help "re-brand" CFS


Senior Member
Collateral/tshirt/button/bumpersticker for the CFS OUT campaign:


Excellent campaign.

Do you think that "die" could be in red?


Senior Member
I appreciate the way you addressed this issue in the fading blue. Everything you did is so well thought out.

Really, a fantastic campaign!

I still don't know about "some people die from it" but I love "lose your life" majorly :p



is mind blowingly good!



We know people die from it, but others will argue - certainly CFS isn't on anyone's death certificate. Since CFS isn't real and cannot be confirmed in any way. Tha's the only thing that concerns me about actually saying people die from it.

It doesn't worry me about scaring the young ones - heck the young ones know people die from the flu - that's been emphasized enough lately


The removed person looks good.

How about removing one from a group?
A family shot, or a team of some sort, with one person missing.


Senior Member
It could look like it's trying to be scary. But the whole
ad could look like that, so for me it would not detract

My motivation is for people to see it from a distance.
People want to know about (sex and) death more than anything
else, so it will make them curious. I'm imagining subway
ads, pamphlets, internet ads to get variety. It must stick
in people's heads. Or is this too amateur?

Jason et al. 2006 needs to be followed up on. That will
provide better statistics.


Senior Member
For Over the Hills and about posters

Over the Hills, I sent you a private message. Hope you will respond.

For all you activists artists! Great!!!!

Unfortunately the images are too much for my computer....maybe they could get downsized?? Just a humble request. My old computer is not able to get these pages properly now.

Not to throw cold water---I am not the type :p, but about the CFS "you could die from it," Judy Mikovits said in one of her interviews (I can't remember which)
something like "the good news is you don't die from CFS" "the bad news is you don't die from CFS" Something like that -- anyway the medical people may not be able to fully get behind this one??

Keep it up; it is amazing work you are doing!


Senior Member
What is this? I'm not familiar with it.

Somebody will have to dig the paper out. All I have for you now is this description I got from someplace on the web. I can't type more now, but the paper is online.

# In a preliminary attempt to address CFS-related mortality,
# Jason, Corradi, Gress, Williams, and Torres-Harding (2006)
# analyzed a national CFS foundation memorial list
# containing 166 individuals with CFS who had died with this
# illness.... Sixty percent of deaths were due to heart
# failure, suicide, and cancer. Most importantly, the mean
# ages of those dying from heart failure, cancer, and
# suicide were 58.7, 47.8, and 39.3 years, respectively, and
# these ages are considerably lower than of those dying from
# heart failure (83.1), cancer (72.0), and suicide (48.0) in
# the general population.


another genius on board

fresh eyes - you're brilliant! I LOVE IT!

Love the CFS out campaign.

I love the cutouts - mother away from kid + very powerful

Love the ideas of a person either as a cut out and/or fading away from a family, soccer team, work. photo.or video. Like the symmetry of the ad slogan also showing someone fading away.

And the slogan - let's help bring them back.

Love the 'you know someone with CFS'

Love everything!

I got an image of a 'normal' situation of whatever type, then a hand coming down, the index finger and thumb picking up a person by the scruff of the neck and removing them (kicking and screaming??) from their life. I guess the next photo could be of them in bed, or slowly walking a few feet while other people, traffic race by.. When I was in the city and had a day I could try to walk, HATED it when people with walkers and canes and the very elderly would whiz by me. But maybe the hand is too monty pythonish.

Since I first saw parvofighters Some people die from it. Others just lose their lives Ive gone back and forth from loving it, to not being sure about the die.

But, am leaning towards it. Its incredibly powerful. There are some stats on deaths the Jason article, a woman in the UK whose cause of death was ME/CFS (sorry dont have the link).

Youre a genius!

I was thinking that now we need to find sponsors for the ads to run on TV the CAA, the, a UK group. But maybe the internet is enough to get the ball rolling????

Did I say I LOVE IT?????



Senior Member
Some great ideas.

Pre-CFS I worked on some training systems related to affective change (altering people's feeling about things). This is a tough communication challenge. I always tried to start with the final goal, then work backwards to figure out what type of messages will bring them through the necessary steps to change their feelings. Anyway, here are some thoughts about some possible goals, what is it that we want people to 'get' about CFS, maybe others have other goals.

1. Help people relate to how it feels to be taken 'out' of their ordinary lives and put 'into' a prison, a closet. That is CFS.

2. Help people relate to how their being in the prison of CFS would affect their family and friends. This is what it is like to live with someone who has CFS.

3. Help people know what it feels like to be marginalized when you are sick and need help. How it feels when others are in denial that you have a clinical condition, even though nobody needs to 'validate' that CFS is real. CFS was validated in 1989. Help the audience understand how it feels when others disbelieve them and rather than take the time and effort to empathize, deny and make excuses (the medical somatoform belief about CFS is actually excuse-making for not trying to help us).

4. Help them know how it feels to have an illness that nobody really knows how to treat. Despite the hopes for a retroviral explanation, and despite that a few good CFS docs have helped some PWC, real-world CFS cases are hard to treat, we need more help, more support.

Probably there are many ways these types of goals could be addressed in media campaigns.