CFS: Some people die from it.
That would get some people's attention.
Do keep in mind that children develop this disease too, I don't want to scare them. I would have been negatively affected when I was younger if I thought I was going to die. I can cope with harsher realities now but I would not want to put any young sufferer through a tough campaign even if it gets attention, there are other ways. ME is a disease of sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandparents, friends, coworkers, black, white, yellow, rich, poor, religious, atheist, young and old, anyone can abuptly lose their health, their old life and their identity.
I think that CFS rebranding would benefit from local level information dispersal. I don't know if they have them in the state but in our surgeries are stands full of leaflets and posters from charities, the NHS, awareness groups and support groups. I picked up loads since I've been concerned that my father is developing early signs of dementia and there were ones from the PCT (Patient Care Trust, don't ask), memory clinics and the Alzheimers Society. If we could develop a leaflet that had information on what it is, what you can do as a sufferer or a family member/friend and people you can contact it might help change minds locally. I've never seen one for ME and we have a bundle of ME charities, then again I try not to go into my doctors too often.
That's just one idea that could be in an arsenal of many.
Also, while it's good to plan this, when we know how many our numbers will dwindle by due to XMRV (if any) then we can see what we're left with and how to go about this and make some noise. I also believe that Dr Kerr is a horse along with genetic research is a good research avenue to follow in hopes of unravelling the mysterious among us.
I bet there's been fifty posts since I started this post!