'military guys don't lie' (ha!), got laid off after three months, and moved (again) over 100 miles, and haven't been well since.
Put on 50 pounds in that same four months, and have been searching answers since. Had a diagnosis of hypopituitarism, which seems to have resolved itself with proper thyroid and b12 supplementation, and ran a 23andme on the spur of the moment for my son and I, and found Freddd and his deadlock quartet, and voila!
(Of course, I'm pretty sure that those four sups are the reason I got pregnant (oops!) but DF and I were pretty tickled about it, so what the heck.) Oi. Life story, sorry.
It's not been all roses, had some pretty bad depression-embarrassingly bad-but it's dissipated for now, hooray for that. I get scalp/neck acne randomly too...hadn't connected it with mthf, but I wonder? Hmm. Re:the heartburn, the alkaseltzer Gold has been awesome-aluminum free, effective, and supplies potassium. It's a little hard to find, but otherwise, a keeper.
Trying to line out the rest of my SNPs and then I can start on my sons, lucky little wart got the best of me and my ex husband, he has a fraction of mine, and it appears nothing mb12 and extra D won't fix.
(Sorry for the novel :-/)